I liked this game well enough and got ending A, but I don't feel like playing more of it like people say I have to. I got my satisfaction and my money's worth, so why do my friends insist on me playing through it again and again just to get other endings and say that I "never beat it"? Do your gaming friends have this kind of elitism as well?
I liked this game well enough and got ending A, but I don't feel like playing more of it like people say I have to...
Other urls found in this thread:
You have seen like 20 % of the story
route a and b is essentially the prequel packed into the game
It's not elitism you dumb fuck, you haven't seen 66% of the story yet... and it's one of those rare games that gets better as you make progress within it. (because you start making sense of things and finally realise how it all ties together for Ending E)
So get back to it before you get spoiled.
>I got my satisfaction and my money's worth
Sure. You're a literal retard, but sure.
An alien concept for me.
>Ending E
So I have to play the game 5 times for it to "tie together"? Sounds like bad game design to me.
Theres more actual game. After ending B the game has a second arc that is like a sequel to ending A
No, you have to play the game 1 and a half times. Ending B does require you to do stuff you've already done but there's a little bit of new stuff. Everything else after that is new
Because your friends want to have an actual in-depth conversation with you about the game, and not have to tip-toe around talking about the 60% of it that you missed out on. If you feel you got your money's worth and you're done with it, that's fine, but don't think for a second that it puts you on the same ground as your friends. At least they actually finished the game.
Not sure if bait but whatever. You arent playing the same game over more than one time. If you play on the same file as you used ti finish ending A you start the game from the perspective of 9s. After that the game goes onto ending c d and e which are all completely different and continue the story
No, you play the game once again but shorter and with different moments and revelations and then you play literally the second half of the fucking game, fight two bosses for endings C and D and unlock ending E.
Geez, at least know what you're talking about. Do literally a little tiny bit of research.
You have to beat route A, then route B which is largely the same but with a different character and some new and missing content. Then you get Route C, get one of the two endings, then replay the final boss and go for the other ending which then unlocks the final one, E. The only repeated content is Route B.
"Ending A" is a ruse, you aren't done yet faggot. 2B is not even the main character of the game.
DO NOT start with that ending E shit.
Ending E is a pointless cutscene and an arcade battle. Don't get excited for it. People here will act like it's the most revolutionary piece of art ever made, it's not.
You should play all the routes because they're actually different and fun, not for some ending that you could just look up on youtube anyway. Don't let Sup Forums get your expectations up for ending E like they did for me.
This. I agree fellow PC gamer. Why waste time playing the game when you can just look it up on youtube?
Idiot, I literally just told him that he should play all the routes. Try reading.
It was retarded decision to roll the credits after each part of the story, why not just divide it into different chapters? Also B playthrough was an unnecessary time waster.
100% agreed
Who the fuck plays just to see the ending? Of course the content within the routes is also important. I'm just saying the game progressively builds up to Ending E throughout its entire duration.
You literally get the "sequel" to Ending A if you continue, you're not replaying the same game 5 times, just go finish it before you get spoiled
B Would have been better if it was 100% new content instead of largely being just A with different cutscenes.
The story finishes at Ending E. Finishing at Ending A would be like playing the first couple of chips of your burger meal and saying your full.
>because you start making sense of things and finally realise how it all ties together for Ending E
See this is what people see as "elitism". I fucking love Automata and OP is a retard, but you can't just say shit like that and let it sit there. Nothing "comes together". You're given a little more information, so that you can piece together your own vague meanings, but thats about it. It provides you an opportunity for though, nothing more. Don't act like its some massive revelation. That kind of exaggeration is what ruined ending E for so many people.
I'm not saying "don't play it", I'm saying don't expect ending E to be a groundbreaking modern masterpiece of an artistic achievement the way Sup Forums likes to paint it as.
