Sup Forums , what do you snack on while you play?

Sup Forums , what do you snack on while you play?

Doritos and mountain dew. Casual.

I typically eat before I play video games.

your moms pussy


Your mom's pussy

you're mum lmao

Pairs nicely with water

Crazy bread at Little Ceasar's is about 2 dollars. You get about 8 pieces a bag and you add dipping sauce for about 50 cents more. They have ranch, marinara, nacho cheese, bbq sauce, and hot sauce.

Usually cheap beer.
I got a 24 pack of Rockdale Light for $4. Absolute trash, but I love it.

I don't snack on anything. If I'm snacking, I'm not playing. And if I'm not PLAYING then I'm fucking DEPRESSED

You're a special teenager
Here have some attention

Nothing because I am not a teenager or a twenty year older, 31
you will sooner or later know this suffering, kids

You're too and old lazy to make yourself a snack?

I'm 30 but I have the body of a 55-year-old construction worker who doesn't do a lot of actual work. Time to get lifting I guess.

No I have to watch my weight or I would get a fucking cardiac arrest or


>eat a little out of line
>instantly become fat and die
That's what happens after 25


>not naming it "brazil nuts"

What makes you think you can't snack on something healthy? OP literally just posted a picture of pistachios...


I don't snack. Scheduled meals and nothing between.



Too much salt.
It is really hard to find something healthy to snack on. My dietist forbid me nearly anything fun to eat and I don't care to eat like a fucking bunny all day eating carrots or something green as snack. I just eat my 3 proper meals and that's it.
If I follow my diet anyways I can sometime grab some fun stuff like a soda or some bread or cookies, but not often enough to snack everytime I play.

I would eat these all the time if they weren't so fuckING EXPENSIVE

Bitches love eating cock.


Sheep testicles are actually very tasty. At first I was like what the fuck, who wants to eat animal balls? but then after tasting them I agreed, they are pretty good.

It's $6 for a kilogram where I'm from.

you're gay, user

Honestly i'm glad the nearest place that sells anything near me is 2km away so that i'm too lazy to go there most of the times. When i went to Japan there was a vending machine that sold half-litre cans of coke on the road heading to the house i stayed at and a little bit further ahead a convenience store that sold every garbage snack mankind has ever concieved. That kind of convenience would lower my lifespan by years.

I know you just say that because you are memeing, but whatever.

>$6 for a kilogram
That's a lotta nuts!

You know the rules faggot. Webms don't count. I want a real stream it's been a long time.

Not over here. Like 15 bucks for a fuckin bag around the size of a sock

monster zero ultra sips

Vodka, and I'm american...and an alocholic

10 vodka sodas deep right now. The club soda lets me pretend I'm not just drinking bottle of vodka on its own.

Pistachios are the best nut.
Peanuts are also pretty good too.

i snack on jesus

>had miracles and money duplicate happen to me
>haven't taken it again a single time after communion

Pistachio is best at base. Peanut has best variety.

They are $27.42 a pound in useast with shell.

Needless to say no one fucking eats 5 handfuls of nuts instead of buying 8 steaks.