Post enemies that unnerve you

Post enemies that unnerve you

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>When you hear one of those fuckers howling but you can't even see it yet


Little ones need lots of meat to grow big and strong.

explosive weapon spam is the way to go


If you post peanus weanus, I will kill you in your sleep tonight.


My penus wenus of course haha ;)

Probably my favorite moment in the game






peanus weanus haha

Fuck I hated that place

seeing these fuckers crawl towards you is unsettling as all get out


>No dog head
Lame-o daddio

This big guy


Fore thou


the Madmen in Bloodborne

>1 hits you after dashing across a big room almost instantly

>REEEEEEs at you

The fact that he regenerates.

>the sounds it makes


That's actually what made DS series tolerable for me. Every spooks are preceded by howling noise or metal rattling, preparing me for it.

I couldn't even finish action game like F.E.A.R yet finished every Dead Space main games.

Sent ;)

Hahaha, the thumbnail looks like it has the face of that "IT'S NOT FAIR BROS" meme.


Any horror game enemy that was clearly human at one point and is mutated and suffering

>Avarage lefacebookfrog and lefeelsguy poster


I thought it was old super saiyan goku in a dress

>Knockoff Pyramid Head.

>any enemy with an object head is a pyramid head ripoff

>make a monster that has its brain on the outside of its skull
Who at Umbrella thought this was a good idea?

what is that gay looking shit

*muffled tiger bellows in the distance*

>puts in freezer


haha! :D

But F.E.A.R does a really obvious light flicker effect every single time something spooky happens.


Archviles in doom2 fuck my shit up its like they are fucking invincible or something, teleport, and raise hellfire on you. Theres one part in the game where it goes silent then you have to fight 2 at once, its completely fucked.

Nobody. Lickers were just a mutation of the standard zombie the same way a Crimson Head was. They aren't like Hunters or Tyrants which are desired BOWs.

It wasn't until 5 that Tricell decided "Hey, let's revisit that shit but cover up their noodles"

>object on head
>hulking in comparison to MC
>wearing an apron
>is a symbolic manifestation of another character's past
It's Pyramid head.

I love this game but fuck this guy and his bzzt.

>hide my gravelord sign in a deep pit halfway through the area
>go afk for hours

I hope I made this place unplayable for at least one or two people.

Dinosaurs had feathers and were closer to birds, barely anything like reptiles. Deal with it.

Love these guys. First saw them in Mandalore's review of DS2 and it made me dig through my Steam library and play it immediately. I fucking love enemies that use pack tactics and work as a group. They're fucking corpse-raptors and they're creepy as fuck, very unnerving when you first hear them, and see them poking around corners to bait you into wasting ammo before screeching as they rush you while you're distracted

I wish Soma waa more of a"game" you know? Their enemies are so fucked up to look at but when all you do against them is hide behind a bit of wall until they get out of the way, they stop being scary by the third time they kill you. Even if there was an ineffectual attack button for me to hammer in panic, it would make the game so much scarier.

Shut up stupid fucking soyboy eurocuck liberal kike faggot

Never understood why people have problems (either gameplay or psychological.)
They always seemed like the least interesting of the necromorphs, there were just fast charge-y monsters.

There's also the issue of prototypes.
The Tyrant in the first game had an exposed heart, but subsequent models, Mr. X and Nemesis had that issue fixed.

What's even sillier is how pointless that 'death' system in that game is. You basically get 1-2 free shots before you die, anyway. Just always feels like they find me regardless of how stealthily i sneak by.

Also, FUCK that monster in the last station, the one in the abyss you HAVE to run from (can't remember the station name, iirc it's where you find the ark)

>[muffled scream]

No, they were fast charge-y monsters who exclusively hunt in packs of at least three every time you encounter them, and if you don't dispatch them before their charges reaches you that's pretty much it, you're usually dead. This is after they dance around in the shadows making their creepy calls to disorient and distract you and popping out of cover momentarily to bait you into wasting ammo. It's a fucking crime that there aren't more enemies like these guys in video games. They're creepy raptors made out of corpses and they're a very effective enemy in terms of atmosphere and engagement.

