Will we ever get games as good as pre-awakening Fire Emblem again?

Will we ever get games as good as pre-awakening Fire Emblem again?

Can the waifu damage be undone?

FE7 is overrated

>this is what awakenings faggots actually believe

FE7 is one of the best games period

>implying Lyn wasn't waifubait

Fuck no, Awakening rebooted the franchise with $$$ and theres no way Intelligent Kikes will go back to the old model of war driven stories over waifu simulator with tactics minigame, especially after the phone game showed how retarded waifufags are with their wallets

FE7 is good but is overrated in contrast to other pre-Awakening titles

Awakening’s success proves that waifu are the future of Fire Emblem. Go find another TBS game if you don’t like it.

She's a cute character I guess, but they don't go out of their way to pander to obvious fetishes or make her tell you she wants your dick.

There is a huge difference between a fanbase liking a game so much that they waifu characters, and a game directly forcing the characters to act like waifus.

Awakening is probably the worst FE game overall partly because of this.
Doesn't help that the maps are all bland and uninspired, or that its probably the easiest and most breakable FE game ever, or that the graphics are fucking trash and the art direction is really bad compared to previous games, but the story and characters feel so fucking forced.

It doesn't feel like a cool medieval political drama with a dash of anime anymore, it feels like a cheap pandering anime with a dash of medieval political drama.
I know people on Sup Forums don't like it when people say "its too anime", but I think saying that nu-FE games are "Too anime" is perfectly valid

God no, one you sell out like this there's no going back all you can do is cut ties and thank god Advance Wars died without being turned into a whore like Fire Emblem

You may get a game that's as good or better, but it's unlikely - waifu and fan service pandering gets easy sales and free promotion via things like Sup Forums and 2ch and so encourages them to focus on that over things like story, scenarios, unit balance, etc. Even if it is incredibly good, it will still be filled to the brim with waifus.

What's with FE fags acting like FE is the only SRPG that's ever existed? Once you get into the genre you realize Fire Emblem is incredibly barebones as an SRPG.
FE is literally waifu emblem now, you're fooling yourself if you think the fanbase gives a rat's ass about anything but the supports. If you want a good SRPG, actually look into the genre, Soul Nomad is fucking great for example.

>but I think saying that nu-FE games are "Too anime" is perfectly valid
Pre-awakening FE was "too anime" for its time. Old FE followed anime trends that were popular at the time, nu-FE follows anime trends that are popular now. The meaning of "too anime" evolves over time

I'm not sure how much I would consider several of the games as medieval dramas. Like, 7 and 8 drop that angle pretty quickly. Once Darin goes out the window the main stage of "Dragons are coming" takes stage. There's Lyn's story of course, but that's kind of got this massive disconnect with the rest of the story. And 8 drops monsters in the game almost right away. 9 Is kind of more fairy tale like, the young hero and his troupe rescue the princess and liberate it from a devil despot.

The only recent game that had significant political drama was probably 10. Since it made a pretty good effort to show that the entire world is being pulled into the war, with Begnion Senators (no matter how moustache twirling they were) actively pulling trickery behind the scenes.

I never really saw FE as political dramas, not when the final boss is pretty much always some supernatural evil. Dragons, demons goddesses etc. There was always some, yes, but it almost always just was sidelined once the actual evil comes to light.

>I'm not sure how much I would consider several of the games as medieval dramas. Like, 7 and 8 drop that angle pretty quickly. Once Darin goes out the window the main stage of "Dragons are coming" takes stage. There's Lyn's story of course, but that's kind of got this massive disconnect with the rest of the story. And 8 drops monsters in the game almost right away. 9 Is kind of more fairy tale like, the young hero and his troupe rescue the princess and liberate it from a devil despot.
I don't really mean literally a political drama exclusively, but more the tone of the games.
Even if the subject matter gets a little 'anime', the games still feel like they take themselves relatively seriously and have a story they want to tell.

