One game gets two top 10 spots

>one game gets two top 10 spots

is this.. dare I say it.. GOTY?

Other urls found in this thread:

arma 3 has better controls and mechanics, it needs to decide if it wants to be arcadey or realistic. right now it straddles the fence uncomfortably

>military autism simulator
>better controls

Lel no.


>ARK that high
I refuse to believe this.

>arma 3 has better controls
Fucking god no.
Especially not with the vaulting in PUBG.

is this dare i say it from reddit?

if youre chinese i guess

is OP dare I say it a faggot?

this haha

Howcome fortnite isn't on there? Is it because its early access?

>tf2 bleeding players
A bright sign

>is this.. dare I say it.. GOTY?
Nah it's fucking gay bro

i've never had the desire to play this game
why do so many people play it? i honestly don't see the appeal

the only good game on there is siege

Nope it's janky amateur asset store shit cobbled together with stock UE blueprints
How it got popular is beyond me since it's not a good or solid game by any stretch of the imagination
not on steam
>vaulting in PUBG.
this will be a hilarious failure because of how they are trying to retrofit it onto the game with all the inconsistent ridiculous collision meshes for objects

>this will be a hilarious failure
It's already in the test server and works fine for the most part.
They still haven't added that roll they said they were adding.

It appeals to dumb ego obsessed normies, of course its goty.

I'm so sick of hearing about PUBG. It just looks so boring to me, and all is fame is coming from like 7-10 streamers who are ex counter strike pro players. They get like 85% of the viewers on Twitch, also what's fun about watching a guy camp or sit in a house for 20 minutes? I know they keep adding features to the game but it still looks so boring.

Also damn did Warframe make a come back? It's almost in the top five.

>almost everyone playing 5-10 year old meme games or PUBG
But I thought PC gaymers had taste?

>10 year old game beating pubg

As someone who has never felt a remote urge to play pubg, what the hell is so good about it? It just seems like a stream bait game where you throw 100 retards together that will camp 95% of the time.

controls are fine in arma. just because it's not as spastic as doom or cs doesn't nullify the capability of the controls. incremental stance adjustment was a huge step up since arma 2 and should be an industry standard in realistic shooters by now. vaulting was always shit, i'll admit, and a straight up dedicated jump button is a boon in pubg. however, pubg lacks the stamina feature, which means that sprinting and jumping around like a fucking retard until you make hard contact, and then just spinning around to make perfectly accurate return fire is absolute top-tier bullshit. running around should be costly and a last resort, not normal movement.

besides, arma is hardly military autism. there might be too many buttons for someone like yourself to handle, but it is still fairly simple in every aspect besides infantry combat. and even then, the lethality of firearms was massively reduced from arma 2 to 3, shrugging off 3+ rounds of 5.56 to the fucking chest is now possible. in my opinion, in both arma and pubg, bullets should be fucking lethal. taking even a 9mm should either drop 60%+ of your health or cripple/incap you outright without really heavy armor, and 5.56 and up should be three or less rounds max even with highest tier armor and helmet. it's still too casual as it stands, and allows for jackasses like shroud to run around jumping like a fucking moron, with almost zero situational awareness or scanning, and still win gunfights.

dayz did that right, what with crippling and high bullet lethality. getting shot, or even getting shot at, should be something to be avoided at all costs, to be planned for and prepared against, to be ever watchful for and to think every movement around, to consider firing angles, defilade and cover. truth is, most people can't fucking handle that shit.

>DayZ did that right.
Not him, but I bought DayZ when it came to Steam via early access. It did do that right, but my god did it do everything else wrong.

Took them fucking MONTHS and a YEAR or TWO to just the basic shit from A2 DayZ implemented and vehicles as well.

yeah, i agree. i bought the dayz alpha/beta/whatever when it came out, and it honestly fucking sucked compared to the mod for arma.

PUBG has minecraft controls at its best. Vaulting is taking so long to come out, they said it would be out in june but now they say in 1.0. They also promissed executions but yet, nothing about it unless some mocaps from months ago.

>i don't like thing therefore it must be bad

if they're gonna use the lame-ass prefab buildings, they should at least implement arma 3's stance system. otherwise controls handle well, having to crouch jump through windows is a pain in the ass though. i dont mind having weight behind movement so that strafing isnt as effective, as it should be in a "realistic" game (although it's still too effective). the game needs to favor the ambusher more, there's a reason it's one of the most implemented and useful strategies in military history.

arma 3's stance system made me cum buckets,

It reminds me of mgs4's grab system

ffs so these are the games that pcbros build their machines for

Seeing all these survival type games..

What happened to Day Z? It was the biggest one, and now I never hear about it.

Did it finally make it out of early access?

I don't care enough to bother looking for it's steam page

So uncomfortably that everyone plays it while Arma 3 is irrelevant in comparison.

facts. i havent played squad yet, is it at least as in-depth as arma 3? is it worth a buy? ive heard mostly good things

pubg handles damn near exactly like arma 2. im not trying to get in a dick-waving contest here dipshit, i'm pointing out that arma 3 is an objective step up in infantry combat save for the lethality. popularity has nothing to do with modularity or refinement in controls or mechanics.

pubg fucking sprung from an arma mod nitwit.

also, it's completely evident from z -prone, c - crouch, inclusion of freelook, the inventory layout is incredibly similar, and so on. it was popularized from arma, even takes the same setting of a backwater ex-soviet bloc island. don't delude yourself.

PUBG is not a finished game with an official release and review score, and therefore it is disqualified from GOTY.

>people supporting a company that releases a DLC while its still in early access

Better doesn't necessarily mean more user friendly

>streamerbait early access trash
>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode:
>microtransactions in a $29.99 early access game
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
>"""professional""" tournaments won by players with low single digit kills, see above
>paying customers banned because streamers have bitchfits after every death
>paying customers banned for using car horns
>paying customers banned for playing a glitchy, bug ridden game:
>a literal Twitch-chat controlled player can finish 3rd in a game against actual players:
>matches full of idling bots farming drops
>devs so terrified of legitimate competition from actually released games they threaten lawsuits and claim they invented the BR game mode
>game runs at a staggering 17hz netcode W E W
>devs literally getting PTSD from tweets
>PUBGfags only defense of these points is "b-but look at the playercount" and wojack images depicting Sup Forums as upset
Try again, sweetie.

More like it's an early access game being pushed by retarded fanboys.

>pubg infested with chinese
>ark infested with chinese
why care family

Idiots would rather play trash like this when COD requires far more intelligence, tactics and skill compared to PUBG.

It's sad that gaming is dying due to these retarded gamers who wouldn't know good games like Battlefield 1 and COD WW2 at all and instead would rather play trash like PUBG.