Have not played Street Fighter V in 7 months

>have not played Street Fighter V in 7 months
>come back
>there are more purchaseable stages than there are default
>the entire new cast are the most unispired literally who shit
>there are so many costumes you can get now but they all cost a fucking fortune if you wanted them all

Fuck this system man, this is not the fucking future. SFIV is on PS4 and they had the good sense to release ALL the DLC with it in a package like a game should be. SFV is disgusting and i hope it dies.

Capcom went into this with all this shit planned for the long term when they could have just waited, worst of all i am sure many of you will now rush to defend it but i think this glorified shop and lobby is revolting.

>free characters and updates
>still complains because they charge for optional cosmetic shit

Just play on PC so you can mod whatever you want instead of being whiny bitch.


The new cast are still literally who though. Even SFIV new friends were fucking better. This feels like some devient art tier shit. Just give me Sakura and Makoto soon.

>literally whos
user what


Ah that makes sense why this thread is so awful.

there's no way they won't add makoto soon and make really lewd, almost slutty even outfits for her to wear

Capcom was giving all these characters away for no cash and no fight money? How the fuck do I miss this shit?!

>his main is a female
>must be waifufagging

Fuck off nonce, you know i mean the NEW characters. Such retarded, unmemorable designs. Capcom has not made a good NEW street fighter character since SFIII 3rd strike.

Three English kilograms of money for a fucking costume? Is the target audience the whales now?

it's a freemium scam, fuck off shill.

Zeku and Menat are alright and you know it user


>waifufagging sakura of all people
>just female ryu
cmon user i know you're a degenerate but make it a little less obvious

what's the origin story of calling stupid rich fucks fueling these shitty practices being called whales?

Zeku is like straight out of one of these nu-wave "I don't want to be shonen even though I know the publisher will force me to be shonen in ten chapters if I don't finish it by then" mangas. He's lame as fuck.

>Want to play SF5 again too
>Remember the shit UI
>Remember the load times on PS4
>Remember that i would get bodied instantly because i have not kept up with online play

>Play marvel infinite instead.
>It's shit and my main team from 3 doesn't exist in game

Why the fuck isn't DB Fighterz out yet?

what gets me is Sakura is still in school and the SF universe is how old? Ryu and Ken can age but Sakura will be late for gym.

Who knows, but the word comes from the developers. That's what Farmville developer (oh shit, they've fallen to such obscurity I don't even remember their name now) called their paying players and it stuck. But I don't know the history or whether it was them coining the word. The only point I'm making is that it's a developer's word, not players'.

that's even more compelling that it's a word they came up with. I mean we come up with terms all the time that become gamer slang, i assumed this was something like that too, but it's worse.

but what if you put a SSD into a PS4?


street fighter 3 characters that needed to be in 4.

>"Just give me Sakura and Makoto soon."
>Not waifufag

>they didn't add the waifus i wanted

so it's pretty much boiled down to this, then.

Yeah, it's marketers' slang entering out lexicon. F2P companies despise their target audience more than drug dealers despise theirs, really. I'm not one of the people screaming murder about lootboxes because I don't play games with them, but the psychology behind F2P design is literally that of a scammer.

it's one thing to say buyer beware and another to force governments to step in via "gambling"
but the reality is these shitty whales may change video games being made in the coming years.

I don't think that whales can change shit. The whole point of the concept of a whale is that it's extremely rare: most people don't and would not act like this. Most people would never pay for a loot-crate in a shitty game, while people witht he "whale" psychology who would sink literally thousands into gachashit would still do that even if it's illegal (like gambling is in many jurisdictions: idiots still gamble). The retarded outcry against lootboxes is just another case of moral panic.

what do sakura and sagat play like

not that much difference.

>waifufagging women of all people
>literally “female” men


Nah it’s STILL going to be shit. I just stick to SFIV honestly.

My mains, correct.

Like warm apple pie

>One got nerfed to shit
>The other was only good in 3rd strike

They're both trash so you gotta be a waifufag at this point

Nice head canon tier faggot.

Comes from casinos, who like using fish in their lingo for some reason. Whales are just the ones who come in making huge as fuck bets and throwing money around. Sort-of a double edged sword, since a whale will drop a ton of fucking money, but if one gets shit lucky, the house is going to take a nasty hit.
Shark's another word they like. I'm sure you faggots have heard the term "card shark" somewhere before.

remember to ignore most fighting game threads here. Not worth reading.