You did marry best girl right?

You did marry best girl right?

Yeah I married Penny

Yes I did. I married Penny. What does Leah have to do with anything?


I married Penny, too.

We are the best

I loved stardew like I lived my real life. Never married

Yes I did marry Abigail.

I wish she was real

We are going to save that poor trailer trash girl boys!

Who is the one you likes to eats diamonds?

muh nigga



What's the best way to make money in the game


>used goods
Yup, I sure did marry Penny.

It doesn't matter. He banged your girl in her prime

She sucks

Did you get a nigger baby?

he what now

Delete this


>not dating Emily

fucking plebs

I'm courting abigail and penny but looking to bone down Haley on the side.

She'll fuck anyone

How do I leave up foraging




deforest the entire valley

Why not


I can't even describe her personality she's THAT bland

Nah she is boring af

>pierre is a raccoon
>abigail is a dragon
>only other dragon is the wizard

Penny is for patricians

>implying best girl is not the 10/10 damaged goods schoolteacher

You know I did

>all the girls respond well to diamonds

What did these vapid whores mean by this?

She is the hardest to please imo. All the shit that is best for her is pretty hard to get across

Every NPC in the game reacts well to Diamonds. Its one of the few universally loved gifts


it's universally liked, but not universally loved
the only (mostly) universally loved gifts are prismatic shards and rabbit's feet which only have one villager that doesn't love them each



Joja Corporation did nothing wrong!

She loves poppies and melons. Just stock up on them in the summer.

> damaged goods

Are you talking about her life or her virginity? Because if it's about the second one, ConcernedApe had to specifically respond to some autist on Leddit AMA that Penny is a virgin and she was not fucked on that tree.

male characters are more likable

>thinking the used up whore is best girl

topkek my dude

so make 'em female

Hope you guys are using the best portrait mod

>he hasn't made sure to turn the male bachelors into women

Explain yourself, user. Are you perhaps girl?

Bruh just do melons





deforest the valley you retarded motherfucker

Go hunting for stuff in the trash cans, but you have to make sure to do it while people can see you. They'll complain and look down on you, but that's the price of success.

Is there a full rule 63 mod?

Muh dick


Jas is better


Yes I have




>sandy is a moth

Yes, but oddly enough Haley of all girls almost won me over to her side. I normally don't do the girly girl but she was a little bit more personality than most tend to have. Then penny in third. Then everyone else.

Where is the best place to fish

>another jas in the crowd

I didn't marry any of them. No roastie will take over my farm and rob me of my crops.


Go back to corrupting, Vinny

I'm watching a vinny video right now fuck off and get out of my head

>standing on a stool

my nigger

Penny is still cute, her furshit wasn't taken to the extreme like some of the others

Finally Muslims can enjoy Stardew Valley too.

Isn't Vinny trying to fuck one of his moderators though?

Be sure to get the diverse portraits as well, brother

>so diverse that it makes demetrius white
really activates my parsnips

>well at least they kept Penn-
>oh wait she is a tranny

Shame it hasn't been updated in a while.

>finally learned how to make Pink Cake on my Switch save
>already up to 9/10 hearts with her

Why isn't there muslim girl? This is 2017, after all.

When we are going to get this game on 3DS?

He streamed Stardew recently and avoided human contact as much as possible because he just wanted to plant his seeds in peace

which one is Pam, the alcoholic trailer trash whore?

Is the Switch version any different to the PC? I was thinking it could be really comfy. Also, stop being a tripfag

I think he's an albino

so diversity means no White people whatsoever?

This. Elliot will dismember him in the night and use his parts for voodoo rituals

I married Seb, but B3 fox girl is a qt.

Nope, other than no mod support, but being handheld is comfy. No. They recently patched the bugs out, faster saving/loading times.

The mines.

Penny is white still. And I'm sure Linus is white.

Yeah, he's white.