>1 V 1 ME
PvPfags ruined Souls games. The best and most fun thing about invasions was that they are unfair, and for me it was always fun being invaded as well as being the invader. It's completely different from your autistic honorable duel. Fucking around as invader was always fun, trying to lure host on most dangerous mobs, trying to catch him off guard, damaging equipment with corrosive urns or just annoying host in many different ways. Beign invaded as a host was fun too because it provides extra challenge and who know what this red fucker is plotting. This is what made Souls multiplayer unique, but now it's fucking gone thanks to the MUH HONOROBU retards who should literally fuck off.

I think it's fine. Some people do honor shit, some people attack on sight, some wait for their prey. Variety is a good spice.

>Oh why yes I am a little fucking faggot please kill me over and over because I limit myself
There you go OP, this is the mindset of honor fags and I feel it's a little more concise than what you posted. Don't get mad at them, take advantage of them.

>faggot has invaded your world
>dude lmao epic r1 spam with meme swords and hiding behind 50 a.i. while lobbing pyro shit at you

these fags are just the worst, theyre not good at the game and are skilless yet they just waste everyone elses time for no good reason

about to start over, I haven't played any DLC

want to go PvE focus build

Bow or Pyro?

Do I lost a Dex scaling if I buff it with fire spell (not infuse)

get over it bitch boy, go offline

I never see reds try to bow anymore.

>be honorfag
>get invaded on pontiff's playground
>go lay down naked in the courtyard
>bloodedge mcfaglord with his dual bleed katanas
>oh lord
>get up and bow anyway, showing him I'm naked and armed with my fists
>get hyper R1'd to death
>invade random worlds until I find him again
>turn on cheat engine
>get his player ID
>I now get transported to his world every time he launches the game and I instacurse him until he logs off
feels good

>be honorfag
>turn on cheat engine
Nope, doesn't add up, especially since you ultimately only did it because not everyone plays by your made up rules and it hurt your feelings

There's a place for Honor. It's by the Artorias arena, or by Pontiff's arena. Or wherever else is the defacto duel zones.

Everywhere else is fair game.

>tfw playing For Honor on release
>game attracts a bunch of souls PvP kiddies
>every match of 4v4 is full of them whining about Honor when you gank them
>they eventually kill one of the 4v4 modes in the game

Worst kinds of people desu.

>PvPfags ruined Souls games
The whole duelist thing has been around since Demon's Souls, and even then it would mean you'd get tons of delicious hate mail if you use the scraper spear.
Not that it matters, anymore. Dark Souls 3 is nothing but lame ass gank squads and co-op handholding, killing the only threat to being a human.

>throw a tantrum and start cheating because someone just wants to play the game properly instead of going along with your lolsorandom naked fistfight shit

something similar happened to me but with a prostitute

You probably suck at video games if you just want to torture normalfags who want to play the game. Souls invasions were complete broken anway considering you could just get all the best armor and grief.

I was just always a dick regardless if I was invaded or doing the invading
On one hand I did it for the sake of being a dick and the hatemail that came with it but also I knew that the majority of PvP would consist of dicks and that by fighting "fairly" I was just giving openings to my opponent

>ow the edge
either you can backstab combo or give your enemy the chance to do it, if you do it your enemies they'll never have the chance to do it to you

Better to get dirty and have others stay clean I say

>play DaS3 for the first time
>joined way of blue because first covenant
>get invaded, blue sentinel is summoned shortly after to help
>he bows and watches me 1on1 the red phantom

>You probably suck at video games if you just want to torture normalfags who want to play the game
That's the entire point of the system behind invasions.
>just play the game
The fuck?
Just play the game offline.

This is true autism.

I miss the scraping spear.

This. Remember when you could have max upgraded gear at level 10-30 and invade plebs getting stomped by gargoyles in undead burg? Fun times.

>join a duel club
>start attacking everyone
>they gank up on me for "honorable" revenge

Fuck off cuck.

t. levels dex and ganks with katanas
naked fistfights are the proper way to play this meme game, the fuck are you talking about
I'm just mad it only happened once, everyone else I've encountered either had pretty decent fight clubs or were all naked and punching one another, cause I'd gladly soft lock some tryhard faggot's game if I could.

So basically
>The people who only want to play X way are fags, only Y way is the way to play!
Fuck off.

Eat shit soyboy

It was retarded and probably the main reason why From fucked invaders in the ass so hard in 3.

>playing dark souls 1 on pc
>invader drops something on the ground
>keeps trying to get me to pick it up
>never do

What are the chances he was trying to fuck up my game with a glitched item instead of just being nice

>wahh stop oppressing me in da bideo games
>calling anyone a soyboy
Dude just fuck off back to rebbit where you belong bitch ass nigger

Thanks for the (you), soyboy

Hit a nerve, huh kiddo?

