So if Net Neutrality gets repealed, what will this mean for PC gaming? Would Steam fold...

So if Net Neutrality gets repealed, what will this mean for PC gaming? Would Steam fold? Would indie developers evaporate?

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lol amerifag

Reddit gets even more buttmad and censored and that's fine with me.

Yes, all of those business will literally go out bankrupt instantly and Drumpf will retweet videos of their workers' families crying as they starve to death

If America sneezes the world catches the cold.

I don't know where you live that ISPs aren't a bunch of greedy fucks eager to see how this thing plays out.

pay here, pay there, pay everywhere

pay up, sucker, and welcome to the USA.

It would mean gamers would need to pay for a gaming package to allow them to download games from Steam and connect to multiplayer on Steam. And for only $1.99 extra per month you can get access to popular gaming websites such as Sup Forums, reddit, and

It's only America, so it doesn't really matter.

A real country would never do anything like this.

Fuck that's pretty hot.

And America is just a municipality of Israel. Completely irrelevant what happens there.

>implying ISPs wouldn't just block Sup Forums outright

>It's only America, so it doesn't really matter.
America makes up a significant portion of games sales for pretty much every game on Steam.
It's easily one of the largest countries for PC gaming.

This is only in America, which is about as relevant as Uzbekistan.

>seeing commie tears flow
I hope this shit happens soon.

Steam has existed longer with no net neutrality rules in place than with them.

So is China.

No steam will stay open and you will keep paying for your games OP. Now last I checked I didnt give you permission for internet time. Now get back to the basement and chain yourself up or I'll get the whip out. Maybe if you bought skins you wouldn't be in this situation but you didn't.

Net Neutrality is a joke. And even if I'm wrong, I will enjoy being free from the internet.

>state of contrarianism on Sup Forums is so bad that people are unironically defending the repeal of NN to look more edgy and sophisticated

No, not really, China and Russia are only a significant portion for a select few games (usually F2P games or PUBG/CSGO).
Pretty much everything else, especially AA and AAA games, is skewed heavily towards the US.

Americans are so fucking dumb. I live in a country without net neutrality and it’s nothing like what you morons think. It only affects a very small amount of popular sites or sites regarding other ISPs. Otherwise, it doesn’t do shit. There’s no slowdown for shit like Sup Forums or vidya and there’s no shutdown of sites or companies

t. communist scum
Back to plebbit with you

>If America sneezes the world catches the cold
lol no

You underestimate how much big-time ISPs here are willing to squeeze every last cent out of their customers. Especially with the government the way it is currently, they'll basically be able to get away with whatever they want in terms of taking money from people.

The thing is about a dumb person, is that they don't know they're dumb, and telling them that they're dumb will make them beat their chests like a gorilla.

Losing net neutrality does kind of suck, but we mostly live in a free market. If your ISP charges you extra for normally free services or does some greedy nickel and dime bullshit (comcast will do this for sure), drop them and find a different ISP that doesn't.

Smaller, lesser known ISPs probably won't do that kind of thing to make them a more appealing option than the big mainstream ones.

>If America sneezes the world catches the cold.
Those times are long gone now.

>haha, yeah, eat shit libcucks
>now scuse me while i choke on this corporate cock

>this is what Americans actually believe

Propaganda doesn't equate to reality, user

PC Master Race would now need to pay a monthly online fee or they get throttled when they try to download and play video games.

Most people aren't against NN so much as they are the way it's been implemented.

Rather than giving the FCC more power, they should break up the monopolies so people actually have more than one ISP to choose from in their area. If there were real competition among ISPs then any ISP that implemented throttling and data caps would instantly lose customers.

smaller, less known ISPs can't enter the market because the infrastructure isn't a public utility and they don't have the funds to create new lines. look at how fucking hard it's been for google to do it, who are one of the strongest organizations on earth

>find another ISP
>in America

Three companies are your choices and they'll all pull the same shit

You fucking can't
Unless you live in a huge city, you get to choose from around two or three massive ones

This. Also the government crushes any new competition to those ISPs.

Yeah but this doesn't work for a fuck ton of people. Where my family lives, there is exactly one ISP that even has the infrastructure to provide dl speeds > 15mps

That means that no matter the scummy shit their provider does, they have no real choice. What are they gonna do, go to a rinky-dink smaller company, get 1/10 the speed?

Why would this be an exclusively pc thing? It would affect everyone with any device that connects to the internet.

That and any future NN should be implemented by elected officials, not unaccountable appointed bureaucrats.
Having the FCC handle NN in the first place created this problem where just 5 unelected people can vote to repeal it at any time.

Hopefully DRM free games and physical copies with everything on disc.

And console pissants would need to pay all of that on top of their premium subscription. Check mate atheists.

The entire argument for NN is retarded, everyone says bullshit about how companies will start selling off slices of the internet at different rates (if they did do that it'd actually be cheaper for the average person) which is retarded because they weren't doing that back in 2014. But the laws for NN have basically institutionalized the various ISP's when in reality we should be revoking a ton of internet laws to remove the bureaucracy and let other companies and towns create their own ISP's to compete with the larger corporations.

Why do none of you know what communism means?

Hardly. Europe and Asia is distancing themselves from the US more and more. We've never depended on your shit as much as you seem to believe.

That's why I said "mostly live in a free market". I know the pains of living in a rural area and having just two ISP options.

Hopefully these new FCC changes will help prevent that, but no guarantees.

Comcast has already announced they plan on fast lanes as soon as NN is repealed.