When I play Awakening or fates, the wacky pandering characters just feel like living anime tropes that don't fit the setting at all. The tone of the newer games feels like its constantly conflicting with itself. I just can't enjoy the new atmosphere of the games because they really just feel like a bad anime

We can only hope not.
Pre-awakening is fucking awful.

you didn't even try

>muh waifua
Don't you have a Xenoblade thread to shit up? I see at least three in the catalog.

why are that guys legs so long

Go ruin /vg/ some more with your mobage general

>Hehehe if you don't like anime boobies more than anything you're GAY xD I bet you're a SJW!!! GO COMPLAIN ON NEOGAF YOU STUPID REDDIT!

I see cute scantily-clad girls in that image, user

>implying pre-Awakening games are better in any way, shape or form

>muh good old days
Just stop

cause nigga don't ride a horse so he has to run fast

Waifus were already becoming part of the games then.

>Once you get into the genre you realize Fire Emblem is incredibly barebones as an SRPG.
I don't like Final Fantasy Tactics as much as Fire Emblem and 99% of the genre wants to be FFT

It's really only Revya, and she doesn't even look like this ingame where she wears one of those form fitting tops, it's an odd design choice since the only other person with her tiddies out is the dancer/seductress class.
But scantlily clad girls or not, Soul Nomad is outstanding storywise and characterwise. FE7 made me fall asleep, there were characters in my party who I completely forgot about, even as showed up in cutscenes (literally who is Will.) I'll never get why Sup Forums acts as if FE's story is engaging in any form.
>what is Makai Kingdom
>what is Front Mission
>what is Disgaea

>>what is Disgaea

>thread about people complaining that Fire Emblem has too much waifu pandering and is getting "too anime"
>tell them to play Disgaea

Yes you should stop playing shitty mobile games

>le fans only care about waifus xD
Typical "oldfag" false narrative.

/feg/ hates nuFE you newfag.

I was replying to the user who was complaining about SRPGs all attempting to mimic the general aesthetic of FFT, the second half of Disgaea 1 has you fighting against androids in space, the late chapters of Disgaea 4 have you fighting on the moon. The entirity of Disgaea 5 takes place during a war involving the entire universe. The point I was trying to make was that Disgaea is an SRPG that takes nothing from FFT, user. It's anime as fuck though, which is why I'm primarily talking about Soul Nomad. Phantom Brave is also very good.

I feel exactly the same

Hell, I finished Shadow Dragon on the DS, even though it was just a bare-bones NES game with nothing to it. I could not bring myself to finish awakenings or fates, for the exact reasons you just mentioned.

I just started playing this franchise some time ago. Finished the GBA games(including binding blade).
Now playing Genealogy of the Holy War, and its definitely my favorite so far.

I'm also surprised how much it holds up. Or maybe FE just didn't progress...
I've got no interest in playing nu-FE and what 8x4 did with it though

>I was replying to the user who was complaining about SRPGs all attempting to mimic the general aesthetic of FFT
Oh, I'm that user, I didn't mean the aesthetic, I meant the gameplay. Other JSRPGs just 'feel' like FFT, but I really like how FE plays

>Overload of forced deploy chapters
>Upwards of 5 units you are forced to deploy at a time
>Story is shit
>Final Chapter is just a rehash of 776's final chapter with a dragon taped on
>Takes one whole playthrough of piss easy eliwood mode to get to a mode that has actual difficulty.

Not even the best FE game on that console champ

>Literally discussing mobage RIGHT NOW in the current thread
>TharjaAnon practically accepted nowadays
>Didn't see rampant waifuposting on release

Pretty sure you're the newfag, newfag

>story is shit
The story is fine and has one of the best localized scripts of any fucking Japanese game

>TharjaAnon practically accepted nowadays
Good. I like him.

>actual difficulty
pick one

>one of the best localized scripts of any fucking Japanese game
Play more japanese games then, not even in the top 20

Holy War had the best story and best boys of the series.

