>finally give into the hype and drop 44 euros for standard beta version
>game doesn't explain shit
>graphics are way shittier than on screenshots even on a nuclear rig
>ok calm down its all about the gameplay
>literally the most clunky movement in FPS history
>bugs, desyncs, aimbot AI, hackers already
>fuck solo players
>terrible matchmaking
>oh you spent hours getting that gun and modding it and shit WELL TOOBAD you lose it nao XD
>fuck off back to Factory and grind yo ass to purchase it again ( oh and yer armor too sry bro lel)
>repeat the above everytime you die
>community refuses to listen to any criticism
Do not fall for this meme game.
Escape From Tarkov
Other urls found in this thread:
its fun tho
>Queue in solo on factory
>5 man fort armor m4 squads
wew lad
Pretty much agree with everything.
Though squadding up with buds makes it a lot more enjoyable.
Only reason I play it is because of my group. Once they stop, so will I.
I dunno, shootin nerds and packing shit in a pilgrim is fun, just wish raids made more sense. Like instead of just extract you'd go in loot and then get out instead of just magically appearing.
I used to play it cause it scratch that walk around getting shot from no where iche
but now that is being filled with Pubgshit
so the only thing left going for it is the gunporn which isnt that great when I played it anyway
and since I already bought it I might as well try it again when it is finally out
>Getting BTFO this hard
Are you one of those fully kitted retards that I dome in the head in customs with a shitty PP-91, only for you to explode into a gear pinata? A hearty laugh is being had. Go back to PUBG, Tarkov is clearly too difficult for your tiny brain, molasses reflexes, and shit aim.
>literally "git gud" comment
fuck off back to EFT forums Cheeki
>finally give into the hype
there was no hype. you fell into shill lies and probably sponsored jewtuber vids. kill yourself cuck soy boy.
open beta when?
Its not a good game.
There was a huge push recently by shills to promote this game on /k/ with threads at least once a day.
I dont thing much people fell for the promotion sine everywhere you look the game has issues.
what hype?
theres literally no hype for this
>make it a BR just on smaller maps (until they make more content)
>spawn in with nothing and have to loot shit
>game is suddenly fixed
>Buys a game centered around difficult survival, where the consequences of death is losing whatever you brought with you into an instance that wasn't insured(and not looted).
>Moronically load your character up to the brim with expensive equipment you can't replace
>Put yourself in extremely risky situations; Alone, no less, while also being inexperienced.
>Such an insufferable faggot that you can't make friends to group up with anyway.
>Devs openly encourage you to group up, and design the game to support it, which makes sense given it's realistic slant, but nah, go solo
>Inevitably get BTFO, probably by a Scav with a shotgun.
>Waaah *sniff* They're PICKING ON ME *sniff* how dare anyone kill me when I behave stupidely!
Yeah, I mean, you DO need to git gud. Even without friends the game is pretty playable solo if you're not retarded, I do it all the time. If you want to Rambo, go install Fortnite, since it seems more your speed.
>Think Tarkov is going to be some kind of semi-realistic Stalker / Squad gameplay mix with amazing weapons customization
>it's actually a run and gun battle royale
I almost bought this shit without confirming what it's like. Glad I didnt'
you were told not to fall for it a hundred times by people odler and wiser than you
Your loss.
>Run and gun battle royal
You've definitely never played this. Please. Please come and try to run and gun so I can get another free kiver or 74.
Just wait for Ray of Hope, its bound to get released sooner or later.
>don't like battle royale run and gun games
>don't buy battle royal run and gun games
>my loss
Not everything is Loss, user.
>You've definitely never played this
Well aren't you a genius? How in the world could you deduct something so complex?
literally first time I hear of this game
Never ever
It got shilled a bunch back when it first came out into early access. Probably by the devs themselves, which is why it stopped.