The game builds up to it during its entire duration though
I'm not saying Ending E is the most important thing in the game, but there's definitely a build up. Otherwise it would just be a dumb ass pull
You signed up for a 5k run and then decided you had finished the race after 1k
It's not that they're elitists OP, it's that you're a normie faggot. How are you enjoying the newest Assassins Creed/Madden/COD?
After seeing the majority of the replies in this thread, it is EXACTLY elitism.
The credits role because that part of the story is "complete"
It would be jarring to beat the first part of the game as 2B then suddenly jump to the beginning as 9S
No, let's be real here, the credits work as a normalfag filter.
>normalfag filter
>SE even tells you to keep playing because it isn't the end
More like mentally handicapped filter that can't process what is written there.
Stop looking for validation on the internet you fucking virgin. If you haven't got ending E then you haven't 'beat' Nier Automata, simple as that.
You don't have to finish all the endings if you don't want to. This is actually Yoko Taro's vision. Just stay in the casual scrub tier forever if you want to.
>I don't think people really have to see all of them, you know? I don't try that hard to make sure they do. I think there's a lot of people who play games nowadays and they don't go all the way through to completion, and you have to accept that as one way that people like to play games. So you'll maybe see one ending and then stop - or some people may not even see one - [and] stop halfway between that. They're all legitimate ways of playing, and I'm quite happy people can play that way. The way that my endings are generally structured in my games [is that they go] from Ending A to Ending E. [The structure] we generally have is each one reveals a new layer of something, or there's something that if you only saw it to the end of here, you'll maybe get one answer; if you move on, you'll see a deeper answer and something different, and [then] move on. For those people who want to go all the way through to the final ending, I then want them to go even further from that and come up with their own ideas. There will be things that they come out with and things that they see there, and I really want them to have that kind of sense of imagination in their minds as well.
Ending A was the happiest ending. I wish I just quit there and missed all the depressing shit that follows.
>Getting shit spoiled and over hyped for you
>Acting surprised
You don't understand.
You didn't "play through and get ending A". This is not your average game; it deliberately plays with concepts like "credits", "endings", "save files" and the fourth wall. There was no other possible ending you could have achieved. You played the 2B segment of the game. Essentially, it's a big chapter. Now there are two other segments/chapters. You may think those two are second or third playthroughs, or New Game Pluses, but they're not. They're the main game. After you load the game, it may appear you're playing the same thing as a different character, but as you actually play you'll quickly realize that isn't the case. The game is playing on your presuppositions and it continues to do so all the way through, until it reaches a climax at the end of the third route.
Think of it like this: in Dark Souls, you ring the bells of awakening, then you venture into another land to get the Lordvessel, then you kill four gods and the final god. What you've done so far is ring the two bells; but just because the game showed you some pretty credits, you assumed that's an "ending" or a "conclusion".
It's fine if you don't want to play more, but you simply cannot say you've "completed it" if you can't even hold a conversation about what happens beyond the part you've played. Not to mention, even if they were all different playthroughs, each one is short as fuck if you discount the side quests.
I would encourage you to continue saying you've got nothing to lose but then I remembered 9S' route between A and C.
I never played a DoD or the nier series, from what I know it could be all shit, but man I love his philosofy
Where should I start the series? from dod1 or from Nier?
Watch DoD 1, 2 and 3 on youtube.
Play Nier, then Nier automata.
Because there is an entire second half to play and everyone and their moms prefer the second part of the game, you have seen nothing.
So how come he only panders to people that actually finish all endings? Like the Automata concerts?
If people don't care enough to finish the game why would they care about anything related to it?
He doesn't pander to anyone.
If you're lazy and only want to play one part of the game, you're allowed to do that with a sense of closure because you see some credits roll by.
If you want to see more, there's another ending to achieve. You can stop there, too.
If you want to see all of it, there's more still.
Fuck the concerts and all of that shit, it's a a Jap thing to have stage shows and Japan-exclusive material.