Fuck ive just started my hector playthrough and found out you also had to pump up the faggy kid to lvl 7 for chapter 19XX. So now I missed it. Also fuck this game for making me pump up bartre AKA the retard, to get swordwaifu

Please refrain from posting my daughteru ever again

>can the waifu damage be undone
hello do you know anything about this franchise at all? or did you miss all the Lyn waifufagging in 7?

Your daughteru got fucked harder than Lyn and abandoned her children. You didn't raise her right.

It joins the Xeno franchise in the grave.

The newer games sell better, so probably not.

7 is overrated, 6 is really much better honestly. But hey, not to say 7 is bad. Far fucking from it actually.

But let's be honest here, Awakening never killed the series, the waifu push was only being made with Cordelia and Tharja really. Everyone else was par for the course. It was a pretty good game to drum up interest in the series towards newcomers.

Now, the real death was Fates. Fates' writing is soulless trash made to look good in trailers with their big breast waifubait and lolis.

It's a shame that it sold so well and they messed up Echoes. We will never see Echoes tier writing ever again in the series because the gameplay flopped so hard and IS likely doesn't see that and thinks Echoes flopped because they weren't marketing waifus. Fuck.

Awakening was good and you only dislike it because it was popular. I thought the series was dead after the shitty DS remakes, but I was pleasantly surprised by awakening and even conquest is alright. Haven't played echoes yet. But I've abandon the community because it's turned into whiny cunts QQing about the old games like they actually changed that much, and the autists who complain about the existence of waifus so much they somehow are more annoying and vocal than the actual waifufags.

>Awakening was good and you only dislike it because it was popular.
Thats literally the opposite of what is true

Why do you fags always pretend there was never waifu shit before awakening?

Why do you fags pretend the old games had waifushit like awakening and fates do?

Obviously the old games had lady units, but there is a fucking obvious reason why a lot of people complain about it now and didn't before

Can someone tell me whats up with all the new fire emblem. Whats the difference between brithright and such

What is it with the delusion you people have about pretending the older games like this one didn't have waifu shit and lackluster strategy due to the non-existent balance. Look at Ninian and Eliwood's support convos, that's shit you would expect to see in Awakening, cringy love confessions and everything. FE7 is particularly bad too since any skill is thrown out the window once you get Hector (i.e: after the 10-chapter tutorial that you can't skip unless you have beaten the game and are doing another savefile) who can curbstomp the game.

Hey I'm the user from above. While Awakening isn't bad and there's lots of people who hate on it because they're hipsters, there are genuine reasons to dislike it. There's genuine reasons to dislike every game in the series and they're all pretty different per game.

For me, while I found Awakening enjoyable for the most part, really fucking hated how some characters who needed supports just didn't have any. Or how broken pairup was and made even lunatic feel like a joke of some kind. First playthrough should be hard/classic if you wanna enjoy the game, but after that you start to see cracks.

>Whats the difference between brithright and such
Birthright is ez mode, Conquest is not as ez mode, and the DLC one is somewhere in the middle.
Really though, they only split them up because they knew they could split up the waifus between 3 games and the waifufags would buy all three versions

It has the same fucking story formula as every other FE.

Only because of being able to practice eugenics since they didn't have the opportunity to do it with their waifus Lute, Eirika, Titania, Ayra, Ceada, Minerva, etc, etc.

I take it you've never been in a pre-awakening FE thread? Lyn fags were never a thing oh no.. People fighting over FE waifus... psshhh.The only thing that changed was art style and the support system.

I still dont understand. Is one game the base game and the others DLC mission packs? Are they three different releases like pokemon red/blue? Are they sequels of eachother but just use sub-titles because some characters return from the main game?

If you think there's an equivalence between characters like Lyn and blatant pandering bullshit characters like the Fates siblings than you're either being obtuse or you're just an idiot. If the simple existence of attractive female characters is how you define waifushit then you could even say the Archanea games have waifushit despite there being basically fuckall dialogue in the games themselves.



They're different routes and as such feature (mostly) different maps. First 5 or 6 chapters
are the same, then you split off.