The facts don't care about your nostalgic headcannon bullshit. Just because we discover something new that changes what we thought and you don't like what's now considered fact doesn't mean you get to plug your ears and pretend it's not true. Start living in the real world.

>One of these, sometimes multiple come running at you in a darkened subway, can barely see with your flashlight
>Some you can't even see until they are right up on you about to fuck you in your butt
>When they come running they scream like a banshee
Fuck that shit nigga I'm out
PE2 was pretty freaky at times. Might not have been as tight as the original, but still pretty fun and scary.

>Someone else played Bullet Witch

Holy frijoles. I thought I was alone.


First time I played it those fuckers scared the shit out of me

Pretty much all of the monsters in that game were creepy, especially their origins. Even some of the new entries for the sequel were creepy. Too bad the rest of the sequel as shit and ruined the whole mysterious nature of the monsters.

raptors and 1 small asian t rex actually have proof you retard. There is no proof of any others


I would always send other people in my tribe into the swamps or ocean for gathering and building because I was always too afraid to deal with that shit myself

He's not inherently scary but when he's chasing you and you're desperately trying to run away it can make for some tense moments.

We have genetic proof that birds are closely related to dinosaurs and keep finding more and more fossils that point towards them having early proto plumage, pointing more and more towards them likely acting and living like primitive birds. Where's all the proof they are big scaly lizards that look just like a skeleton with skin stretched over it? I know you loved Jurassic Park growing up but it was a work of pure fiction and you need to wake up. The dinosaurs you want might as well be dragons in terms of realistic deceptions of animals.

This glitch isn't nor will it ever be scary. Oh fucking no the character creator fucked up and now my guy looks like a skull made of hair. Terrifying.

I've been playing solo. Trying to get through the game to cross it off. Those fucking things... Oh dear lord. They lunge straight across the map, and if they hit you they clip into you. And they knock you back, but because they're clipped into you they go with you. And so getting hit basically means you're fucking dead.


Why on earth would you play ARK solo?

The levels where he's totally relentless and you're trying to get through with zero detections are pretty scary

And there's one more difficulty setting after that

I do sometimes wonder if people like you have some kind of mental disorder, where things that freak most people out on a kind of primal level have no effect on you at all.
There should be no way to look at that without your brain just rejecting it as anything other than horrific.

I assume it's how we end up with morticians.


Basic strategy I've found that works, though? Early on, since farming the swamp rim is so lucrative, just rain arrows on them to clean them up. Be careful not to get too low or they'll do the lunge and your day will go to shit.

Survival game mood. Using the default singleplayer setting that has dino levels capped at like 30. It's a slow grind. Very slow.

Plenty of people can see shit like that and not be scared. Doesn't have to be some kind of mental disorder.

You're right, that is a disorder. It's usually referred to as "psychopathy".

You never changed the gathering rates or node health? The reason the grind is so slow is because you're not compensating for the fact that you're playing it solo.

Fuckin this.

Pikmin was quirky and weird game.
Then you enter motherfuckers lair, hear his theme and proceed to run for your life

wip wip wip wip




How about the Regis Licker from RE Outbreak?

Well it's more like all the cool dinosaurs got wiped the fuck out and our modern day birds descend from the smaller, wimpier dinosaurs that managed to survive by being cowards.They were never kangs but they are related

they're so low that they hide in the grass and by the time you hear them they're within leaping distance practically. it's just not right...


Not only do they look disgusting, they can attack all directions and that fast jump attack forward caught me off guard so many times. Also the castle courtyard is filled with them so high chance of aggroing multiples when trying to dodge the fucking jumps. Also can spawn into already cleared rooms in chalice dungeons which spooked me good

>get into this things lair
>activate it
>it kills most of my pikmin instantly since i didnt know what to do

These were scary until using stasis on them, then they become the funniest survival horror enemy ever.

There probably is something wrong with him desu. That face sends a chill down my spine every time I see it and I've seen it like a hundred times.


>can hear their breathing
>can't see them