He's just trying to sound deep by saying all that stuff. The dev's of Spec Ops The Line used to say the exact same thing: "you can just choose to quit the game whenever you want, and thats a perfectly viable option." I like Spec Ops and I love Automata, but in regards to both games, that is bullshit.
>If you're lazy and only want to play one part of the game, you're allowed to do that with a sense of closure because you see some credits roll by.
But by that logic why not have the credits roll at every loading screen. I'm sure there were some people who wanted to quite mid-route, right Taro san?
> trying to sound deep
Why do you underage have to sound like idiots.
you literally did not beat it, doesn't matter where you arbitrarily decide to stop
There wasn't that many loading screens
>But by that logic why not have the credits roll at every loading screen.
Because that wouldn't be the same "logic", you are confusing logic with "logic fallacy".
>Why do you underage have to sound like idiots.
"He's trying to bolster his perceived philosophical value by perpetuating terminological inexactitudes."
There, is your autism satiated now?
Yea, it's not elitism, you literally have NOT beaten the game. If you're fine with only playing the intro of a song before the first verse comes in then sure, that's all you.
I think it's saying something different.
If you want the bare minimum to say youfinished the game, finish ending A, it's a complete story.
If you want to go deep into it, do the B-E thingie
>saying you accept that some people will be too retarded to finish your game is "trying to sound deep"
get out underge
>He doesn't pander to anyone.
Yes he clearly does if you take the stuff he said earlier to light. Post-Ending E stuff is entirely irrelevent to Nier Automata and only exists to pander to people that actually finished the game. Do you think the Voice Actors reading out the post-Ending E script in the concert hall was just some shitty sidematerial?
>You have to play a game over and over to "get it"
>Beating it once was only the beginning
You waifu fags need serious help.
pandering to people who play your game... in your game... by saying "thanks for playing our game"
how horrific
>philosophical value
It's just a fucking personal direction style, and he's explain one of the reasons he prefer that kind of direction.
>making contents set after the game is pandering.
Holy fucking shit.
It's just more layers on top. Why rehash
The subsequent playthroughs are literally new content you mongoloid
>Beating it once was only the beginning
It's not really beat if it didn't end. If the first save point in a game threw the credits at you, would you stop playing?
This thread has tons of posts that EXPLICITLY say that there is a whole second half of game after that.
Yet you are still writing "play over and over to "get it".
Why do you feel the need to embarrass yourself so hard.
Nice. I couldn't let that go unnoticed.
OP is actually fully aware that ending A isn't the entire game and is just baiting hard. He's probably the biggest 2Buttfag around and has beaten the entire game from A to Z multiple times.
The game is divided in 3 chapters.
You just finished chapter 1/route A
Chapter 1 and 2 is the same however theres new cutscenes,gameplay section and sidequests in chapter 2, it also faster than the first time around since you keep your items and levels while the enemies stays the same.
Now go complete the game, you only finished 30% of it.
Godamnit accidently deleted, chapter 3 is entirely new content, new main story, new cutscenes,new gameplay and theres 3-4hours of new content. Definitly worth playing trough its also the best chapter of the game so if you liked the first chapter Route A then you will love this one.
OP, you are a freaking dumbass, but look at the bright side, if you already got your satisfaction and your money's worth with just Route A you will love the third and final part of the game. Be grateful that your friends are "elitits" (= know what they are talking bout).
I'm the the biggest 2Buttfag around, OP can take the second place if he wants.
Prove it gaylord.
>playing through it again and again just to get other endings and say that I "never beat it"?
The game does not require for you to beat it "again and again", there is one part where you play a samey part as 9S, and that is it, the rest is something else, and you basically just played a 4th of a pretty linear game, because 2Bs story is just the first act, and your post reeks of very bad bait.
its not about seeing more endings, you've only played half the damn game
protip, you can safely ignore anyone telling you to read/watch an LP
Automata having "routes" was supremely pointless. They're basically glorified chapter breaks.