Birthright is mostly easy and allows grinding without DLC. Conquest is hard, doesn't allow grinding without DLC and the AI is generally better.

Revelations is a bit inbetween, but reuses a few maps. It allows grinding, lets you get (almost) every character while the other 2 routes only feature half the character roster as playable.

The best art of FE7 was Nino honestly.

Birthright, Conquest, and Revelations are basically like three different versions of the same game, but the difference are more significant than Pokemon in that there are entirely different stages in large sections of each game, and the plot is "entirely different" (Kind of, when you really break it down it's largely just the same plot with the characters playing musical chairs between the different versions). Of course, that doesn't stop 2 out of the 3 of those games from not being worth playing.

>I take it you've never been in a pre-awakening FE thread? Lyn fags were never a thing oh no.. People fighting over FE waifus... psshhh.
it was a fuck of a lot less common since waifus weren't a main selling point of the games at the time. Hell, that happens in literally any game with girls in it and even many that don't have girls. Lonely kids will talk about how they want to fuck anything, that doesn't mean I want it to be a main focus in the actual game, especially since it means that even more of those annoying kids will shit up the threads about the game with pictures of feet and armpits while talking to each other about jerking off.

The art style changing was also bad and brought the overall atmosphere of the games down.
However, you're also ignoring the obvious and glaring gameplay changes and change to the tone of the stories and the writing.

Now that waifus are a key feature of the games, characters feel one dimensional. They're just anime tropes. Instead of supports being about world building or character building, the units just awkwardly blurt out poorly written attempts at flirting or retarded shit like farting too much or something.

Its fine if you like Awakening and Fates, maybe you like goofy anime cliches and big anime tiddies, maybe the tone or story of the old games didn't matter much to you, maybe you don't mind every mission pretty much being the same thing, but a lot of people do mind.

>It's popular because is popular.
That's some genuine hipster gymnastic.

Conquest is the best game in the series

I don't mind someone thinking Conquest is good, but Awakening is genuinely mediocre even if you don't care about story/characters. The final map of the game is basically a completely flat square map.

well, there were still more well done supports than previous games imo. Pairup was a tad bit broken but I didnt find lunatic "a joke" though no it wasn't the hardest game in the series. Obviously it should be played hard+ on classic like every FE. Im not saying its perfect but it was a well needed update on the formula. Then these faggots want to act like the changed everything and throw a tantrum.
okaaaay. How do you define waifu pandering, how is it exclusive to new FE and why is it bad?
I ini think there are less waifu fags in FE threads now than before. The stories are the same, some character writing is weaker, I dont know if the new art is as good, but change was needed. Other than that though you are full of shit. Every Fire Emblem is basically the same fundamental story.

Canas and renault were pretty good too. Its really stupid most of the good stuff was hidden. With renault you had to stall and required to complete like 3 supports to rank A to know what his deal was. Nino had great supports with everyone but had like 7, Canas seemed like a throwaway side character hidden in a gaiden map but had some really good supports as well. I wish they just halved the character count and instead allow you to develop them a lot more and have routes. Its like they make a bunch of great characters and then lock them away behind some supports while you thrudge through the generic story. Hell karla and karel their support was pretty interesting as well.

Awakening is bad, and it being popular has nothing to do with that.
I guess it being popular sucks because that means a bad game is going to set the standard for how future games are made, so in a certain way its more like
>Awakening is bad and you dislike that its popular

>maybe you don't mind every mission pretty much being the same thing
Not that guy, but Fates has perfectly fine mission variety.

So are they all on the same cartridge or do you have to buy the game multiple times for each route?

>we will never get a story as good or remotely mature as Genealogy of the Holy War ever again
I was really hoping Conquest's story would be good and have some well executed darker themes or morally grey areas but instead it was just a retarded clusterfuck filled with shitty characters. At least the gameplay was fun.

Story was good. I liked Chrom. Final map was meh. But I welcomed some changes to the game. Pairup was neat even if OP.

