Battlestation thread!
You can't get comfier than OP's pic edition
Battlestation thread!
You can't get comfier than OP's pic edition
Now that I'm pretty much set as far as hardware goes, I need to get me some wall decorations.
shit COMFY
Jericho? can't really see with my shitty screen.
if it is, how much did it set you back, user?
It was a gift.
I need to get a job and move out so I can get a better battlestation
Get yourself a better mouse pad. Lol into the xripperxxl
what is this dude playing
wherever life takes me
sup homeless bro
This image never gets old. RARE SUX! gets me every time
No bully
>tfw stuck with a shit setup because of small room
i fucking love how its a chore to switch between my monitor and tv
Not very comfy because if finals shit, but it works for now.
Nice squid hat, homo.
Maybe it's because i'm Catholic, but i'd behead you.
I only got it because it looks cool, I'll probably replace it when I get some more posters.
How much soylent do you drink?
stick up for your posters kid
digimon on ps4
Does the pillow on the chair get jealous when you sleep with the one in the bed?
Haha please shoot me with that gun in the fucking head.
I sleep with them both tho.
W-why user?
*mom walks in*
Good, get rid of that blasphemy. Btw, that rolled up blanket looked like a sleeping gato.
I am the mom.
You better pet that fat fucking cat.
Dead people?
thank you human
nothing wrong w/ this
10/10 cat
Is that a MOTHA FUCKIN' X120E, OP?
That’s some damn good mobile suit taste
I honestly love this room, it's comfy as hell
Why? Works well.
Seems to be unavailable in Australia, typical.
he gets pats, he only has 3 legs and hes a nerd
thanks, appreciate it.
For anyone that couldn't tell the monitors are 27" and I'm blind as fuck so theyre super close to my face.
Thanks dude.
nice fucking x220 i have one too
Nah a x220 my friend.
Have been using for a month and it's been pretty nice. Only has one scratch and just ordered 8gb ram and a 9 cell battery. Only problem is I can't close the lid to suspend but that's alright.
hello darling