>invade in kiln
>twink in crown of the dark sun bows
>he put a message directly on the invasion spawn point so I walk forward a bit to bow back
>runs behind and backstabs me in the middle of my animation
Nice bro you really whooped my ass good job

>you lose
? lol

backstab and parry plebs are 100% the most pathetic.

I killed a bunch of invaders yesterday, people still fuck with the ds3 dlc, those honorable duels can be gay, so is pvp in general, more than half your connected swings wont do damage and it always seems like invaders just abuse the broken the ds3 dodge and run into mobs to get help to kill you and wont stop running, its kinda a bitch

At least in duels they cant heal like a bitch and run from you into mobs

who won? was it you? no? then who has the last laugh?

He did a very good job backstabbing me mid-animation and I was very impressed by his ruse nice work guy

Metafags do that to just about every online game.
The problem is the developers are starting to listen to them, like in smash where there is omega stages now.
Or Dark Souls 2 where they removed chugging in the brotherhood of blood.
Players literally refuse to play the game the way it was made and make their own rules.

I mean seriously, the game devs go out of their way to make an invasion system and players try to turn it into a lobby where people take turns.
Its autistic as fuck.

Sounds like he was smarter than you user

>rocking a low/mid STR invader in DS3
>exile cgs deals 250-300 damage per hit and that thing is on +6
>a full avelyn explosive bolt combo in a face deals 250 damage, roll catches, punishes chugging
>can use millwood greatbow with obscuring ring which allows me to just cheese the host with phantoms to a point they are out of estus
>fromsoft finally bent over and nerfed the seed into oblivion which means i can literally pull the host through the entire area making his life a living hell and he can't do shit to stop me
>mfw 70 tongues two days after i've finished working on this build

I don't know user, I invade a lot and I agree that most of the honorable mindset is cancerous. But when I invade a lonely host I try to be less of an asshole, I kinda understimate the people I'm playing against so when it's a lone host I give him a little chance: that is I bow and shit.

Besides, being dishonorable seems more in line with the tone of the Dark Souls world. I've never got the chance to play demon's souls, sadly. But I remember some user here mentioning that in that game, at first, people invaded or helped as summons mostly to get out of soul form and get full help to fight bosses, so it seemed more like helpless souls trying to progress by any means.

>always go to xbox dashboard when invaded

He was very smart and I was very impressed he did a fantastic job

PvP is pretty fun. Stop taking it so seriously

>Heh heh I'm like the joker! I want to nag people and play by no rules! anarchy!!

No, you're just a retard

Op is an r1 spamming pyro shitter I guarantee

end yourself

>red summon sign
honorabur 1v1
You're dying in my world no matter that, this is my swamp

This. If the host wants a duel, he'll touch a sign. In a normal invasion he has every right to gank invaders with a full squad and the invaders shouldn't bitch.

You fucking baby

your fault for listening to "honor duel" autists in the first place. they are literally people that cannot compete in actual multiplayer games so they try to raise up a gimmick mechanic of a singleplayer RPG to that level and dedicate a retarded amount of time to le souls pvp!11!!1

invasions have been neutered too hard from the sides of the games itself too, even if bloodborne is the best souls game the invasions obviously arent nearly as brutal as in something like demons or even dark. invasions should be a mechanic that balances out how braindead it is to use the online features anyhow (constant handholding tips, player ghosts, summons etc etc)

You either die an honorfag or live and see yourself become become the cancer

t. Lagging washing pole run attack spammer

you mad?

As an avid invader I despise and cherish what FROM did to invasion pvp. I fully blame the game, not the players. I blame FROM for making their core aspect of the games, overcoming challenges, a joke by giving casuls the oppertunity to hire a couple of sunfags and go to r1 town on a boss they wouldn't have cleared themselves in 50 tries. Not only does FROM trivialise the achievement of overcoming these obstacles, but it also takes away pride i accomplishing the feat yourself.

However, it has molded the invasion pvp into something else. More summons allowed for nastier gank squads. And in turn I thank FROM for giving me the hardest challenges yet. In a combat environment where one hit could mean a stunlock to death, it's really satisfying to see a ganksquad succumb to hundreds of hours of tryharding. As the ganking got nastier, so did I. I have embraced the cheese strats. I have embraced environmental kills, gimps and traps. And I have embraced the satisfaction of seeing certain gankhosts disappear, and the hatemail that accompanied it.

Miyazaki, thank you and get cancer. Now let the franchise die with dignity.

You're so fucking awful I legit hope you have bad things happen to you.
