Yes Man, House, NCR or Legion?

Yes Man, House, NCR or Legion?



Went with House in my first playthrough, then House
Legion are too much of an assholes for me to side with them

then NCR*

House is the only logical way to go.

anything but Legion

Yes Man, people who don't are probably literal cucks

Yes man is the liberal cuck option though


Im a dumbass

yes, you are.
please explain how you came to that conclusion

Yes man is the anarchistic choice for new vegas which is is very far left

anarchism is very libertarian right

Help me choose Sup Forums

If you had to pick between NCR or Independent what would you choose and why?


stop with this strawman comic... at least post a good one this one is way, way too obvious to be funny

Thumbs down, you son of a bitch!

>Baiting this hard

>Possibly the best RPG ever too!
stopped reading the weak strawmen comic after that

Dont turn this into the fallout 3 thread please

Yes Man is a cuck but you're the bull.

Cuckolding actually isn't so bad when you're the one doing the fucking. Not that you would know.

first playtrough House, then NCR then Yes man. I liked Yes man the best. The militias in Vegas function quite well on their own. (West side) So i imagined removing Legion larpers and NCR to be a good thing.

A patrician on Sup Forums

>attack a certain faction
>they start hating you
>put on faction clothing
>opposing factions take notice, can even peacefully interact with enemy factions if you slap on a disguise
As far as I'm concerned this makes the factions in NV 20x more developed.

"Liberal" is not a catch all term for "things I don't like"


He's a pretty cool guy.




you're posting gods truth but new vegas kiddies will never admit it
fnv worship is the fastest way to spot a redditor

Vegas is great, but comic is unironically right. Fallout 3 was the better game.

it is for Sup Forumstards

Why did you all reply to it?

Things aren't going so great back in California so they're obviously the best choice to run the Mojave
A lot of people have to die pointless, brutal deaths for a slim chance of something good happening
Exploiting idiots and leeching off a larger, more successful society for lofty ideals and a plan that may or may not work
>Yes Man
No one in the Mojave did anything of any worth before NCR, House and the Legion showed up so why would they do anything after they're gone

House, everyone is retarded, humanity is retarded

why isn't there an option to deliver the chip and leave the mojave wasteland to it's own fate? answer me that newvegasfags

Because there isn't

Legion because i'm a sucker for bad guys. Turned out they're not so edgy if you save Caesar though.

There's liberals on Sup Forums, neofag.