Well they do post updates on development much more consistently than Gunslinger, and it seems like they are progressing faster in development as well. But i do get what you are saying, this is what my pesimistic side tells me a lot of times as well. ;-;
Heck, I'm not sure you've even seen a youtube video, to be honest. The only remotely 'action packed' part of the game is Factory because of it's small size, but even there if you tried to run and gun you'd die in SECONDS. You're clearly shitposting about some game you know fuck all about. The game is more punishing of run and gun than pretty much any other FPS out there right now. There are no respawns, and you lose your shit upon death. The weapons are highly lethal, and even with the best armor, if you get caught out of position, you die damn near instantly, if not outright instantly. The entire game is completely and utterly predicated on the concepts of caution, patience, and attention to detail with a heavy focus of tactics, to the point that the devs heavily encourage you to play in a group so you're not just getting shot from your flanks constantly.
So really, explain to us how it's run and gun.
jej. obvious shills.
>Ray of Hope
Heard it will come out on the same day as Gun Slinger mod.
>anyone that isn't shitting on a game in Sup Forums is a shill
>anyone that actually knows how to play video games, instead of getting BTFO and losing half your stash and all of your roubles in less than 10 raids is a shill.
It has a lot of good ideas and has the potential to be the next big thing but it'll never get there if they don't fix the key issues.
Desync (what killed Day Z), inventory jewishness, and most importantly the game modes all need to be addressed before it can gather any steam. The weapon mechanics and everything surrounding the loot system kinda gets wasted on these tiny game modes with their awful spawn systems. I don't mind the escape mechanic but until they drop some Day Z sized maps no one is going to care about the game.
Run and gun because of the high movement speed, complete lack of inertia, tremendously fast ADS and frankly the movement style itself, reminiscent of CoD. All these things allow the player to run and gun.
>The game is more punishing of run and gun than pretty much any other FPS out there right now.
This means nothing, because "pretty much any other FPS" are mostly casual action shooters.
1. Insurance doesn't mean shit when you have good gear since everyone will surely loot it. I've ensured everytime and got back ZERO of my gear.
2. Having good gear / getting ass blasted by faggots with suppressed M4s / camping till everyone is out and looting - pick one
3. Just no.
4-5 Go with friends or get 90% less enjoyment is somehow good for the game. Wew.
6. Or by random bugs , hackers, desync and shit spawns or luck.
>Chernarus sized maps
Oh fuck off. The maps are a good size for the type of game it's trying to be. If I just wanted to press 'forward' and see nothing and no one other than grass and trees for 30 minutes of shitty FPS, I'd play Breath of the Wild. All of the maps sans Factory are plenty big enough to move tactically or sneak around most threats. What would tacking on a walking simulator even do to enhance gameplay other than boring the piss out of people and making the carebears even MORE ass-pained when they get shot from out of nowhere after walking for 15 minutes?
thoughts on the AI?
i feel it would be better with just players
is there a story behind that gif?
>High movement speed
U wot? They move at a pretty much normal pace. Are you asthmatic, or something?
>Tremendously fast ADS
Again, wat? Their weapon is already shouldered at the high-ready. They literally just have to move it a few inches to sight in. Hilariously, snap-shotting doesn't even work reliably anyway, Getting a properly aligned sight picture is deceptively difficult, as it misaligns constantly with your movement and breathing.
>Movement style itself
Movement 'style'? Should they be moonwalking? Or doing that shitty lego movement like in ArmA where they suffer from cerebral palsy?
If you think it's reminiscent of CoD at all, you haven't even bothered to watch some stream fag's videos or anything. You can't rambo in this game. For every one time you manage to pull it off out of sheer luck, there will be 10-15 times where you get BTFO, lose all your shit, then run to Sup Forums to whine about not being an invincible terminator like OP.
Some PMCs fucking with eachother in Iraq.
Is making single player only games that much unprofitable that every dev has to jump on the multi bandwagon?
