Which one is better overall? I want to try one out but the only tactics game I've ever played was Dawn of War 2, and that probably pales in comparison to these
Which one is better overall? I want to try one out but the only tactics game I've ever played was Dawn of War 2...
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they're both good. You can start with XCOM Enemy Within (since it's cheaper) and see if you like it. If you do, jump to XCOM 2. The War of the Chosen dlc is pretty good, but expensive, so I would wait for it to go down in price
The sequel is better as far as variety of objectives, pacing, quality of life, lots of stuff. Don't start with DLC imo.
just play enemy within, it has more thematic appeal anyway
Both are very good. I definitely recommend playing with the expansion (for either) but the other DLC is skippable. Enemy Within is definitely cheaper and I think an overall easier and simpler game, but you could start with either.
Xcom 2 is much better, except for the one dlc pack called the alien rulers or whatever. It adds 3 VERY difficult bosses and they WILL fuck you up. Try to disable that, I'm pretty sure there's a way. I do not recommend that for beginners
Do you despise it when games hurry you? If so, XCOM EU.
Do you not mind having a timer covering 75% of the screen every single mission? If so, XCOM 2.
One thing I enjoy most about 2 over EW is the dynamic maps so you don't play the same maps every game. This makes additional playthroughs much more interesting.
I think I like the tactical gameplay in 2 much better, but I liked the management part with the base and holo globe better in 1
Xcom 1 is a complete game
XCom 2 is a better game but still feels incomplete
First one. 2 has better modding / customization, but thematically the game is worse, and mission design is worse. It also felt easier to me.
the thing I didn't like about the XCOM games is that your soldiers develop at a rate far higher than the aliens. so the game is a massive struggle at the beginning (which I really enjoyed), but once you get the ball rolling, your A-squad is an unstoppable force of death and you end up finishing every mission without even getting scratched. it gets to a point where the game gets kinda boring and trivial because you are simply too strong.
I'd say try 2 if you only get one. The fact that you can mod lets you tweak the game in whatever ways that makes it more enjoyable to you.
I was playing for a bit and made a decent amount of progress, probably won't go back until I get the dlc. can I just continue my save with it or should I start a new game
fuck this retarded fucking random hit chance fucking fuck fuck
Worst part of this game that sometimes tactic does not matter, just random.
it's called gitting gud. you just suck
never play Darkest Dungeon
What the FUCK are you talking about? Maybe you're just some TBS God but when I played the DLC on Commander IronmanI kept sweating like a fat fuck on every mission. Finished the game by the skin of my balls and many good men died.
Both with long war are fine
Git Gud
The game is good for first 1-2 games then you realize how shallow it is.
85% chance to hit. Missed
load saved game, enemy has first hit. First hit, hits every time.
I think Rich Evans from Previously Recorded has put in like 1000 hours with long war and can win on iron man like every time
I love both. I just came here to advise you how much snipers are op on this game. I just finished EW on classic with three snipers and one heavy for that one trophy on PSN. Also unlock better snipers rifles asap and start on Africa for that sweet extra money.
Of course
I finished ironman classic twice on both.
They are baby-tier when it gets to tactics.
Why did you post the same game twice OP?
Jokes aside though that is the real problem with Xcom 2. Its not a sequel with new features its a reskin of the same game with worse looking designs. The handful of barely thought out features like the covert system are a total waste of time.
Slapping a timer on everything because they cant balance overwatch is also a great sign they are fucking incompetent developers.
As much as I love XCOM EU/EW/LW1, the somewhat randomized tiled mapping for XCOM 2 just edges it out for me, despite the areas it failed to improve in.
Can you disable the timer?
Also don't fall for the MEC meme. Genes > MECs any day. Get some implants like the one that let you feel enemies in the dark and the one that add +5 aim and +5 crit chance and you are golden. I had a playthrough that I build only MECs until I realized that meld is not infinite or easily farmable and in EW a full MEC costs 210 meld which is a LOT. Implants are way cheaper and therefore better. If you are going do a MEC build only one for the novelty.
With mods yes
The less pricey, more content, more mods one.
They're both great, though.
