Civilized boss

>civilized boss
>"Why must we fight?"

hate when they pull this shit

>uncivilized boss
>Hi I'm from Mexico

>"Why must we fight?"
>You stop attacking
>Cheap shots you when your guard is down

>bigoted boss
Hi I'm from America

"Why must we fight?"
>You stop attacking
>Spend the next hour discussing ways to compromise

name one single game that does this

Dark Souls

Civil War RPG

Guess they were civil all along

civilized would throw you a bomb and said it was your fault

>Final boss only wanted to "rule" the world in order to bring peace an unity, if thru power

Borderlands 2. Handsome Jack did nothing wrong. Well, ok. He did a lot of things wrong, but.. for all the right reasons.

>Final boss is only trying to use his power to revive a loved one

Tactics Ogre, LUCT. Ok, maybe Lanselot wasn't the FINAL boss, but he was pretty much pulling the strings the entire time. HE JUST WANTED TO SAVE HIS GIRLFRIEND FROM LITERAL HELL.

>Final boss has no choice/can't help it

Alice, Shadow Hearts: From the New World. She never asked to be made. She sacrificed her humanity to save her brother. Her soul was made of pure malice, and it was just trying to do what malice does.

I hate when you can't actually HATE a final boss. Like.. stop. I'm here to defeat you, not catch feels.

>Boss waits for you to attack first before beginning

go away, anthony

Why does he look like Iroh?

>You side with the final boss

>You become the final boss

>boss asks you to stop mid fight because he has to take a shit

Sorry? My name starts with a C, bro. Did I just get memed?

Name 1 game

Der Langrisser


Tales of symphonia:Dawn of the new world.

Dangan Ronpa v3

>If you side with the boss it's game over

that's 4 games dipshits
I win

>there is no final boss

Breath of Fire IV

shadow of mordor

Dragons Dogma

>muslim boss
Hi I'm from Yurope

>the final boss was preparing you for the final boss of the sequel

>the final boss is the hero from the previous game

>the final boss changes based on in game choices

Shut up you fucking penis puffer


>its a girl

>"Y-you wanna watch?"

>I surrender!
>Never should of come here

>[The End]
>credits are names of the devs scrolling up next to clips of her taking a shit and your character masturbating

>post credits scene
>just the final boss wiping her ass

Stop spoiling NMH Travis Strikes Back for me. I haven't played it yet :/

If you sheath your weapon when they say they surrender, 90% of the time they will yield.

It's embarrassing that this is a meme.

>old spirit just wants a good last fight before he passes on
>party member says it'd probably be best if you lost this one for the spirit's sake
>well okay
>game over

I don't know of this is a joke or not because I never sheath my weapon.

It's true. Almost any time you sheath your weapon when an enemy yields they will give up.

I learned this while roleplaying an npc blacksmith type and tried to spare my enemies and those who challenged me to fights.

Every once and a while an npc will still attack because they're bastards but almost all will give up.

>boss could easily kill you when you're imprisoned/incapacitated
>releases and arms you so you can both have a fair fight

The Last of Us

Streets of Rage

Wait, what? Was there a leak or something?

>Sex boss
>You're fucked

>implying the average Sup Forums posters' overwhelming virginity can be overcome

>still no online mmo that gives you the option to have sex with/rape other players

You are very good at seeming like you don’t fit in here

Lies. Townspeople and "friendly" NPCs may accept your mercy but bandits and "hostiles" won't. Even in the rare events that they go "yeeeaargh" and run from you the game keeps you in combat until they're down.

2/3 is Hand Of Fate 2

I've had muggers yield as well as challengers.

I'm not entirely sure about bandit bandits, like the kind in camps.

Next gta online will allow this.

>boss checks the vents