Based on the latest Nintendo blunder of the century, how hated would Felicia be if Darkstalkers would come out for the first time in this age? It seems like gamers are finally opening their eyes and realizing they are tired of pig-disgusting sex appeal forced down their throat.
Based on the latest Nintendo blunder of the century...
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SJWs don't buy video games, and your waifus are not real enough to generate an opinion about gender politics.
OP is a nu-male, lynch his bearded glasses/flannel wearing beta ass.
Gamers are tired of anime tittays shoved in their face.
They're also tired of Strongjaw Manwoman "generic strong female character" as well.
We're just fucking tired of it all, really.
Those giant hands must be great for handjobs
The Xenoblade bunny lady isn't even meant to be "sexy" so much as weird looking because she's an anthropomorphic rabbit with a human face and huge breasts. I mean I like the design because it's weird and sexy, but it's not meant to be sexy in the same way Felicia is meant to be sexy.
>pig-disgusting sex appeal
OP is quite clearly a faggot.
Seeing these two next to each other is like looking at Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles next to the knockoff Selvaria from VC: Azure Revolution. much is wrong with the tits on the left.
>Left: made for fucking
>Right: made for trash
what's the name and where's all the pixiv fetish porn
bird is the best
>seems like gamers are finally opening their eyes and realizing they are tired of pig-disgusting sex appeal forced down their throat.
Honestly I think obnoxious sexualization in games is retarded and I've been tired of it for years. I don't really care if its just a few characters, since there are lots of really cool ones to focus on anyway, but for a long time its felt like devs are relying way too much on waifu appeal to sell games and it really sucks. I understand that some people really just like big tiddies and thats fine, but I think when a character boils down to just "they pander to my fetish and have big boobies" thats really fucking boring. They need to find a good balance between sexy and cool, if a game is 80% cool shit and 20% pandering sexiness, then whatever, thats still a lot of cool stuff for my inner kid to think is rad. However, when the sexual pandering goes too far I find myself just getting bored with a game and not being able to enjoy it because I just can't help but feel like the devs desperately want me to love it and buy their merch without actually giving me anything to love. Anime tiddies only have appeal for so long. I really hope the industry moves beyond waifu pandering, not because I think its wrong to sexualize women or anything, but simply because its lazy and boring. I want more creative worlds, cool characters, wacky concepts and memorable shit in general. Anime boobs aren't memorable or cool, they're just boobies.
that body is similar to Jessica Rabbit's. it's fucking retarded to say that isn't sexy unless if your sterile.
Sexy vidya girls thread?
Sexy vidya girls thread
Funny story.
The person who designed Jessica Rabbit was going for "comically ridiculous proportions". They intended her design to be a bombastically outrageous joke.
I said it was sexy, but sexy in a weird way, like yes, Jessica Rabbit. Because her proportions are fucking weird, but they're sexy. It's meant to be weird and stick with you. Another comparison would be Bayonetta who is sexy, but also has fucked up proportions and because of that she's very memorable.
>being gay
>I want more creative worlds, cool characters, wacky concepts and memorable shit in general.
I think the Xenoblade series does deliver on those in spades.
>Japanese console game in the current age
>getting any attention from the Japanese fanart/porn community
The only way for a game to get massive attention and porn in Nipland nowadays is for it to be mobile trash. The good old days are gone
Why are you talking about Compile Heart games in a xeno/darkstalkers thread?
For real though, we've actually hit a funny point where there's a lot of visually appealing waifus who are more than just visually appealing. Its not like you cant add depth behind a sexy character.
>Gamers are tired of anime tittays shoved in their face.
Speak for your goddamn self. I want more anime tiddies shoved in my face. I still wish someone would translate and port Omega Labyrinth
Actually I'm only tired of "people" who unironically believe this
Fuck off, you don’t belong here
>le jaded "war war never changes" tired gaymer
When is the little brother gonna fuck the reverse trap
Im tired of a lot of things. Tits aren't one of them. In fact they're the last thing that gives me joy anymore.
Is it a blunder? I dont remember a single Xeno game ever being mainstream since saga destroyed the brand name.
What is the point of games like this? They usually have cookie cutter gameplay for their genre and the real draw is the anniemay tits. Why not just watch hentai?
So how many loli blades do we get?
tits too big
I really need to finish MeiQ
>No asses
Fuck off.
I can recall at least three. Depends on where do you put the line.
>Why not just watch hentai
Animated porn in Japan is way lower quality than doujins or just lewd illustrations, it looks like garbage.
qt boobful waifu in good game with good story > qt boobful waifu in shit game > power gap > day-after-operation mcmanjaw in game regardless of quality
I mean, I hear the game is pretty shit, but if a localized console game is straight up centered around my fetish, I'm going to support it
I draw it a bit higher than a loli purist, hebe level.
I'm genuinely impressed by Nintendo. Don't plan to buy a Switch but damn son, that's tempting.
Eh, I expect a dumb dungeon crawler and nothing more. I get that plus bursting boobies Im happy.
They really need to make another Izuna game though
>Nintendo blunder of the century
In your expert opinion, eh? autistic contrarian faggot
It was time for tits after they gave us Twintelle for ass focus.
I hope there's a special edition
Agreed. This cannot stand in .
