I've tried everything in my power to convince myself to want an xbox one x because of it's awesome backwards...

I've tried everything in my power to convince myself to want an xbox one x because of it's awesome backwards compatibility
>no left alive
>no death stranding
>no soul calibur 6
Microsoft is buying some studios, right? Why are they not getting busy with putting fucking games on this thing???


because, microsoft brands this as a media machine that outputs 4k for games back when they actually cared about games and promoted them.

Just don't fucking buy it, you idiot.

Wait until next year, Sonyroach.

>mfw the market xbonex as the best console ever
>brag about how it is the most powerful and can run anything at 4k
>proceed to show minecraft gameplay

No joke where the fuck are the games Microsoft? They haven't even announced Halo 6 or anything yet.

I'm gonna buy a ps4 if xbox doesn't start getting shit.
This is what i'm saying. FFS reboot some shit if they're this uncreative. Here, reboot Oni to be a new 3ps like gears was and for a new fps, reboot perfect dark. I'd love a neo-tokyo style shooter. I don't want to play anymore halo and gears. I hated everything after halo 3 and everything after gears of war 1.
(I have the og xbox one btw)

>I'm gonna buy a ps4 if xbox doesn't start getting shit
Then get a PS4, cockroach

But what if xbox one starts getting all this good shit this year 2018?

Calm down there Larry Hryb

Then get an Xbox

Fool! I can't fucking predict the future, can I?

How about you, John Kodera

No, but you can keep up with the news

>J-just wait!!!!

The immemorial refrain of the Xnigger.

We're getting
>Halo 6
>Crackdown 3
>State of Decay 2
>Sea of Thieves
>Ori 2
>a new ip from Playground Games
>more new ips
>returning old ips
Next year and beyond, if you can't shut up and wait, then go fuck off to your shitty movie weeb box and stop bitching about an Xbox.

>Doesn't exist
>Meant to be out this year
>DayZ clone
>Meant to be out this year
>Indie game
>Not confirmed exclusive or not and even if it is, won't be out for years

The absolute state of no games Xniggers after four years of jack shit. Just wait.

That wasn't me that posted that fag. I'm going to wait to see if soul calibur 6 is going to be on xbox one and that'll probably be my decision.

I can careless if it is on it, I remember Soul Calibur 5 being shit, and Xbox already has Killer Instinct.

But we do have games, games from 2014-now plus Original Xbox BC and Xbox 360 BC mixed with first games from existing franchises, new ips, and returning old ips, I don't really understand where you're coming from when you say no games, Xbox has a lot of games, when will PS4 actually get games worth getting, I'm tired of all the movies and weebshit, when are Sony getting actual playable video games again?


>Relying on Sunset Overdrive and a dozen OGXbox games from 13 years ago

Oh I am laffin, ColtEastwood

SC5 sucked, yes. But 1,2,3 and 4 were my favorite fighters ever.

I'm pretty sure I said 2014-now, Sonyroach, try paying attention instead of stealing shit off the street.

You don't have to buy it you know?

I do too, but that doesn't change the fact that the fifth one sucked and they need to make up for that one with the sixth game.

I would actually just rather have a reboot of soul cal like they did with killer instinct. That way, they can add more characters, have all the og characters, character creation, etc.


You are genuinely retarded if you think halo 6 doesn't exist

>He doesn't know when SO was released
>He doesn't know when emulation was patched in


No shit it exists, it hasn't been announced yet. Using the same logic we can put an unannounced game a studio for all of them.

>He doesn't know when SO was released
Why are you so retarded?
>He doesn't know when emulation was patched in
Why do you think I give a shit?

Halo 6 was announced as soon as Halo 4 was, they said that 4 was the beginning of a new trilogy


>Xnigger can't even keep track of his own damage control bullshit


Same logic still applies

You're the only one damage controlling.

at least try to post games someone gives a shit about so(n)ynigger


Imagine being such a butthurt brainlet that you need to start shitty console war threads on Sup Forums to feel good.

>Xcucks getting BTFO again

Like clockwork