You will never be Notch's personal motivator encouraging him to fund your dream game to cure his depression

>You will never be Notch's personal motivator encouraging him to fund your dream game to cure his depression

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Check this 1

29,000 people liked his post. That's a little scary when you think about it. Saying something like that nowadays can draw the wrong crowd.

>literal billionaire thinks he is oppressed due to his race

Stop trying to trigger the millennial liberals on nu-Sup Forums by posting this please

video games

Where did he say any of that?

When did anyone say it wasn't ok to be White? Last I checked White people still are like special snowflakes.

Top notch

Literally /ourguy/

whoa, black lives matter dawg

he's not saying that.

But there's this prevalent thinking lately that you should be ashamed for being white and your existence is a crime because you're oppressing others by living because some white guys owned black slaves back then

imagine a game about genociding leftists and SJWs


You're right, because he has enough money to fund any game he wants and still does nothing but shitpost

>say it's okay to be white
>get death threats and accused of hate crime

Nothing wrong with that, Sup Forumstard.

You mean apart from all the publications about eliminating white people? Gee, I dunno.

I like how what you are saying, in part proves that there is an inherent belief that its not okay to be white

Black man here. Godamn you white boys are pathetic. Grow up. Your women don't do this shit, neither should you. No wonder you're all wearing dresses and turning into trannies, y'all got no balls anymore and are becoming the women

Billionaires aren't your friends. This is true regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum.





>"People have complex racial and ethnic backgrounds and these cannot be summed up in one category"
>Proceeds to lump everyone as either "white" or "Person of Color"

White man here. Get back to the field, boy, that maize ain't gonna harvest itself.


It's amazing being white.


Guys I'm not gonna bother responding to all of you, but a few people being retarded on the internet doesn't change anything, there will never be a black, hispanic, or asian version of Donald Trump.

White people can do whatever they want without it being blamed on their race or immigration status or religion, White people still generally go to better schools and get better education make more money, get prosecuted at lower rates etc.

A few shitty internet memes won't change that.

>But there's this prevalent thinking lately that you should be ashamed for being white and your existence is a crime because you're oppressing others by living because some white guys owned black slaves back then
No, that's a strawman that Sup Forums screams
How many false flag "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" posts do you see on Sup Forums every day?

It's okay to be white, user.

I don't understand why they just didn't put down all the slaves instead of trying to integrate them into society. Would've saved the world a lot of trouble in the long run.

Native man here. You're both dumb for falling for Jewish divide and conquer tactics.


found the soyboy.

there are no black people on Sup Forums



Nice projection white boy. And if you are black go worry about your own fucked up people

what about when someone wants to show something and there's a picture with black people hands

Labor crisis. Dat cotton gonna be picked one way or another

>implying Finns are white

Alien (from your perspective) man here. He's right. the Jewish are a blight to us all. We need to band up and crush them once and for all.

Again some idiot posting on the internet doesn't change the real world.

Do Wolfenstein threads count?

I mean hes literally from Sup Forums so it makes sense.


These "fuck white people" posts originiated from lefties on twitter.

arab here, Mashalla i will behead you infidel dog

Yeah, that's happening in your brain, you paranoid wreck.

>people like this actually exist

The US created an entire country in africa to send the slaves back to after the war but it never panned out because lincoln bit the bullet. Now that country has literal mountains of human feces on its beaches.

In a world of seven billion people, at least a handful don't think it's okay to be white, and Sup Forums will relentlessly seek out that handful and talk about it, since the only alternative would be actually playing video games.

>When did anyone say it wasn't ok to be White? Last I checked White people still are like special snowflakes.
So are you going to admit you're wrong and that people hate whites or are you going to dodge the evidence like a little bitch and keep crying about how you think 'the weal woerld' works?

Prevalent means widespread, in a specific area. It is a widespread mindset on sites like tumblr. Just because it is not prevalent on Sup Forums does not make it prevalent elsewhere.
>No, that's a strawman
No it's not, Sup Forums has plenty of strawmans but this is not one of them. There are actually people that say things like "We should kill all white people" that's an extreme view and not in any majority held belief. But ideas about whites being oppressors is a prevalent belief as user said in certain areas and not a straw man at all.

>there's this prevalent thinking lately that you should be ashamed for being white and your existence is a crime
nobody's saying that you retard

having empathy for the less fortunate doesn't just equal white guilt out of fucking nowhere


meant for
I can't even reply right, 'cos I'm retarded

So they do. Got it. Thanks for the confirmation.


>slavery is getting kinda meh, what do?
>let's put them down en masse to prevent utter degeneration of mankind, maybe?, said the intellectual
>I know, let's release them into society and let them live their progressive and diverse lives of rabid sewer rats!, said the soyboy with a dildo shoved up his pulsating anus
>soyboy wins the argument

Is this truly the darkest timeline?