Tone deaf designs such as these are a constant danger to empowered womyn everywhere.
>hebe level
At least 6 then
OP the fact that Nu-Lara still exists means it’s still interesting to both male and female gamers alike. People talk a lot of shit, but nu-Lara is pretty, in shape, her ass is big, her tits are fucking BIG idgaf what faggots say they are BIG TITS on a girl of that frame, and all her clothes are SKIN TIGHT. If you saw a girl like Nu-lara with clearly DD’s like that purposfly walking round in a tank THAT tight you would all fucking stare at her.
I forget my point imma fap now. Anyway, she is a modern example of it here to stay. Girls like it too, believe me.
Good shit.
I keep hearing the snow bunny was designed by a woman, but who is it/where did they say that?
Are you for real? Nier Automata got thousands and thousands of fanart from japs.
The Japanese twitter says who the designer is for every reveal. Her name is Risa Ebata, known for her work in Macross Frontier.
She also designed pic related.
Not to mention
>pyra gets revealed
>camera stays on her tits for a whole second
>doesn't even bother showing the face in the same motion
I've been on the fence about Xenoblade 2, but now I am convinced. Those big fat cat tats. Thanks OP.
I feel like we could have rearranged the framing and posing to have her whole head obscured by her rack
Women are only good for their assets after all.
actually they are big bountiful bunny boobies
So since we got a thread up I got to ask because this is something silly but bugged the shit out of me in part 1.
Is there a pause? Because the fuck was up with the first being a single player game and not letting me pause.
Felicia and whatever that thing is on the left aren't even comparable. Seriously what is that?
Hit he home button
Look. I know that works but programming a pause feature isn't asking a lot. It's been part of gaming since like forever.
Modern men desire huge breasts in videogames
>nier has 2b, who is attractive, has a good character and is a 10/10 design
>nobody has a problem with this
>xenoblade 2 has sticc with torpedo tits, huge ass and anatomy that makes raita look like a good artist.
>there is a serious bet that her character is nonexistant or some boring anime trope like the rest of the game
>any criticism is met with LE Sup Forums and/or SJW BOOGEYMAN shitposting despite the design literally only appealing to virgins who fail to understand anatomy
how the fuck did we go from xenoblade chronicles to this?
Modern men demand huge breasts in video games.
Modern men deserve huge breasts in video games.
Alright fucker, here's the difference explained by a non-SJW
Fighting game characters with flashy or sexual animations and designs are a cool selling point. That's fine.
Xenoblade is supposed to be a story heavy action RPG with good combat. But now it's dumbed down to appeal to ecchi anime faggots.
There, that's why we're so mad. At least that's why I am anyway.
>Seriously what is that?
A piece of heaven designed by a woman.
Niggers/beta cucks are okay with big asses but not big breasts,that's why they are chimping out.
balloon tits are not sexy. They look like tumors
Stop eating soy
"People" complain about 2B all the time, stop shitposting.
>10/10 design
LMAO. Thanks for making it so easy to disregard your """"comment""""
>Ey Yoko, we need a female
>Don't worry man, let me just slap some standard run-of-the-mill pointy chin androgynous face on a standard body and put it in some gothic lolita outfit
>But Yoko, Gothic lolitas have been out of fashion since 2010
>Don't worry man, in Japan maybe but the western degenerates will eat it up for sure
Not that I'm complaining. I'm happy Yoko can make money off you retards
Felicia has much less retarded proportions so she isn't anywhere nearly as disgusting.
What the fuck is wrong with modern chink art and their urge to inflate everything to comical sizes?
What's nintendo's blunder?
>complaining about an optional character
Well that's a YOU problem. You don't have to like this or the designs but there's no reason an RPG can't have hyper sexed designs. That's what the game wants to be that's what it is.
And don't go pretending the Xeno series is all serious all the time when the progenitor had a pink fluff ball and Saga had a combat android walking around with a sexy garter or exposed midriff belt
But then people will actually like it! And people can't like design I don't like! Don't you get it????
I'm against it, so no one should be able to expeerience this ever again!!!
>What the fuck is wrong with modern chink art and their urge to inflate everything to comical sizes?
They are not as cucked as the west so they can make whatever they want
good thread
Put forth a rebuttal.
I dunno Autistic and the hijab girl looks cute
Why are nip female artists so lewd?
nigger you didnt even play the game everyone complained about 2b having no char till the ENDING except for lol prohibited
But Felicia looked like this when she first debuted.
that thing on the left looks fucking terrible.
How about you do something with your life so that you don't get tired over fictional characters debates?
best girl
>Why are nip female artists so lewd?
>hey draw me some anime tits
>okay boss.
You’re tired, i’m pumped up for BiG BooBies
I know this'll be wasted on a fag like you, but Felicia is pure. She quit her lucrative singing career to run an orphanage. Just stop being gay.
>gamers are finally opening their eyes and realizing they are tired of pig-disgusting sex appeal
Yup, that's who.
That's speciesist, dude, not like Nekomata choose where their fur is. Besides, you're shit-talking a nun now.
Actually Takahashi tell the artist to do what the fuck they like, they just draw female because they like drawing female.The best way to know if they were made to draw sexy character or because they want to is to look at their pixiv,stuffs on there is what they draw on their down time.