You're either brainwashed or naive if you don't think all the big ISPs are salivating at how much they can nickel and dime America.

the arguments about NN and about ISP monopolies are different.

Also there's tons of evidence of ISP doing really shady shit prior to NN

>(if they did do that it'd actually be cheaper for the average person)
No it wouldn't actually.
>which is retarded because they weren't doing that back in 2014

>If net neutrality passes then all the steamkeks will die
Kind of want NN to pass now 2bh

>Anyone in the Republican party
>acting AGAINST big business

the only reason the time warner merger failed was Trump's hateboner for CNN.

>if I cut off my nose, my face'll be really mad at me!
This is the state of Sup Forums today

That'll be another $20/mo for every 1MB/s of speed you want friendo

>removed a section of their website.

Comcast is basically satan but I don't give a fuck. Government oversight is always bullshit that makes everything more expensive. If I had it my way every single social program, industrial regulation, and non-utility regulation to be repealed.

If you want actual net neutrality make it a utility otherwise fuck off with government interventions.

I'm not a burger and I barely use Steam though

>make it an actual utility

That's literally what NN does right now. It makes it a utility like the phone lines.

>If I had it my way every single social program, industrial regulation, and non-utility regulation to be repealed.
You played your hand too hard, baitmaster. Now the only people who will respond are trolls and redditors.

>streamers BTFO
>stream addicts BTFO
>50GB uncompressed downloads BTFO
This is literally the best thing that could happen to gaming.

welcome to 2016 onwards

this 100%
industries have proven time and time again that they know how to regulate themselves. Industries do the right thing, act the right way, and don't do anything immoral or dangerous just to save money.
Without regulation, all companies would be totally honest, fair, and safe, all the time. I think they've proven that to us by now.

You have to REALLY be out of touch with the real world to think that some things that happen in the US don't directly affect other countries.

To back you up, it makes sense that it's a utility because public tax funds paid for laying down the physical lines for the internet.

In otherwords what's happening with net neutrality is,
We've been paying taxes the past 20 years to get the internet setup

And now Telecomm giants are saying, "Thanks for doing the work babe I'll take this now", while slapping you on that ass they're about to fuck.

Nothing. Valve isn't a beneficiary of NN.

De-regulation tends to help smaller business get a start. Most of the time, excessive regulation prevents business from starting because only the established ones have the resources to meet those regulations.


He doesn't actually think that

He's just making stupid arguments to make you waste your breath and get frustrated. E.g. "trolling"

Stop feeding the trolls friendo

You're partially correct that FCC regulations is stopping newer ISPs from laying down wires, but the repeal is going to do nothing to fix the federally-enforced oligopoly the US internet is suffering from now. In fact, it might make the situation worse.

>industries have proven time and time again that they know how to regulate themselves.
Okay... so are you 6 years old or just too stupid to remember the 80s?

It's about actual free market not the bullshit we currently have where taxpayers subsidize everything then companies get to run and own it to actively crush any chance of competition and then if those companies ever start to fail they get massive bailouts because the existing system means that they are the only horse in the race.

That and removing all of the bullshit in politics of everyone having money coming in from one company or another as "donations"

I hate that we live in times where I'm not entirely sure that post was sarcasm.


>it might make the situation worse.
You can't make "you're only allowed to choose between 1 ISP" worse. That is as bad as it can get.

>That and removing all of the bullshit in politics of everyone having money coming in from one company or another as "donations"

The citizens united decision made that possible.

And with the administration stacking as many pro-corporate judges as it possibly can, it's not going anywhere any time soon.

>So if Net Neutrality gets repealed, what will this mean for PC gaming?
Absolutely nothing.

Are you falling for the bait or is this a bold new plan wherein you pretend to be an oblivious retard

There isn't an equivalent of NN in most countries, and it's absolutely fine.

We're like everyone else, we pay a monthly fee and we have access to the Internet.
That's it.

It means you can have dedicated low-latency lanes for video gaming.

Gaming is low latency, low bandwith realtime application. Netflix is high bandwith, latency irrelevent dumb shit.

It can be made worse if the one ISP you have gets the go-ahead to shunt in a """high-speed""" package into its internet deals that strangles everyone that doesn't pay extra, and it can be made even worse than that if they decide to work that """high-speed""" package only for certain websites (read: websites they own).

ISPs could block Sup Forums today if they wanted. NN has nothing to do with it.

You fucking imbecile, we didn't have Netflix Neutrality for decades and things were fine. In fact, there has been increasing amounts of censorship of opinions ever since it was implemented. Why? Because they were confident that they could use the government to silence any would-be competitors with increasing amounts of "regulation".

You're dumb as fuck. Gaming is low bandwith. Internet speed doesn't matter, only latency matters.

>we didn't have Netflix Neutrality for decades and things were fine.
and fuck off you fucktard shill.

>It can be made worse if the one ISP you have gets the go-ahead to shunt in a """high-speed""" package into its internet deals that strangles everyone that doesn't pay extra, and it can be made even worse than that if they decide to work that """high-speed""" package only for certain websites (read: websites they own).
lol good joke. The 1 ISP allowed areas of USA don't have what is called "high speed" internet. How can you have a high speed package when your Internet is fucking slow to begin with, huh? Don't worry, your Internet will not get magic high speed packages, you'll just get the same shit service as you always have.

You still have to download the games/patches you dumbfuck.
I can only imagine how awful this shit would be for the faggots that still play MMOs.