I decided that leveling in Sapphire fucking sucked and look what happened:

I decided that leveling in Sapphire fucking sucked and look what happened:


>what is the chance of pelipper holding lucky egg in original ruby and sapphire
>in reality: Nintendo makes "omega ruby" and "alpha sapphire" and no one fucking knew they made them

>4 hours of 8x game speed hunting for 1/150 spawn chance pelippers
>catch 27 pelippers in what would be 32 hours real time
>go back on internet
>yahoo answers says you can't get any exp boosters in sapphire because chansey doesn't spawn

I'm fucking stupid. Thought I'd share.

>original ruby and sapphire



What are you even trying to say

What the fuck do I do with 27 pelippers? That's 40k in ultra balls, nearly a fifth of the money you get from every trainer in game.


I tried to get lucky egg for exp increase, but I was trying to get it on the wrong game because kids these days use so many fucking acronyms. That item isn't even in this game.

this post reads like it was generated by a poorly constructed A.I. learning at a snail's pace by downloading every GameFAQ thread and adding a dash of retardation.

If I'm right, there's actually nobody this stupid on the planet, in addition we can feel much more secure that computers won't take over civilization in our lifetime.

God I hope I'm right.

How the fuck did you not know about ORAS

I just mixed up alpha sapphire with GBA sapphire. This can't even be uncommon because heartgold and soulsilver information also seem to merge and meld with the GBC games all over the internet.
Maybe they should invent new colors or stop the remakes.

Now what the fuck do I do with 27 pellipers? They aren't common. This was 4-6000 encounters with spawn ranges of 1/150 to 1/250.

The same reason I'm playing a 15 year old game, I gave up after gen 3.

Fuck me this is pure autism


So this is the power of sub 80 IQ


You got me to reply at least.
I'm not even sure what I want to say, but I just had to give you your (you).

Give it a rest

No, dude, sub 80 is me not using 8x game speed and actually spending 32 hours doing this shit.

No, he's right.

>"I've never gotten bad information about a pokemon game on the internet"

You guys know that people actually hunt for shiny pokemon right? This is just worth a laugh considering the 10 days of flat 15 hour grinding it takes to get one to pop.
I'm not mad, just confused, I was wrapping up the game after starting it anew at this time last night.

You're playing an emulator with increased speed. What the fuck do you need a lucky egg for? Increase the speed to max, set a turbo button, and grind wild pokemon.

No i ment also know this shit
But also the way you have talked in this thread is a givaway. He'll, thinking this thread was a good idea is something an autist would think.
You're a little autistic freak OP

it's obvious, you take them and beat the game.

Why the fuck would you catch a pokemon for it's hold item? Just use thief on wild pokemon until you get what you need. That's way easier than grinding out catching multiples of anything.

saving this b8 for later
im really glad how retards contribute to this board

>in reality: Nintendo makes "omega ruby" and "alpha sapphire" and no one fucking knew they made them

pure, unbridled autism

What the fuck is even being said here?

I didn't have a problem understanding the OP, although I understand why his bizarre usage of greentexting would confuse people.

So you thought ORAS stood for Original Sapphire? That doesn't even make fucking sense. How does that acronym even work?
(O)(R)igin(A)l (S)apphire? What the fuck?

>Doesn't know there's a remake
>Specifically thinks ORAS refers to "original"

>grinding in a single-player game

He's retarded, but you're even more retarded for not seeing that he thought it meant (O)riginal (R)uby (A)nd (S)apphire.
Of course, why you would think you need to specify "original" when you didn't know there were remakes I wouldn't know.
This thread is probably a lie.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

This. I smell someone pretending to be retarded

>Of course why would you think you need to specify "original" when you didn't know there were remakes
Never even noticed that. Guess OP is a faggot. Also if you're emulating you might as well GS the fucking Lucky Egg into the game anyways.


No I just finished, game over, battle tower has level limits 50/70 and grinding to 70 at 1k exp per battle will take 8-10 hours at 8x speed per pokemon. Why are you guys still here.

Kadabra had thief.

I tried to GS my yu gi oh UM2006 file once when I got sick of fucking slapping battery man for dp to buy packs, after 400 wins I set a dp code that was simply a file delete for intentionally busting cheaters. Killed about 200 hours. I don't use it anymore and that was the first one I tried.