99.999% of modern games are fucking shi

>Zero respect for the intelligence of the player
>Hand-holding like you're a babby
>Complete removal of player discovery
>Brain-dead AI
>Lootboxes are more and more common in games
>Pick a game -> toxic community
>Boring unimaginative gameplay.
>Try to be "cinematic" even though the story is always shit. The industry cannot attract good writers for the life of them.
>Zero-interaction cardboard environments. Why are these considered games, again?

B-but the graphics are pretty, so that makes up for it, r-right?

Fuck this shit. Gaming is dead. I'm done.

see you tomorrow

See you tomorrow

Nice virtue-signalling, OP

>be an entry-level retard that only plays mainstream shit

Skin too white
Thighs too fat

Gonna need a source on all of this

>too white

>my dream man is a rapper with gold teeth

Insecure much?

>playing mainstream, Triple A games
>at all
you have no one to blame but yourself

This so much

Same. Every single game I've anticipated wound up a disappointment.

i don't want that trashy hoe

Play more games. Actually play them, too.

What a meaningless post
>dude there's like big budgets games and then like small budget games, and even japanese games, what's up with that?
God Damn such powerful observations it is a national tragedy the thread died so a God Hand thread could live in its place.

those games are boirng.

yep the ((("""AAA"""))) industry is a complete joke.
every once in a while an indie game will impress but it's getting harder to find anything the the sea of dogshit and tumblr flavour of the month circlejerks

ITT people who are mad about a bunch of games they've never touched (I do not like green eggs and ham!) and people who whine about the lack of good indie games despite never looking beyond the first three pages of Sup Forums.

The fuck are you retards on about, he's done with gaming, not Sup Forums, Sup Forums was never about playing games

Do us all a favour and fuck off and find another hobby faggot

well yeah, but [pathetic excuse]
so.... you know.

all those games are trash

>implying you have intelligence

millennials should be required to play some essential games in order to prevent shit taste or no taste from settling in. It's too late for most though, and they are prayed on by corporations.

try one at random

>posts a bunch of oldgen games that have been talked to death regardless of how all of those either fit in his five points or were just shit

really makes you tink

>I never Payed them anyways


I don't want to play 100 games to get my stats high enough that my character is on par with the NPCs I've been playing against for those 100 games. I don't want to put in 50-100 hours just to have a decent chance at getting the skill cards I want, then another. I don't want to farm a single level to have a 1% chance of getting 1/6 of the parts I need to make a new upgraded character. I don't want to spend an entire weekend levelling up a single class before I get the good shit. I don't want to put 100 hours into a game just to get a mid-tier ship. I don't want to play a dozen matches to get to the next tier of tanks/planes/ships/commanders, so I can play that tier a dozen matches to get to the next tier, over and over again until I'm finally at tier 10, then repeat the process for one of the other 4-8 nations all the way from tier 1 again. I don't want to level up through the entire singleplayer campaign to be able to unlock some high-end gear that I never really needed in the first place and would only serve to let me try different types of approaches for each level.

I don't want to grind. I just want to enjoy video games. Stop making me grind. If it were just one game every once in a while that did this I might not have a problem with it, but it feels like every other game I pick up these days requires an ungodly amount of grind just to maximize the "fun" potential. It's a video game, the real fun shouldn't be hidden behind dozens of hours of less fun every single fucking time.

Good don't come back you big fucking cry baby hahhahahahahhahahah