You people are as annoying as the hipsters, there are things called "proportions", "ratio", "balance", "degrees of focus", denying that those things changed is just being utterly dishonest.
Are you one of the people who says that Valkyria Chronicles 2 is like VC1 by chance?
That still doesn't justified this endless crusade against waifus, but let's not be dishonest retards.

Buy it multiple times lol, unless you bought the special edition where it's all on one cart. Fucking hacks. This is what I'm saying man. At least Awakening tried being an honest game. This is a scam.

There are copies of all 3 routes on one cartridge, referred to as "Special Edition". Otherwise you either grab a physical copy of Birthright or Conquest, then you purchase the other 2 routes as DLC. Special Edition Cartridges are probably out of print.

FE is about level design, resource management, and small scale tactics for each map. Langrisser and Front Mission also fall in that category.

Disgaea is about character building, you get to build your units and army however you want. However the individuals levels aren't as tightly put together as something like FE, you probably won't bother making elaborate sequences to take advantage of every last unit because it's more about crushing whatever obstacle you face with an overpowered character. Another example of this would be FFTA.
Is Soul Nomad similar to disgaea?

I don't think either type of srpg is better in an objective sense. They have different appeals and you should recognize that people have different tastes.

The special edition had them all on one otherwise you had to buy one of the base 2 then revelations is dlc branch

>some character writing is weaker
>Other than that though you are full of shit. Every Fire Emblem is basically the same fundamental story.
Thats my point though, why would I give a shit about the story if the characters are poorly written anime tropes.
You're thinking too broadly about this.
I don't care so much about the overall plot as much as I do what happens in the middle.

Its how the world and characters react to the plot that made the previous games interesting. I liked reading the conversations and reading every support because the world was cool, the characters were cool, the games were just cool and that made the story more fun.

When the characters are annoying and one dimensional, the writing feels pandering and forced, and it tries to rely too much on being wacky and goofy, it makes me start skipping dialogue because its just annoying. Awakening and Fates are the only FE games where I've ever skipped text, I also had a really hard time coming up with a team of dudes that I thought were really cool and actually wanted to use.
In older games I usually had a really hard time choosing which guys I wanted to focus on because so many seemed cool both in design and personality, but in Awakening and Fates I have a hard time deciding which characters don't annoy the fuck out of me.

The most popular games in the franchise are the ones where I skipped most of the dialogue and hated the casts, stories, and art directions
I can't speak for everyone, but I think this is a big part of why I hate these games so much.
It would be fine if they were just games i didn't like, but there is so much salt in the wound knowing that my least favourite FE games somehow became the most popular, and its really unlikely I'll ever see another FE game that I really love like the older ones.

As someone that has been a huge fan of the games since the initial release of FE7, it just sucks seeing one of my favourite franchises outgrow me and move on to easier pickings

So basically I was right? good to know.

>had the best boys of the series.
Had the best girls of the series. Fuck, I had a retarded crush on Ayra when I first played the game I also loved Deirdre and Tailtiu and wanted nothing bad to ever happen to them but we all know how that went.

thanks, saw a special edition somewhere, ill see if I can get that.

heres a cute anime girl for your troubles

I sure hope we get to see Arden in Fire Emblem Heroes!

>I really dislike the style being more over the top and more wacky.
That's absolutely fine, but it's sad how "being more over the top and more wacky" must be considered a synonymous of "pandering and forced" by some people just to shit on it.

>thanks, saw a special edition somewhere, ill see if I can get that.
Honestly, if it's over 10 dollars more than Conquest don't go for it. Just buy Conquest, play it, and watch an LP of Birthrout or Trainreckvelations on youtube or something.

>First playthrough should be hard/classic if you wanna enjoy the game
It's astounding to me that some people think Awakening is good but hate Fates. I strongly disagree that Awakening is any way enjoyable on hard/classic (or any other difficulty setting), the gameplay is fundamentally broken with a fuckton of RNG, terrible balance, and horrible level design. It's just bad in every way and offers zero enjoyment to me. Whereas Fates had an excellent battle system that is a lot more fun to utilize, so even Birthright is far better than Awakening.

