Holy fuck.. this is absoulutely amazing. How excitied are my /xbros/

Holy fuck.. this is absoulutely amazing. How excitied are my /xbros/

A fucking indie developer can make a better game for us than Microsoft can.


sorry but I don't play normie memegames
take your pubg discussion to reddit where people will care

>console shits ruin another game

Why are sonybros so upset?

Can’t wait for it OP

>Can't run at 60 fps on PC
>It will on Xmeme X

>Xbox is synonymous with gaming
I don't think I know anyone that plays Xbox. Is it because I'm 28 and I'm not the right demographic? Or do I just not have enough friends?

Have fun with our shovelware

i am so irrationally upset over this

>better than best Horizon

>I'm 28 and I'm not the right demographic
yes all the mature people like you play on the Soystation and enjoy gender neutral games like last of us 2

>blatant shilling still isn't a bannable offense

It was already ruined when Blackhole let the Chinese take over.

So is that a no? I like how you assume I'm a Sony fan. Like I'd give a shit about your pathetic console wars.

Im earnestly wondering, I haven't hear anything about it this generation, I don't even know what exclusives you boys have got.

This thread was created to rile people up. It's clearly not shilling.
The guy advertising the game he made and replying to his own thread about how good it is, is shilling.
Learn the difference.

You think we'll get a Switch port? It would be great to play on the go.

Yeah seriously. I don't know why anyone believes any of the crap that comes out of PlayerUnknown's mouth anymore.

>This thread was created to rile people up.
Thats 95% of threads on Sup Forums yet people still havent figured it out yet.

Ahem, Forza Horizon is a multiplatform series which is also available for PC. It is not an Xbox exclusive.

Gears of War and Halo are also multiplatform now since Microsoft were retarded enough to release them on PC too, thus fucking themselves over. Xbox has no exclusives left.

just the comfiest game of this gen so far

i play it on pc tho bcs im no stupid xbot

>game runs like shit on modern pc hardware

>runs silky smooth on new xbox

the fuck.

Ahem, where was Xbox mentioned in this post? He said Microsoft and Horizon is a Microsoft game, dumbass.

most popular boards have been like this for years now. newfags can't spot bait. why are rebbitors so fucking gullible?