The PS4 Pro was not a mista-

>The PS4 Pro was not a mista-

Other urls found in this thread:

Both seem pretty horrible.

both are mistakes

Now post the picture with xbox exclusives

This one?

>one runs at 4k with the same performance as one at 1440p
>one is receiving 4k enhancements for all its 1st party games (granted it's a limited lost) whilst the other isn't getting barely any pro enhancement for exclusives

I know which one I'd buy out of these two and that'd be the Xbox. If I wanted solely exclusives I'd pick up a ps4 slim for $100.

Why would PS4 owners care about how their games run? Isn't it more important to be excited about paying for a 17 year old UI background?


>playing Fallout 4 on console
>playing Fallout 4

>25 FPS
>21 FPS

Do you brain dead retards actually shell out $499.99 to play on frames that are lower than the average movie out in the cinemas? I just can't fathom why someone would invest into such garbage hardware knowing full well that on top of that, the games are all full priced and shaft you up the ass even with pre-owned.

I'm actually blown away here. Are console owners in 2017 just fucking brain damaged or am I missing something here? Someone please let me know what the deal is.

People have fallen for the 4K marketing push, so have to justify that $1500 OLED TV that'll be dim and useless in two years somehow.

>25 is lower than 24
mustard race everyone

>Both can't even hit 30

b-but muh 4k (dynamic)

Consoles are great.
>pay $500 every few years
>nothing ever improves

>FPS is going to be consistently at 25 and not dip below that
good one.

Console have never been about optimal performance since multiplats between pc and consoles existed. It's always been the lowest level way to play a game but it comes at a more affordable and attractive price. A £450 pc with an Athlon processor and gtx 1050 ti won't be able to run this game at 4k ~high settings (including godrays) with maximum draw distance and at 30 fps.

Oh cmon at some point you gotta blame the game that performance is unacceptable on that hardware

Bethesda can't code for shit. Star wars battlefront 2 hits 4k 60 on Xbox and looks fucking miles better than f4 which looks like a ps3 game. It's always incompetent devs. I remember when the game released and it had major fps issues on pc and godrays would make even 980 ti's of the time achieve low fps.

You're lying to yourself if you think the X isn't using checkerboard scaling on most of its titles. Both of them cannot reach native 4K. And anyways, 4K is a meme, they should've focused on solid 60fps for all titles instead.

>25 fps


Isn't there an option to toggle between high framerate and 4K in all games?

Neither console uses checkerboard rendering except in like 2 games ever. It's a fact as verified by DF that most of the Xbox one x games they've tested which have 4k patches will achieve 4k most of the time even the ones with dynamic resolution can hit 4k. The pro on the other hand is 20% cheaper msrp but always has at least a 50% lower resolution in patch vs patch titles. If I'm only paying 20% more to get 4k/near 4k on my 4k monitor as opposed to getting basically 1440p MAX on the pro I'd take that deal easy. The pro shouldn't exist and is the most pointless console on the market right now. It doesn't even work better than a $100 ps4 slim for exclusives because 99% of all the ps4 exclusives especially the Japanese ones aren't going to and will never get pro patches. You're paying at least an extra $250 over a cheap ps4 slim for the exact same experience. You're paying 20% less for a 50% worse experience on average compared to the Xbox.

4k is marketable, framerate is not.

>25 fps isn't accep-

this desu everyone is obsessed with 4k here even though there's no tv channels in 4k and nobody uses Netflix or the likes of that

>one is receiving 4k enhancements for all its 1st party games
>Quantum Break

>It's a fact as verified by DF that most of the Xbox one x games they've tested which have 4k patches will achieve 4k most of the time

Absolute fucking horse shit.

Quantum Break - 1440p
Project Cars 2 - dynamic, 1440p to 1620p
Battlefront II - dynamic, regular drops to 1800p
Final Fantasy XV - dynamic, 1360p to 1890p
Titanfall 2 - dynamic, 1440p to 1800p
Call of Duty - dynamic, 1080p to checkerboard 4K
Wolfenstein - dynamic, regular drops below 4K
Assassin's Creed - dynamic, 1700p to 1800p

There are very few games that come close to a "locked" native 4K on XboneX. Even the port of fucking Diablo 3 drops below 4K.

At least it's using that temporal reconstruction to not look like complete ass but yeah it's not 4k. Even the highest end pc's can't run that piece of shit dx12 version at 4k30. I still remember it being a huge fucking mess on the Windows store because of god awful optimization.

Tbf though it's running at near 4k when upscaled but games like persona 5 are still only 1080p on ps4 pro. A patch is better than no patch.

Titanfall 2 can hit even 6k at parts.

Nevertheless what's the ps4 pros stats in these same games? How you answer this question will tell us if you're a shill and how much of a shill.

>we had this thread this morning except it was xbox that was cherrypicked instead

Great thread, not surprised retards on Sup Forums can't read a frame graph.

4K on console is a meme.
What about a simple 2k at 60FPS?
Fucking marketing

You're the only shill here, faggot. Bet you thought nobody would call you out on your marketing bullshit, right? Sorry about that.

>Titanfall 2 can hit even 6k at parts
The only time it even hits native 4K is when there's fucking nothing going on, like during the tutorial.
>In-game pixel-counts in campaign gunplay now seem to vary between 1440p and around 1800p, only rising significantly higher to 4K and beyond when not much is going on
>Titanfall 2's Xbox One X upgrade doesn't quite blow the doors off as we were hoping it would in light of the 6K resolution hype from a few months back

I couldn't give a shit about the PS4 Pro. I own a 1080 Ti. It's just fun to call out you retarded Xboners who bought into the "NATIVE 4K!!!" marketing surrounding the XboneX, and now try to tell yourselves that you didn't get swindled. The system has barely any native 4K games, with framerates below 30fps common. $500 well spent, lads. :^)

>Xbonex can't do 4K
>"bububububu n-neither can the P-Pro!!!!"