IRL battlefield then
I like 'em. They're a wild card, and are at least convincing enough to be a threat if you get careless or cocky. They pretty much exist to punish people that just try to sprint through maps, or who just try to sneak past all the players, rat fuck loot, and then escape the map without any risk or conflict.
They also provide a decent amount of combat to keep the game from turning into a walking simulator between bumping into players. Pretty much forces you to always be on your toes and communicating with your group. Even if the Scavs themselves are less of a threat, getting pulled into fights gives your position away to distant players and encourages people to investigate.
>the type of game it's trying to be
The problem is the type of game it's trying to be is one no one wants to play, while interesting in theory it's simply a game mode that promotes complete retardation like going in with a pistol/shotgun only, hatchling runs, or just plain old camping the exit. You have a fucking enormous customization system that will never truly get used because no one is ever going to risk losing their good stuff, there isn't enough room to really get out there and enjoy the maps and every time you spawn in you HAVE to escape or you lose your gear entirely.
With a bigger map that incorporated more people you'd open up the game to so many more gameplay routes and people would feel more free to bring in their top of the line gear. You could direct yourself towards or away from hot zones and play the way you want to play instead of being stuck in a half assed deathmatch mode.
But hey whatever, no one plays the game as it is now, that's not changing if they don't give people a reason to play.
>They move at a pretty much normal pace.
No, they don't. Characters sprint, accelerate, deccelerate and move on bad terrain far too fast.
>Hilariously, snap-shotting doesn't even work reliably anyway, Getting a properly aligned sight picture is deceptively difficult, as it misaligns constantly with your movement and breathing.
This is not "deceptively difficult", unless you're comparing it to CoD.
>Movement 'style'? Should they be moonwalking? Or doing that shitty lego movement like in ArmA where they suffer from cerebral palsy?
The swing-arms-to-the-sides-running like they were imitating happy miners.
>If you think it's reminiscent of CoD at all
The running style is.
>You can't rambo in this game. For every one time you manage to pull it off out of sheer luck, there will be 10-15 times where you get BTFO, lose all your shit, then run to Sup Forums to whine about not being an invincible terminator like OP.
Or then you git gud and do it anyway? I've said the same things about RO2 and people in that game as well have commented like you do now, so I find it hard to believe you.
I mean, it's not STALKER. It's not even made by the same company. In fact, there's only one employee there that even worked on STALKER. Why does everyone think this is some spiritual successor to STALKER? Because it shares some themes? STALKER hardly has a monopoly on grim dark slavic settings. It's Russia, they're already depressed alcoholics to begin with.
So what you're saying is you want a sightseeing game without any combat.
Devs have said it's a team game so if you are playing solo you should probably fuck off or stop complaining
I wasn't thinking about STALKER to be honest. I was just curious why so many developers want to go full multiplayer and abandon singleplayer content.
Why not play solo and wipe out entire teams? Does the foliage work to conceal properly, or can it be turned off with a few graphics adjustments?
I want a game that has actual combat and strategy, not games having 10 people with 8 of them carrying garbage weapons and gear because no one wants to risk anything good.
Yeah, real fun shooting scavs, hatchlings, and having firefights with unarmored players wielding only a naked AK. You can't even make use of most of the games really neat mechanics because none of it even matters in such a small brainless game mode.
>or then you git gud and do it anyway
Says someone that doesn't play the game. Even if you're the best at the game at aiming and reflexes, trying to rambo is going to get you ass fucked and cost you all your shit. It's not the kind of game you can just run around in without getting killed. Being the first to shoot is extremely important in Tarkov, and that requires positioning and intelligent maneuvering to set yourself up to have an initial advantage, or at the very least minimize the chance of getting shot from some direction you didn't have an eye on.
There is no circumstance where you just 'run and gun' through a map. Even if you show up in fort armor and a kiver, someone with a makarov or shotgun will just pop you in the legs if they catch you running around out of position, and proceed to gun you down right then and there, or stick and move and waste all your medical supplies and make you bleed out.