The only Taro game that did alt routes correctly was Drakengard 1.
Man, I really like this narrative structure and direction style, but Route C should have really been just called "Chapter 2" to not confuse new people, they hear "Route" and think that it's just an alternative playthrough.
> correctly
It was a fucking pain in the ass.
lol how? Unless you're talking about getting to Ending E. They're done best in DoD1 because they each offer entirely unique experiences instead of pretending to not be a linear story.
This an actual Route A / B, Route (alternative endings) C/D division, the problem is that Route C is chapter 2 and Route E is final chapter.
Do you watch a play and leave at the intermission?
The only true branching path in Automata is the tail end of C/D. A/B are just two sides of the same plotline.
>Unless you're talking about getting to Ending E.
Yep. I still have PTSD because of that.
> A/B are just two sides of the same plotline.
Yeah, but Route is still the correct term in that case, calling that chapter wouldn't make sense.
Does any of this look familiar?
Do you think you beat the game?
Fucking hell why do I keep doing this
I really enjoyed First Assembly
I agree with this, except for the vague meaning bit. The plot is pretty transparent from start to finish and if you expect any sort of depth from it, you will be sorely disappointed. I don't know what makes people think there's any added depth to route B+C other than having things spelled out for them and you have to be seriously sheltered not to have figured any of that stuff out by then.
There were a fucktons of vague things that makes sense only after finishing the game.
2B that looks ok with her squad getting wiped out but she looks more emotional towards 9S even when they just met, how strangely they acted during the strangulation in route A and how strangely it was directed in general, how 2B reacted in the ending of route A which looked too over the top for their usual reaction , how strongly 9s react in route C but is completely cold towards destroying 2B clones, the fact that those 2B clones were in the ark in the first place, and in general what was going on behind the scene of the machines and androids is so "trasparent" that people still make threads about it because they didn't even followed it very well.
You really sound like one of those kids who think that perceive that there is something strange or off means having understood everything.
And as another user said, Ending E is the THEMATIC climax of the game.
But, yeah, you had understood everything since route A.
Someone should include the concert stuff into that image (that clearly follows Ending C)
It's really not that hard when you're used to story telling in general. If you've read many books, watched lots of movies and played many games, none of this is hard to get from the "vague hints". It's no great accomplishment at all and does not make me some special snowflake.
My disappointment is mainly because of some red herrings here and there that hinted at some bigger or deeper plot but as I finished the game there was nothing more to it than what I could already gleam from the start. Yet it's touted as some kind of masterpiece of storytelling and depth when it's actually really damn simple and never breaks beyond some of the most "safe" scifi cliches and themes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally fine with that. I had fun and enjoyed the ride. Just dislike it how retards try to make the plot and characterization seem bigger than it is.
It kind of is a dumb ass pull anyway.
Because after route B (basically replaying the game as 9S) you get to see the last third of the game, everything after B is new content.
A thing i noticed with automata is that i asked a lot of people why they liked automata and they could never really give me an actual answer, all they gave was some vague shit about either how deep the game is or how i had to try it to feel what they mean.
You sound mad my dude
>another load of generic boast.
Kid, learn that it doesn't and can't mean shit, it just make it looks like you are trying too hard to save face. Even the most brainless idiot can boast like you are doing, and they usually do exactly like that.
> nothing more to it than what I could already gleam from the start
Yes, as I said, your "gleams" aren't "understand what was going on". The game goes much more than death than it looked like in route A, "but there were gleam in route A", just means that they weren't a series of asspulls.
>My disappointment is mainly because of some red herrings here and there that hinted at some bigger or deeper plot
Such as? And the more you wrote, the more it sounds you don't understand at you got at all.
No, "b-b-but I read books!" is not enough to give a different vibe.
> Just dislike it how retards try to make the plot and characterization seem bigger than it is.
It was much bigger than it looked in Route A. That's a simple fact.
much more in depth* than it looked like in route A