Yo bruh what the fuck is this chinese game?

Yo bruh what the fuck is this chinese game?

It's about gangsters and shit.

Japanese Drama + Living in Japan simulator.

Tfw no black person had ever called me nigga

it's about those korean gangsters, the triad

Everywhere I go and every job I've been in, I make black friends. I'm your typical white guy so I don't get it, my only guess is that I have a niggaura or something and they all fail the perception check

Aight nigga chill.

they sure are proud

The trick is to just unnashamedly and confidently say nigga within the first few hours of meeting them.

>have black friend
>hes too white washed so he doesnt even use the word nigga at all

not even a single "eehooh hol up!" either.

Give that to me since I know you can't read.

lol @ u

1980's Japan.

nigs love Yakuza games though.

>tfw never seen a black person irl

No one says ey yo hol up

To bad your mom's ass can't say the same.

Persona but rated M

why tf everyone here talking about black people like hobbits or some shit.I think most ofthis board should be a lot of us other than whites.

look at this butthurt nog

They dont want to inform PCbros on what games they need to make petitions for.

you obviously have not been around too many black people then. i know youre probably gonna spout "Sup Forums" at me but some black people actually do speak like that. hell, theres even a fucking song revolving around that word.

>tfw only had black GFs

Once you BRRAAAAP, you cant stop.

At least hobbits know how to speak.

Butts don't have eyes, do they?

user I'm black and live in brooklyn
No one has ever said ey yo hol up or whatever bix nood is.
A lot of what Sup Forums says is right but I've never heard hol up

I would not recommend that lol.

>news at 11 fat ugly white murdered by some black dude

always works for me

you dawg, the game is pretty sweet. You play as the Taliban or whatever and you beat up a bunch of zipperheads. I'd give it an 8/8.

idk man, most of my friends are black, none of them have ever showed any signs of having a problem with it. Obviously dont do it to a stranger, but friends of friends have all been cool with it

Don't do this around any self-respecting black person.


Chinese Pizza delivery game

Av Idolm@ster


So is there a game there or is it a movie that gets a pass because it's a nip game? I was thinking of getting kiwami and I watched some gameplay and most of it lasted for like 10 seconds and the rest is cutscenes