>Why not play solo and wipe out entire teams
While this is doable, your chances are pretty low unless they have the situational awareness of someone with downs. You might get 1 or 2 people, but the moment everyone else figures your position out, you're going to get lit up. Even with a group, engaging another group is pretty risky and can go south pretty quickly for the initiators if they don't get the job done with haste.
>Even if you're the best at the game at aiming and reflexes,
And situational awareness, movement, stealth, spatial awareness, especially dead ground, etc. There's a lot more to it than just aiming and reflexes.
>Being the first to shoot is extremely important in Tarkov, and that requires positioning and intelligent maneuvering to set yourself up to have an initial advantage, or at the very least minimize the chance of getting shot from some direction you didn't have an eye on.
And you can't rambo while doing that because?
Clearly we simply have a different understanding of ramboing.
>There is no circumstance where you just 'run and gun' through a map.
I never said that, did I? I simply called the game a run and gun one, because to my own understanding of the term and game, that's what it is. You run around and gun people.
>but the moment everyone else figures your position out
If they figured your position out, either the game has shitty stealth aspects, or you're bad at it.
If you're lying in a bush with no background contrast, are only visible from your line of fire and have a safe route of retreat, you should easily be able to cap a couple, then pull back and repeat. Especially if they come after you.
>garbage weapons
These don't even exist. Even the cheapest, least flashy guns will reliably kill someone with the best shit. M4's are meta because of their fire rate and accuracy, but that doesn't mean the other weapons are at all 'bad'. Hell, my favorite weapon is the SKS because that shit is a cheap, extremely reliable workhorse as long as you can fucking aim and don't panic.
The whole hatchling thing is fucking stupid, but it's such a non-issue outside of Factory it's hardly worth bringing up. Why even play a game in this genre and complain that there isn't 1:1 parity of equipment for every player? That doesn't exist in ANY game in this genre. If you're too much of a pussy to take your fancy toys out into a raid, that's on you. I love playing in a group because it's the perfect time to bring out nice shit, insure it, and if I die, have it chucked in a bush by one of my friends so I get it back anyway. Just stop being a pussy.
Are there even any maps at battle ranges (>300m) where the weapons you have would matter?
>If they figured your position out, either the game has shitty stealth aspects, or you're bad at it.
>Shitty stealth aspects
>Literally firing a loud ass fucking gun at people with the cognitive functions to use critical thought and deduce the source of the noise, or, in the event of suppressed noise, consider the direction of impacts and near misses to get a general direction of the source and use their fucking brains to figure out where you are.
This isn't the game for you if you want to be an untouchable terminator. The game even tells you when you boot it up for the first time that if you act retarded, you will die. Hell, even if you do everything 'right', you'll probably still die, because that's combat. You're not Ramirez from MW2. You're not bullet proof, or a ninja terminator. Everything you do in Tarkov has to be a calculated risk. If you just want risk free shooting with no punishments by a respawn timer, but an air of 'realism', just play red orchestra or ArmA.
Woods, Shoreline, and parts of Customs have longer engagement ranges, though you'll be disappointed if you think you'll be able to get a sniper rifle and OHK with body shots, or something.
>Literally firing a loud ass fucking gun at people with the cognitive functions to use critical thought and deduce the source of the noise, or, in the event of suppressed noise, consider the direction of impacts and near misses to get a general direction of the source and use their fucking brains to figure out where you are.
A general location is no use to anyone when there's a rifle pointed directly at you from "somewhere around there" and the shooter has a safe retreat route, which he'll take soon as he starts suspecting a flank or gets overwhelmed. It's not the same game, naturally, but in Squad for example killing dozens with basic stealth and concealment like this works perfectly well. Does it work in Tarkov?
>This isn't the game for you if you want to be an untouchable terminator.
