

>my eyes are down here, buddy

Throne obviously

Looks like the Angry Orchard tree

Who is artist?

Shinsuke Nakamura

Can I play this game if I am 22?

If you're over 25 and own a computer, you're a manchild

Nope. Official national identity document is required to log in this game.

If you manage to log inside the game while you are underage, your computer gets wiped off.

Trust me, I'm 24 and i had to get two computers because of that shit. The second time was when they had a five minute trial but playing more than that and it's still wipes your computer

You unlocked the true ending, right ?

Always go for the bad ending
Tree must burn

Is it any good?

Why is the guy on the bottom right readying a fire-arrow? Is he the main villian? Are these in order? Is this 3/4's lost.jpg?

so is the game vikings or throne. want to make sure i don't play the chinese rip off version.

Name of game?

Wait is this meme coming back? I always liked it
Even though I'm only 20


>if you burn the tree and restart the game, the tree will know and you will never achieve the true end

fucking hell

no, this is lost

god I hate these ads, I get one on facebook all the time that says if You was born before 1985, you'll love this rts. and its just one of those crappy clone facebook games of build troops and dump them on someone and hope you win


Are you a boy...

Or a girl...!?

>I get one on facebook all the time
so why are you here?


The guy is under 25, that's why he tries to burn the tree