Hiro approved Neogaf thread

It's been over one month already and Neogaf is unquestionably FUBAR. So the question is: which video game community will truly be its successor in terms of relevance within the the industry? Does ResetEra have any chance?

Other urls found in this thread:


How is ResetEra going? Are they just as bad as NeoGaf?

ResetEra is pretty much a NeoGaf replacement, so that's the "successor".

First of all, Hiro needs to do something about this fucking reCAPTCHA problem, sure it's easy just to switch over to legacy when replying to a thread but you can't do that when trying to make a new thread.

Bad in what way? If they're still crazy at witch hunting? In that case then yes.

ResetEra's literally just Neogaf 2.0 right up to the same mod team, hyper-left community, occasional video game celeb, etc. It really is just practically the same site reskinned.

At least Reset Era is most likely way smaller than NeoGaf. It won't have much influence.

You tell me.

>you can't do that when trying to make a new thread.
Doesn't this just mean that its going to be so much work to make threads that a lot of kids just won't bother relentlessly shitposting all day like they used to?

I'd be more than willing to jump through some annoying hoops if it stopped faggot kids from spamming dumb shit all day because they read on encyclopedia dramatica that Sup Forums is a goofy wacky place to pretend to be retarded

>That warning

Fake right?


>It won't have much influence.
It was born to have the same influence NeoGAF had within the industry. The website was heavily advertised by many entertainment medias. The DMCV leak was reported everywhere. It has lots of gaming journalists posting on it, along with known insiders like Shinobi and Xhuge.

the neogaf threads were just an excuse for Sup Forumsshits to shitpost. What is there to even talk about, they just migrated to a new forum. I can't even tell you how many Sup Forumsirgins this week alone linked threads from resetera, especially given the DMC5 rumors.



They're even worse.

Good fucking lord.

Sup Forums

It’s Neogaf 2, without Evilore.

brainlet wojak threads are still being made, even this isn't enough to keep the autism from penetrating through

This. We don't need another thread crying about SJWs

I quite enjoy one myself.

It's like the old days of Sup Forums when we'd have threads about Jack Thompson or whoever was trying to shut down games.

If you're offended that we don't like you, you can just not take part though.

The mods are almost all beautiful women ^_______^

>Neogaf dies
>There's something even worse to fit its place

nobody fucking cares lmao everyone stopped giving a shit weeks ago after the normal shitposters you weird obsessive faggots

It's literally Neogaf 2.0 or at least trying to be

But clearly we do need another thread crying about Sup Forums
Fucking hypocrite

Does anyone ever get the feeling that the old mods worked together to bring the sexual assault allegations to the public so that they could start their own forum that they controlled? I feel like they did it because they wanted to go even further left than Tyler wanted.

Except back then Sup Forums wasn't an alt-right hugbox. Crying about SJWs says is often (but not always) a clear indication of where you stand politically.

Holy fuck

Standing against people who try to censor or shut down gaming when you're a fan of gaming isn't a political stance, it's common sense.


>muh alt-right boogeyman

Fuck off

This. Sup Forums and the "alt-right" are looking to protect gaming. The Left like Kotaku and Reset Era damage gaming.

So is crying about the bogeyman
You could always move to a more inclusive community, like resetera, if different opinions make you feel unwelcome


>don't make fun of my board overrun with baby boomers from r/the_donald complaining about shit that was normal on Sup Forums for years

Yeah right.
If that was true these threads wouldn't devolve into literal Sup Forums threads like they always do.


Want to know how I know you're not from here?

They haven't learned a god damn thing. It'll be less than a year I bet that one of those power hungry mods is found diddling a child in a park bathroom

This cannot be real, who are these fucking people

A post to surpass "girl fetishist"

Sup Forums is legitimately relevant to Sup Forums. Neogaf isn't even a fucking board.



Top kek



Jesus christ stop I can't take it

>this fucking reCAPTCHA problem
what problem? every time reCAPTCHA didn't work in Firefox in worked fine in Chrome, also it looked always like google did in on purpose


lol why are you getting so defensive jethro? do you even know what a video game is? why are you here?


>"No "But"s! You have to agree with us otherwise you'll get banned!"

What a nice community.

Gotta love how the narrative switched from "Sup Forums is underage" to "Sup Forums is too old"

Jason's review had a real nasty side to it for some reason, like he complains about the game having dense mechanics.

Monolith Soft must've killed his dog or something, it just seems beyond petty to cry for three or four paragraphs about a game having a natural progression system you have to learn and adapt to.

>Standing against people who try to censor or shut down gaming when you're a fan of gaming isn't a political stance,

Yeah fuck all them nerds wanting to take down fucking wolfenstien 2 and shit. Fuck them all who got their panties in a bunch and wanted to shut down shit simply cause it hurt their faggy as feelings.
Fucking hell man quit lying about yourself ya disingenuous faggot. You just want to revel in recreational anger and shit so you obsess over nerds with really no actual power in anyway or form simply to bitch and moan over how a different echo chamber aint got the same spicy opinion as whatever echochamber faggotry you get your filtered info from ya dumbass faggot.
Serioulsy how much of a fucking loser are you that you got the gall to lie to yourself that damn hard? Fuck man have more self respect and stop being ashamed at your shitty lame ass at least ya dick munching loser nerd. Man fucking pussys like you i swear drive me bananas with just how genuinely dumb yall even are about your selfs.

Oh, the attention starved dramafag
Mind using a trip so i can filter you?

>ITAOTS avatar
Of fucking course

Oh my fucking god I seriously never thought these people actually existed

ResetEra is pretty much reverse Sup Forums. Which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't get echoed so much from gaming journalists and people within the industry.