No shit, it's a year older and $100 cheaper. For all that bullshit hype for 18 months and those leaked benchmarks from August you'd think the Xbonex would be at least matching the hype more often.

you got btfo by based user you filthy marketer shill fuck. xbone has no games.

Ah so you are a shill then. At least you confirmed it for all of us. A simple request to state the pro performance in the same game has triggered you hard as fuck. Classic sign of a marketer.

Fyi I own a ps4, not an Xbox :)

>20% more cost for 50-96% more performance + higher quality textures and assets
>not matching the hype

Can't tell if bait or retarded

speccy? burden of proof in on you my Pakistani friend

>sub 25 FPS
>2 years ago these same people were going on about how 35 FPS was good
I can't wait until console games are a power point slide show and the sonyfags will still scream about how it has a better resolution

>fallout 4
>running well on anything but the most overkill tech for the visuals it delivers

Fucking laughed hard at the Xcucks yesterday who thought 60fps in PUBG vindicated the shite they swallowed so hard.

but devs confirmed its 30 fps on all xbone versions right?

Yep. The base consoles are always going to hold the upgrades back.

Till they can hit 60 on both, yeah. X1x hit 60 easily but they said the x1s was aboit 40 fps in the current build so more work to be done.

You literally can't tell the difference between 4k and 1080 until you start getting into the 80 inch and above range and are less than 5 feet from the tv.

It is a pure gimmick. Even a lot of electronic review sites and junkies are calling the industry out on it.


Dude, I had a 1080p 32" tv which was basically my monitor for the last 3 years and upgrading to a 32" 4k monitor is like night and day. The games look so much more crisp.

yesterday my base ps4 started flickering and the sound cut out on FUCKING youtube, closed youtube and it still flashed a little on the PS4 dashoard. I restarted it and it was fine. Any of you lads experience something similar?

It's the Sony fanbase making the "bring pubg to ps4" though

You mean the device you are like a foot away from? You should tell a difference.

Most TV sets are on the other side of a room.

Unless you got some bad eyes, you can see a difference between a tiny 1080 image and native 2160.

it's like watching handicapped olympics OP

Cinematic Experience™ and The Highest Quality Pixels™

No. You physically can't when the image is on the other side of the fucking room.

You can on a monitor that you are right up next to, but a 4k TV is useless to most consumers.

For video uncompressed 1080p is often still better than 4k compressed as shit for streaming.

>all the smug PCfats in this thread

you're fucking delusional if you think games never drop frames for you

It's falseflagging Sony niggers. Notice how they don't post their speccy of Their alleged 1080 ti when you ask but they get super butthurt when you give them facts about how bad the ps4 pro is

I will never understand how people can comfortably enjoy a video game from across a huge room. Even a 50" TV looks tiny as fuck from that distance.

4 feet from the screen is literally the most immersive experience. Sitting 10+ feet away is retarded.

>Playing a Bethesda game on console

Ironically if you've ever been in a speccy thread most PCfags are poorfags with shitty rigs that probably run their shitty loli modded Skyrim at 15fps.

>muh exclusives
yet the most sold games are FIFA and cod and madden and nba and nfl and destiny and battlefield etc. every fucking year.

No one buys PS4 exclusives unless it's called Uncharted.

You know that the farther you are away from the screen, the more you see a difference, right?

>playing a bethesda game

No one on Sup Forums buys consoles for multiplats you absolute moron, that's what PC is for.

Lmao both of them are under 30fps.


>ayo how do you want your CPU pfam?
>just 2012 laptop APU my shit up
>say no more

And here we are, struggling to hit 30fps because of a CPU from the stone age.

And now lets look on PS4 Pro

Project Cars 2 - dynamic, 882p to 1440p
Battlefront II - dynamic 1200p to 1440p
Final Fantasy XV - dynamic checkerboard, 1360cb to 1800cb (872p to 1260p native)
Titanfall 2 - dynamic, 1080p to 1440p
Call of Duty - dynamic, 1080p to checkerboard 1800cb
Wolfenstein - dynamic, caps at 1440p regular drops below 1080p
Assassin's Creed - dynamic, 1312p to 1517p
Fallout 4 - Dynamic 1440p drops on horizontal axis to as low as 1440x1440.

Really activates my almonds.

The PS4 Pro is to playstation what the original Xbox One was to Xbox. I'm an xbro myself but c'mon that thing was terribly ill conceived. The thing is MS kept dropping features and doing everything they could to free up more GPU and CPU power for games. I don't think Sony will care enough to do it for the Pro.

Actually nobody buys PC to play games. I don't know a single person that uses pc for gaming.
PC is pretty much irrelevant.

>that's what PC is for.

>fps on console
>fallout 4 on anything

Uncharted 4 isn't 1080p on PS4Pro.

>Bu bu but the Pro is worse
>That'll be $499 please


Yeah both are pretty shit, a 4 fps advantage isn't anything to brag about.

What's the point of playing video games below 60fps? Much less 30. I will never understand normalfags

>4k 60 fps

xXxBonexXx was the real mistake, fucking hell t costs 150 bucks more and only has 4 extra FPS

I dont get it

If they run the same I get the ps4 version for the physical copy. If it's multiplayer I get it on ps4 since it's more alive than pc

There is for the PS4 Pro, but that is for the "optimized" games.



This guy gets it.
"Mid console generation consoles???" Anyone who bought the PS4/XBONE then bought the PS4SLIM/XBOXONE S and then bought XBONE X/PS4PRO are complete fucks!

A ps2 background is soon to be released, but not for free.