Meant for
Last personal opinion tip:
S.H.I.V.S. are absolute shit. I regret spending so much in research for these stupid robots
2. Pretty much everything about it is better. Some fans didn't like the timed missions though.
Only play the first if you have the expansion.
2 is better overall and has a better modding scene to fix the shit Firaxis refuses to fix/add themselves. Do not play the expansion for 2 since it increases the difficulty considerably, especially i you're new.
I like 2 with the xpack more, but I still would recommend playing the original with Enemy Within first. Both are good, and 1 prob has a better difficulty curve for a first-timer.
I fought those fuckers, lost some good men. Didn't know they were part of my dlc, as I bought the bundle really cheap. Don't be a fag, fight them.
I'm playing xcom EW on the mission; operation purple flame
I have a fuck tonne of enemies, a tank like thing. One of those charging berserk bosses and several lower level enemies.
I've got a squad of 6. 2 snipers. 1 heavy and the rest, support.
any tips, I keep getting slaughtered as they zerg rush.
I know it's kind of random with the situations, So Googling it doesn't help.
know of any good sites to help a brother or if you know the level and have done it before. Some tips
shivs are great if not just for being able to use them as mobile cover, nevermind the minigun strapped to the top
but the amount of resources you have to pump into them is not worth fielding, mech troopers are where it's at
is that from the 1st one? I never got any animations like that
Don't listen to Sup Forumstard shitters saying that XCOM2 is bad, they are mongoloids without risk management skills who would rather go "muh RNG" than actually learn how to play properly. The game gives you shitload of tools to take out the RNG out of the equation when you actually need it, but it's so much easier to whine like a bitch when the "impossible" happens and you miss that one shot out of twenty. All in all, the ONLY reason you see vtard dumbfucks criticizing the game, is because it's actually challenging (ridiculously so on ironman) and the game can throw some ridiculous missions at you that are simply on a whole different level of difficulty compared to anything ever seen in the franchise before.
XCOM EU/EW's aliens are cooler, XCOM 2 has way too many human hybrid enemies
It's not bad but 3-enemies-per-pod makes maneuvering impossible. Open maps turn into small corridors because you're afraid to trigger another pod.
When a MEC kills certain enemies with the punch it plays a special animation.
If anyone complains about turn timers when discussing xcom 2 you can safely dismiss their opinion entirely.
One thing that might be relevant to you is that the first game performs rock solid on toasters, while the new one has very "modern" requirements and pretty long load times.
Long War 1 is kino, LW2 is kind of stupid.
How can civilians understand what ADVENT is saying to them when they communicate in their alien blubber?
XCOM2 was fine before the DLC. It felt a lot more explosive compared to the first. Either you kill each pod in one turn or a. they get to move and kill your dudes or b. you get fucked by the turn timer as you waste multiple turns on a pod.
Then the zombie DLC just straight fucked the game. I don't know if this is how every playthrough is supposed to play out but when I tried XCOM2 with all of the DLC I had zombies on literally every mission which was a novel mission type the first time around but gets old super fast and made me stop wanting to play. I also hated the chosen showing up randomly and "nothing personel kid"ing me every other mission.
>I also hated the chosen showing up randomly and "nothing personel kid"ing me every other mission.
Absolutely dogshit taste.
Do I still get achievements in the first game if I speed up the animations?
universal translator given out by the state
Don't they question why "human" soldiers only speak in alien language?
i dont think anyone ever thought the hooded advents were human
the purpose of the reveal was to make everyone remember they were alien, not to show it to them for the first time
dehumanize the enemy, standard shit. also the story of xcom2 is pants on head retarded
alternatively, assuming the universal translator thing is correct, the state couldve automatically made it so alien translated into whatever language was available and made it illegal to not walk around with your translator
"to facilitate communication between nations" etc etc
remember though, everyone knew they were aliens cuse bad ending of xcom 1 directly leads into xcom 2. this part of my posts is canon, the others are just speculation
It says in game that they're pretending to be humans with cleverly designed helmet.
They are both very good, and pretty similar. Starting with Enemy Within is what I would go with, but honestly you're gonna experience the same amount of learning curve either way. MECs are cool as fuck, so that's why I'd go with EW.
Tactics matter a fuckload, and there are multiple skills that remove luck entirely from the equation.If you're always finding that luck is the deciding factor, then you're frankly playing wrong.