>it's sad how "being more over the top and more wacky" must be considered a synonymous of "pandering and forced" by some people just to shit on it.
I'm all for wacky shit, but not "generic anime trope" wacky, that shits not wacky, just lazy and it doesn't fit the tone or setting of Fire Emblem. If I wanted that shit I'd play literally any generic anime shovelware
Also the pandering should be blatantly obvious

Conquest - great gameplay, terrible writing
Birthright and revelations - better than awakening but overall bad games and not worth playing
I recommend you play Conquest and pretend the other routes don't exist.

>watch an LP of Birthrout or Trainreckvelations on youtube or something.
Why on earth would you spend your time watching a LP of a game with terrible writing?

Even ignoring money, why on earth would you waste your time playing bad games like Birthright and Revelations?

It's not like the games haven't had one dimensional characters before. Some characters in FE10 unbelievably one dimensional. Looking at you, Vika and Fiona. And Aran and Laura.

Then you get stuff like FE7 Bartre and Serra. There's always been characters who are mostly tropes. But I don't think the Awakening characters are as one dimensional as you say. They discuss different things about them in their supports, not just their one obvious personality trait. Like Ricken's trope could be described as "kid who wants to be taken seriously". But Miriel's support shows his interest in experimentation and Maribelle's his history. It's no different from finding that Serra is not just some overbearing girl.

I mean, you'd be technically right if you said these two things have pretty much the same story too. But people would still argue that you're missing the point when they say that they didn't like the new execution of that story

>Why on earth would you spend your time watching a LP of a game with terrible writing?
I guess I meant if you were deadset on experiencing those routes in some shape or form, otherwise I'd just play Conquest and leave it at that.

I liked FE8 the most.
And I liked Ephraim too.

>brother and sister didnt fuck
After genealogy I expected better

>okaaaay. How do you define waifu pandering, how is it exclusive to new FE and why is it bad?
I'm not someone who claims that waifufaggotry was completely absent. I think Lyn was probably the closest the series ever got to that before Awakening came along, because she literally speaks to a player surrogate (FE12 had an Avatar, but characterization in Archanea is so thin it barely matters). Even then thinking that it's in any way close to what Awakening or Fates offers means you either don't pay any attention to what you're playing at all or, again, you're just being obtuse.

Waifu pandering limits what they can do in the supports. You yourself can't support Lyn or marry her and you play a secondary role, and in the supports Lyn does have she isn't limited by the need to constantly establish some cutesy character trait for people to hold onto (being clumsy/falling into traps/wanting to beat the shit out of you etc). Her supports revolve around her struggles fitting in as a noble and her desire to return to her old home. It's not fucking Shakespeare, but at least it feels like they're trying to establish the characters' personality in the setting at large instead of ticking off some anime cliche checkbox.

On the earlier note of marriage, one huge issue with the supports now is that every male/female support has to end in marriage now. They don't have interesting character/backstory-building ones like, say, Astolfo and Igrene. Or basically all of Renault's supports.

I'm not saying the new games don't have some good characters, but the ratio of one-dimensional characters is higher than it was and I'd like to see you give a good case why you would think otherwise. Somehow I'm expecting a one-line answer to this post instead of anything substansive though.

One-dimensional does not mean 'they get absolutely no screen-time.' I can't argue Vika, Fiona is the daughter of Lanvega, one of Daein's Four Riders and has to balance neutrality and what's best for her small nation, Marado while dealing with the whole world falling down around her. Aran is a cynic and slightly gullible but he does genuinely care and want to help, especially when it comes to Laura and Daein as a whole. Laura is a nun.
These characters could have had something going for them, as we saw in PoR, every minor character got at least one info conversation with Ike and support conversations helped them deliver some exposition about themselves, neither recruitment conversations (base screen) or support conversations are present in RD.

Change what I said with "being more anime-ish over the top and more wacky" it's the same concept. You really sound like someone who hates anime style in general.