I just described you basic sniper/marksman action and you think it's got something to do with being a terminator?
>The game even tells you when you boot it up for the first time that if you act retarded, you will die. Hell, even if you do everything 'right', you'll probably still die, because that's combat. You're not Ramirez from MW2. You're not bullet proof, or a ninja terminator. Everything you do in Tarkov has to be a calculated risk. If you just want risk free shooting with no punishments by a respawn timer, but an air of 'realism', just play red orchestra or ArmA.
Did you read my post at all? Why are you typing out all this irrelevant stuff?
>though you'll be disappointed if you think you'll be able to get a sniper rifle and OHK with body shots, or something.
Neck and face shots are OHK, yes? Although I was more wondering about assault and battle rifles.
Also, what about hipshots? Does a single hit incapacitate?
The players are literally retarded in Squad, so it's not rare to wipe squads of tightly grouped idiots all looking in the same direction with their maps open in a game where everyone dies instantly from 2-3 bullets.
if you're asking if it's 'possible', the answer is yes. If you're asking if it's common, or very likely, the answer is 'no'. Being a game with no respawns, people tend to be much more alert, observant, and cautious. The audio system is also FAR better than squad, and discerning the direction of contact is thus more expedient. Even if you kill 1 or 2 guys, the rest are likely to have figured your location at that point and be hosing it. Unlike Squad, the weapons in Tarkov aren't lasers with next to no recoil or sway, and with a sight picture that's actually effected by movement or firing your weapon(Heck, even remaining sighted in drains your stamina over time, steadily increasing your sway.)
What elsa could you expect from russians?
It can. You can fracture limbs and such which basically brings their movement to a stand still. If you're not confident in getting a headshot, shooting their legs is usually the next best option to at least keep them in a kill zone for you to finish off with follow up shots.
>all these long posts
such obvious shilling.
>Enjoying video games, or even knowing anything about them is shilling.
>Everyone that doesn't hop on the 'hate every game ever' bandwagon is a shill.
The game would be less retarded if it had better hit detection, and gear wasn't so overpowered. I stopped playing it because playing with my squad lead me to getting several sets of armour, and I basically became a tank, it was like playing an MMO. I won most of my firefights on gear alone, someone had to shoot me 15-20 times before I go down, and the shitty hit detection meant getting 15 hits on me before I get 5 on them is really unlikely.
Also being able to re-gear and get back into it is a major part of the game, re-gearing isn't governed by skill, but by luck and the amount of hours you've invested in scavenging gear. Therefore the game basically rewards you for being a NEET, or only playing that one video game. The same as any survival game like rust, that one dinosaur game, and so on.
Shit games for shit people.
>The players are literally retarded in Squad, so it's not rare to wipe squads of tightly grouped idiots all looking in the same direction with their maps open in a game where everyone dies instantly from 2-3 bullets.
Yeah, some are retarded, though the fault lies mostly in shit squad leaders, but looking at EFT footage, so are the players in this game. Nevertheless, 46 kills from a single concealed position without deaths, surviving multiple mortar barrages because the enemy can not pinpoint your location and only dying in the end because you run out of ammo is a clear sign that stealth works.
>if you're asking if it's 'possible', the answer is yes. If you're asking if it's common, or very likely, the answer is 'no'.
Possibility is what I'm interested in. Most players are awful in any and all games, so I wouldn't expect it.
>The audio system is also FAR better than squad, and discerning the direction of contact is thus more expedient.
What do you mean? Squad has a proper sound system that allows you to hear movement with ease. Sneaking up on someone is impossible unless there's a firefight going on, or you're crouch-sneaking.
>Even if you kill 1 or 2 guys, the rest are likely to have figured your location at that point and be hosing it
How would they do that if I'm concealed and have a secure line of fire? If stealth is possible, how do they know I'm there? Are there rifle grenades or rockets they can use?