Pede? Is that slang for pedophile or are these old folks just suffering from dementia? Do they mean pleb?

This one is almost fine. "NO1CURR" posts are obnoxious and he was kinda treading into that area

>"vote with your wallet" isn't that simple and it's also dismissive
Holy fuck

>Yeah fuck all them nerds wanting to take down fucking wolfenstien 2 and shit. Fuck them all who got their panties in a bunch and wanted to shut down shit simply cause it hurt their faggy as feelings.

But, I actually agree with this.

As long as you're consistent.


I never hear anyone crying about excessive violence being toned down or language. It's always some mediocre jap games with tits that gets toned down that has you crying.

They haven't been around long enough to garner that kind of attention, have they?

Ah, I see.

Complaining about devs being incompetent is vile and toxic behavior, but insulting and flinging insults at a character designer and threatening to not buy a game unless their design is censored is a completely rational and fair way to display yourself.

They're basically picking up where neogaf left off so they sort of have, yeah

So how do we stop their influence?
Clearly they a) Still circlejerk for brownie points and relevance and b) Push their narrative regadless of what the consumer wants

How do we avoid another Treehouse localization?

How about not playing nintendo trash?

Wtf that's my favourite album user....

Stop posting in Wolfenstein threads and they'll wander away eventually

>How do we avoid another Treehouse localization?
What was the last one?

It seems that nobody cares about neofag 2.0

How the hell are sexy females worse than language or violence?

Only a matter of time before they're eaten by their own again. You can't keep raising the bar in SJW without consequences; it's obvious they didn't learn from what caused them to splinter before

They will just kill themselves again with someone on admin/mod team having more kiddos naked.
The cycle will continue with the population leaving ResetEra to another website. The population will keep dividing between the websites. Sure its still a big amount of people who go on these websites, but they're all divided now. They can't work together, they can't accomplish anything, they're broken.

t. Sony KANG

It's okay, just the type of audience that enjoys it and indie rick in general are cancer.

Kill yourself, cancer.

They're getting LOTS of attention. Some gaming journalists happen to post there as well.


You, toddlers, are truly obsessed.

It doesn't mean they agree with their hivemind. I saw a Dualshockers journalist getting banned a couple weeks ago for "aggressive posting" or something like that.

They have no sense of self-awareness, they only saw that people hated them when Neo Fag was killed. Let them be, someone's gonna fuck a kid anytime soon anyway.

Toning down or removing content no matter what it is, is shitty and they should all be protested against equally.

But only getting upset when LOLI CHAN'S PANTSU ADVENTURE makes the MC put on pants and nothing else makes you seem like a sad lifer.

>It doesn't mean they agree with their hivemind
Considering that people from Kotaku post there, I'd say most of them do. Also because if they didn't they would just get banned.

I don't think I've ever seen a legitimate forum go out of their way to publicize infractions or warnings based on merely discretion of the staff. That's completely batshit and means that the mods/admins can infract whoever they please based on arbitrary standards set by them. Not even fucking Sup Forums is that bad.

Do these people who sign up have any sense of pride? I'd be fucking outraged.

>But only getting upset when
Lots of assumptions going on here. Also when is the last time non-fanservice content was censored in the West?

>Not even fucking Sup Forums is that bad
Sup Forums is the fucking best place of the internet if you give it some thinking.
Which really activates my almonds.

Yet someone protests
On their ideal world, no one would

When Resetera first started up after the whole Neogaf thing, it was actually pretty decent. But now every other post has a mod "warning" and it's just insufferable to go through. It can't be healthy surrounding yourself with this type of community.

And here's the thing: Sup Forums wants to completely shut down discussions of games they don't like for their own political reasons. Dishonored 2? Overwhelming shitposting over Emily being an -optional- MC being some kind of jewish/sjw plot. Death of the Outsider, BG&E2, that one 50's prison game, and so on? Constant whining about niggers and WE spam, because muh sjw jew conspiracy. Wolfenstein? Incessant whining about a black character and a communist that aren't portrayed in an idealistic light at all, just because they exist. And then there was all the victim complex faggotry about how the nazis were supposed to be an allegory for the alt-right, which gave Bethesda's marketers the brilliant idea to fan that fire for attention.

And I agree with what the other guy said, about anti-sjw complaints not necessarily being a conservative thing. It's just that the anti-sjw complaints on Sup Forums are generally kneejerk reactions to fucking nothing, by people who are so politically extreme that they see something walking the middle of the spectrum as a partisan threat to their agendas.

They honestly considered themselves "vaguely centrist". I'll give them this: I *almost* found myself feeling sorry for them when I realized how clueless they were about it but then I remembered they're all virtue signalling, high horse faggots

Dunno, but it reminded me of that one time the very localization team advised against bringing more titles of the same series (Senran kagura maybe?)

I recall someone posted a tweet from the owner of resetera that minorities get approved first over white people. Can someone post that?

Sup Forums has it's slew of problems and there some mods who get a bit too comfortable in their positions, but at least their rules are transparent (even if not always followed). The situation on ResetEra is literally a bunch of ex-mods/admins from Neogaf wanted to dictate a bunch of people fleeing from controversy under the guise of a more protected and safe community. Literally 0 testosterone from anyone who posts there.

it was a fake tweet.

You think it'd be ironic if the user was a woman themselves.

Sup Forums could do with a rule like that.

>Unironically using the term mansplaining

Stopped reading right there. Anyone who says that unironically should just kill themselves for the betterment of society.