Get closer to the enemy to increase your hit percentages, especially with rangers. Use your guaranteed damage stuff last, like grenades or other abilities. With the exception against armored enemies if it peels armor.
And above all, use your fucking brain.
The zombies thing was a bug, I think they finally patched it out, but someone else had a patch for it like a few days after it came out.
The Chosen are annoying as shit depending on which you get, but most are doable. I found the assassin by far the worst of the lot, while Warlock was ridiculously easy to cheese.
First part since it actually runs on my machine.
No idea why they though they need to shit on their engine and make bloated low FPS sequel in a game where graphic is last thing that matters, and even so graphic sucks.
had a bit if a kek when this happened
That's gitgud, baby!
I loved 2 with wotc, one of my favourite games ever. Haven't tried long war but it's pretty hard for me to go back to the original now with all of 2's qol improvements and mods
I've beaten war of the chosen on legendary ironman but I'm too scared to acvtivate alien rulers, it sounds like such bs
Yeah, the system reqs wouldn't be a problem by themselves, but the game really doesn't look that good for the amount of resources it consumes.
but he dies in 1 shot, how much more gud do I have to git user? where does it end?
If you start the dlc you have to make a new save
I almost want to say Xenonauts but that sound like a leddit answer
It seems crazy to say but they're different enough that I actually like them both equally on their own strengths
what are the best mods for 2?
In general you just have to be careful with how you activate the pods. Remember that you can overwatch creep for as long as you like in EW
It's way more entertaining than it should be.
you used that with an Arnie voicepack too I hope
Xcom:EU has better music than Xcom 2, though Tim Wynn did a slightly better job with the war of the chosen tracks.
>continue my Long War 1 campaign after a long hiatus
>heavy floaters with tac sense heat ammo and I've got no real psionics
Yeah fuck this
Is there a simple mod to make my squaddies arr rook same?
just manually edit them?
X2 is better overall, because with the expansion it's on par with/ better than XCOM1 with it's expansion, and then once you throw in mods it blows it out of the water.
But they are both excellent games, worth playing and XCOM1 is cheaper when you pick it up on sale.
Loved em both and I was wary of the whole ''timed mission'' gimmick of 2 but it really wasn't bad at all and I really prefer to take my time. I recommend both for sure my guy.
XCOM 2 is more polished than the first, but do note that it's leaning towards a JRPG rather than pure strategy/tactics the series got famous for (ie the progression is largely based on scripted events, there's a cast of named characters, you get powerful special abilities semi-unique to every soldier, boss fights, even named recurring boss enemies in DLC).
Just play Apocalypse
Enemy Within has better mechs and optional timers.
Honestly fuck timers with a passion, they're pointless majority of the time, and impossible for the small remainder (usually super late game where every pod is an andromedon or sectopod). That said xcom 2 is completely moddable so it's still a good game regardless.
Coping with loss is a part of the experience.
I just to hate losing guys so I savescummed a lot, until one day I started enjoying the thrill. Of course it suck when you lose one of your best guys or the cutest girl in the team, but it is indeed part of the experience.
2 feels like it's way too 'DATS EGCOM BABY' rather than trying to make serious improvements over the original. It glosses over or compounds a lot of the underlying mechanical faults.
2 is literal ass without pic related.
I realize this post is old, but you're a little shitter for not understanding what the timer in XCOM 2 is for.
Without a mission timer, you can just sneak up literally one cell at a time to avoid activating a double pod. This ruins the pacing of the game as level designers must also balance the game around the possibility of these slow, creeping movements.
The mission timer was meant to put an end to that: you can no longer move your troopies up one step at a time, but in return the level designers added less bullshit since they knew you'd be on a timer. The timer is usually pretty generous anyway, and I almost never had trouble finishing a mission in the allotted number of moves.
Maybe you just need to get good at video games, bucko.
didn't you need to have enemy unknown to play within if you on steam?
Lightning reflexes is easily one of the most overpowered abilities in that game. Squad sight being the absolute toppest of tiers one.
It is random, but they keep the random seed when you load so you can't save scum like some scrublord.
There is a mutator you can select that changes the random seed when you load game if you want to save scum.
All xeno scum must be purged from the face of the planet.