>Unlike Squad, the weapons in Tarkov aren't lasers with next to no recoil or sway
Have you played Squad? The recoil and sway are EXCESSIVE in it for gameplay purposes. I'll give you the lasers though, all guns seem to be sub 1 MOA.
>and with a sight picture that's actually effected by movement or firing your weapon(Heck, even remaining sighted in drains your stamina over time, steadily increasing your sway.)
It looks to me the same as in Squad.
its pretty gud. Cheapest edition here, lv 17 and alleady at over 1 mil rupees and around 5k in dollars
literally git gud
>tfw finally find discord that doesn't fuck around don't have to spend half game asking where is anoyne and who is anyone, can just shoot on sight and clear entire servers with ease
>tfw solo night woods runs with vss and nightvision
>tfw ak47 finally in game and its gud, dirt cheap even kitted out
the public discord is full of retarted players tho
the difference is other games are finished products and yours is an early access russian crap. you're a god damn shill. +15 rubles added to your yandex wallet pidor. poland>rushit.
happened to me but a 3man fort m4 squad and i got them all, shit was intense af and i felt my heart rate go way up .
the whole point of the game is that dying matters unlike shitty games where you respawn 3 secs later and the only penalty is your ream having 1/300 less progress towards victory or some shit.
other then gitting gud , stop being a pussy that whines about losing .especially on this patch you can get great gear on level 1 cheap (a vepr with HP rounds) and if you get so assblasted about losing some gear dont buy games where this happens .
i just lost a kiver-fort-trizip-m4 outfit because i got impatient and looted a pair of geared players i killed without checking for a third , could have had NVGs and 2 forts+M4s off of them . shit happens you move on and theres a special scav mode if you wanna be a pussy and not risk loot.
it actually is in the sense that its somewhere between stock stalker and misery in terms of the hardcoreness , you have to keep meds and bandage your shit in both but in stalker you can instantly treat all bodyparts and cant get broken legs .
literally my dream game is tarkov-but set in CoC-misery world
>First two minutes
>it's not run and gun they say
>getting shot is very lethal they say
>being caught in the open will near-instantly kill you, they say
You can't even blame the SL's in Squad though. No one wants to be told what to do, so most of the time SL's are neutered. Even in the best scenario, you may get people that listen, but there's going to be no consistency in skill or interpretation of tactics and commands. The only way to even play Squad is if you join a clan otherwise it's a terrible experience, just like PR, and to a degree, ArmA.
'Stealth' works so well in Squad because of 4 reasons, IMO.
1)Everything is washed out and dull in coloration, which makes everything look samey as fuck and makes it difficult to pick out anything that isn't actively moving or standing out in the open.
2)The audio of the game is pretty lackluster and makes it easy to shoot at people without them getting a good gist of the direction it's coming from.
3)The game's lack of a minimap despite literally just being a Battlefield clone means that players constantly have their maps out which fucks awareness.
4)The players are dumb shits.
>1. Insurance doesn't mean shit when you have good gear since everyone will surely loot it. I've ensured everytime and got back ZERO of my gear.
don't play with shitters or dont bring shit you can't afford to lose. You sound like a crybabby who gets salty over losing gear.
>2. Having good gear / getting ass blasted by faggots with suppressed M4s / camping till everyone is out and looting - pick one
sounds like you need to git gud. How about bringing good gear, strategic movement and placement and not picking fights you can't win.
>3. Just no.
I play woods alone at night with no NVG's Only time I've gotten close to dying was when I descided to sprint across an open field and I got shot at by a predator squad
>4-5 Go with friends or get 90% less enjoyment is somehow good for the game. Wew.
Git gud and solo runs are fun too. If you don't git gud you gon die like a bitch.
>6. Or by random bugs , hackers, desync and shit spawns or luck.
Bugs are not that bad anymore, desync is not that bad anymore, haven't seen a single hacker and luck is literally in your hands. Even then a kitted out vepr and vest is sub 30k and you can easily make 50k a run.
