Do you play retail WoW and if yes, why?

Do you play retail WoW and if yes, why?



1. Because I tried a new account due to holiday discounts on the whole package.

2. I realized what the "street" value of my original account was due to my massive vanity pet collection...and leveling without heirlooms was excruciating.

I mindlessly level alts when I'm too tired to play something that requires brain activity

because the only other option is to play on private servers

no, because Legion is pure shit

No, because private servers offer higher-quality content for free.

>higher quality content
>private servers

yes, cuz it's fun, though I don't think I can play for more than 1-2 months at a time

Through Worgen knot - Unity

put a bullet through your skull

I enjoy leveling the different classes and going through all the class order and mount stories, and playing a demonic build DH with the eye beam leggo is pretty fun constantly going into demon form

Progression servers don't unlock content until it's bug free, or at least the one I'm playing on doesn't. It's 99% blizzlike.

Been craving the old wow experience.
would love to start fresh and experience the other faction
but i do not think it would be as good due to lfg and lfr
Havnt played since cata

I forgot to cancel my sub and it auto-renewed.

Yes. I still genuinely have fun raiding with my guild, mythic plus is enjoyable, and some handful of other content is ok.

>leveling without heirlooms was excruciating

Cry a fucking river. Leveling in current retail is piss easy and fast without your fucking heirlooms compared to how it used to be

I played it since Vanilla, with the occasional break, but Legion legitimately convinced me never to give Blizzard's D-Team another shekel again.

The way they completely fucked class playstyle and balance was unforgivable, literally worse than WoD.

>b-back in my day...!
Shut the fuck up. There are people who dont have the time or just dislike doing 1000 quests for a level

Only since I got 10 days free time over asking a question about something I wouldn't have known about if I didn't have nostalgia for WC3's WordEdit.

not anymore.

even though vanilla was total ass, there was 1 key part of the game that was there and isn't anymore. interaction.

even a single talent point and a few skill ranks going up is interaction.

picking best talent set up is not (ironic that this is still a problem since blizz made new talents to get rid of having best talent choices)

waiting an hour in town looking for players to do a dungeon is interaction, sometimes you would even add people after the run because they were good players and cleared things fast, and made friends

pressing a button and waiting 10 minuites is not interaction.

i could go on and on about the lack of interaction, but yeah you get my point.

WoW feels like a single player mmo now. you just go through the quest grind like everyone else does and do dailies, raids, weekly shit, etc,

doesn't help that WoW is getting more casual, ANYONE can raid now, so there is no progression, you only raid to see the content, nobody cares about gear unless you're doing mythic shit.

also PvP is shit, id say the peak of PVP was wotlk, sure everyone was fucking OP back then, bursting people down in like 4 casts if you had heroic gear. i liked that though, beats the training dummy tier pvp we have today.

Started when the movie came out and my buddy and I managed to boost 6 of the free month of WoW. We handed it out to other guys on base and we all started together.
A group of 24 and a girl. 15 people dropped the game in a day. Then over the course of the month more and more people dropped of out of boredom or "better things to do." When the free month ended and renewal came up it was my buddy the hot shot hunter DPS, the female monk healer, and me the drood tank. We still play from time to time, but our ques take forever cuz the girl is always late and almost always skips out.

>he cant control his healslut

Why are you even wasting your time playing video games

>tfw stayed up for 4 days straight on my prot paladin to get from lvl 30 to 42

shit it would take me 2 days to get to 60+

Just bought it. Never played wow before so i can enjoy this without the whole vanilla vs. retail shit

The questing is fun and relaxing, each zone is like its own little story.

I haven't done endgame stuff but it's usually pretty bad in MMOs


Good enough waste of time and i can play with people i know IRL because of the Casual Pandering means those people actually play whereas many other MMOs, like FFXI(V), are "too complicated" to set up a sub or account according to them.

Yeah, i know it is retarded, but they are MY Retards.

Keeping up with trends and reducing repetitive experiences.

12 characters.

That's basically a Classic vs. Retail argument.

>some classes/specs getting really fun from MoP through WoD

I don't play right now, no. I did play in spring / late last year, the reason being a bunch of RL acquaintances decided it'd be fun to play something together and WoW happened to be the game that got the least objections. So we played it. As soon as the people I was playing with dropped it, I did too.

Yes, It's still providing content that interests me even if sometimes it can be underwhelming or disappointing. WoD and CATA are the times where I stopped playing the longest.

I'm still looking forward to classic for the sake of nostalgia. I also hope that they let users have the option of having the high res models and graphics since a WoW remake is something I've also wanted.

>leveling without heirlooms was excruciating
Fucking Wrathbabbys
haha oh wow consider stabbing yourself in the jugular, casual underage trash

Na, I can't really be bothered to farm Antorus for a year until BFA is out.

>offer higher-quality content
I don't even play retail anymore and even I think you need to stop lying to yourself.

I do casual shit like mount and transmog runs with the odd raids and pvp.

considering lvling up my lvl100 alts to 110 before exp

until you play a warrior and want to charge, or a mage and want to blink, or pull a pack of mobs the wrong way in a dungeon and you get an army running at you through a wall.

I was a vanilla player with a Wrath of the Lich King mentality...also on a dead RPPVE server since day one.

I like to rerun around and tab select shit in this game while on voice chat being a playful boitoi for actually autistic adult women. I'm not even kidding, these bitches respond super well to positive attention, and so do I.