Mega Man creator says modern games are boring. Do you agree?

Mega Man creator says modern games are boring. Do you agree?

>I don’t want to say too much negative, but I don't feel a surprise or excitement in recent video games.

I couldn't say, I hardly play vidya anymore.


Why you still here?

>old man yells at clouds

>Kenji Inafune

Few have fallen from grace as hard as this guy. Even Itigaki knew when to quit.

I'm hoping you posted this just to be retarded intentionally.

That's Akira Kitamura, you silly goose.

Games used to be about fun. Now that's a buzzword and graphics/epeen are more important.

Wonder how he thinks about Roll being sexualized. The Inti-Creates staff seemed to be a bunch of pedos who wanted to dick Roll. Wonder if the other Mega Man staff are like that.

Absolutely not. Roll was on screen for about 3 seconds in MM1 and then wasn't featured at all in the next few games. She's barely even a real character.


her inclusion seemed weird, but then it turns out they had bigger plans. Original ideas included her being kidnapped and had to be rescued, and one of the bosses being a large Roll statue that breathed fire. The idea of a giant boss version of a character lived on in the Guts tank.

Because everybody remembered Gutsman and Roll was a nobody. Stop posting Roll, like, forever.

>Kenji Inafune
>creator of Megaman
Oh, you sweet /summer/ child

He's just a (yous) collector.

>Stop posting Roll, like, forever.


What are you some kind of faggot?

You're a pedophile and don't care about the games. Post some robot masters instead, this thread needs them badly.

I'm a pedophile AND I care about the games. :)

but old megaman was pretty much straight forward shit. The hardest part was pretty much no save. I think it's megaman 2 or 3 that require you to take down "password" to continue. What is he even complaining about?

>Can pick which order to do the stages in
>Multiple weapons/sub-items to change how you play the game

>but old megaman was pretty much straight forward shit.

At the time it was revolutionary. Using backgrounds to create giant enemies like Yellow Devil or Guts Tank was revolutionary and set Mega man apart from the competition.


I think there are plenty of good games still but if you're talking about from an innovation standpoint we haven't had any real revolutions in a long time, even on a superficial level derived from story elements.