So if it was finished it wouldn't be shilling? That's some stellar logic.
>game doesn't explain shit
So it's a good game then.
>can just shoot on sight and clear entire servers with ease
that shit's gona change and i wonder how are they going to implement it , right now its hard to distinguish between the 2 sides if i tried especially when they got gear on so i really hope they do something to make it easier because i can already see shit players blasting on sight wondering why their rep is shit and me having to choose between rep and getting out of the raid alive .
its set in the future so maybe they can add a phone\pdf where you can see where everyone of your faction is on the map so you dont shoot them.
eft discord if 4chinners want to play
if you're a shitter you gon get kicked
I think its going to be the way it is right now. More faction specific gear and its up to the player wether they get shot or not.
Like the bears gon get black gear and us gon get green stuff.
Its up to the player to gear accordingly to avoid getting shot. I think once they open up maps they're going to put each teams on either side of the map and they have to pass through other team to exit.
I sometimes go there to see what's new and what bugs exists bit holy shit EFT players are the biggest cancer out there.
Everyone spouts git gud and muh realism. The worst I read so far was "EFT is the Dark Souls of Fps". I hope they all die.
>You can't even blame the SL's in Squad though.
Yes you can.
>No one wants to be told what to do, so most of the time SL's are neutered.
What? If you don't do what the SL tells you to, he should just kick you. The SLs are everything but neutered.
>Even in the best scenario, you may get people that listen, but there's going to be no consistency in skill or interpretation of tactics and commands
And that is once again on the squad leader. If you are playing with pubs, you need to simplify your orders, tactics and plans to the extreme. Tell them exactly what you want them to do, but don't demand anything complex.
>1)Everything is washed out and dull in coloration, which makes everything look samey as fuck and makes it difficult to pick out anything that isn't actively moving or standing out in the open.
Welcome to nature and camouflage, that's exactly what real life is like. Hell, it's vastly easier to spot people in Squad than in real life. Even your basic off-brand Woodland copy works. Movement is what reveals you, horizontal especially. So long as you remain still and have no notable contrast difference or obvious unnatural shapes, you have a good chance of remaining unseen.
>2) The audio of the game is pretty lackluster and makes it easy to shoot at people without them getting a good gist of the direction it's coming from.
I disagree. The audio is very good and allows you to specify a great deal of the enemy by the sound of gunfire. The bullet cracks in comparison to gunfire reveal the distance and targets. Gunfire itself reveals the direction.
>3)The game's lack of a minimap despite literally just being a Battlefield clone means that players constantly have their maps out which fucks awareness.
No. People don't do that. There's a compass at the bottom that gives you bearings, so all you need is to once check direction and keep moving.
>4)The players are dumb shits.
Like in every single game.
its same as arma shitters complaining game is bad because the game is working as intended.
Honestly right now its pretty good, AI is nerfed to reasonable levels, can play fine across the pond, no matchmaking errors or infinite matchmaking anymore.
Suppressor sounds still bugged and you still sometimes get the bug where you drop the grenade infront of you.
But the game is like 50% better than it was at mid alpha
A few more months and I can start reccomending it
> literally whining on Sup Forums about losing in a game
i really hope you're doing this ironically
>The people that engaged him had drunken aim and largely missed him
>Even he spent an entire mag trying to kill someone because he was spraying
>Nearly died to the second guy and only survived off of a lucky peg in the head, after having his limbs shredded by the shotgun, saved only by the fact that he was being hit by 12 guage pellets while wearing kevlar armor and a thick kevlar helmet protecting his vitals while his arms and legs got fucked, to the point he had to use a shitload of medical equipment, and edits out the rest of that raid where he very likely died trying to escape beyond that point as a result.
>2nd scene he catches two idiots sprinting in the open without somehow hearing that heavy metal door that creaks loud as fuck as it's opened right next to them. 3rd guy misses every shot because he panicked, and the 4th one literally walks over a grenade that would have missed him otherwise, who didn't even have a gun because he was a retarded hatchling.
play the game run and gun and record it.
Surely the game is run and gun and just cod4 in unity so you'll be fine, you know it because you watched one youtube video
>Nearly died to the second guy and only survived off of a lucky peg in the head, after having his limbs shredded by the shotgun, saved only by the fact that he was being hit by 12 guage pellets while wearing kevlar armor and a thick kevlar helmet protecting his vitals while his arms and legs got fucked, to the point he had to use a shitload of medical equipment, and edits out the rest of that raid where he very likely died trying to escape beyond that point as a result.
Mate, he got his face liquified with buckshot. Being able to continue playing with no jaw or eyes is everything but punishing.
Protip:always wear comtacs and always walk slowest around unaware enemies , especially in buildings.
Also always take nades with you and dont be shy with using them.
you do fine without comtacs and nades while grea tools are sometimes buggy and end up dropping infront of you.
first watches front, middle watches sides, last guy watches rear, everyone moves together in 30m circle, everyone watches eachother while looting, stacks up and attacks as one and shoots everyone that is out of place.
Even with pistols that squad will wipe the map.
Most squads are retarded shitters who crowd around te first scav they kill and scream "mine"
>75 percent of features are placeholder or still not ingame
Why call it a beta when it is none?
Oh, look. It's this thread again.
Seriously, save your money and do something useful with it, I don't know, buy better vidya, take your gf out for a dinner, give your mother some flowers.
This title's a trainwreck and its devs can't get any sketchier.
Also, take a peek at some of the "sponsored streamers". Yes, that's the kind of playerbase you'd join. Mostly ex-mil dropouts with bad attitude.
>Welcome to nature and camoflauge.
Real life isn't a dull, washed out color pallette of samey hues and textures. Try going outside.
>No. People don't do that.
Pretty much every single video and stream of the game says otherwise, as well as personal experience. The game practically encourages it, really.
>Like in every single game
Yeah but the difference in Tarkov is you don't respawn, and you lose all your shit, which quickly weeds out all the cry babies that can't keep themselves alive, like have the people in the thread whining about losing their shit because they have no self preservation skills. With Squad, if you do something stupid, you're just brought back in 30 seconds or less if you get revive, and are basically permitted to continue being a fucking moron for the rest of the match persistently repeating the same mistakes and carelessness with no real consequence.
I mean I used to play at the clan vs clan level. It's not a bad game, but it is easy.
singleplayer is a big gamble
even if you make a good game that's indepth the modern shitter audience will completely butcher it in reviews and leave you peniless while multiplayer focus gives you atlaeast some security of constant income while also adressing the demand of modern gamers for multiplayer focused games
kek another contrarian fag getting in a thread for a game they've never played and getting angry because its not a f2p.
The game is fine and its constantly updated. I drop by every month or so and the game has consistently been getting better.
I like hardcore shooters and it is one of the best out there.
Community is okay, most non fags have their own discords and they don't take it anywhere as seriously as retarded armchair general arma autists.
If you're not a fag you'll end up in a good community within a week. If you are you'll be stuck forever playing with retards like yourself.
Probably the same slavs recommending literal garbage like stalker. Don't fall for it.
>legs are your face
>One guy actively telling everyone they're wrong and the game isn't for them because they point out many flaws that are just not enjoyable
Have fun with your 100 person playerbase and "realism" lmao
Opinion automatically discarded.
>Real life isn't a dull, washed out color pallette of samey hues and textures. Try going outside.
Can you give me an image of what you mean with real life? A picture of this nature where things aren't the same colour pallette?
>Pretty much every single video and stream of the game says otherwise, as well as personal experience. The game practically encourages it, really.
So you and the people streaming are stupid, then? Focus on the game and not your map. It's completely voluntary and you are blaming the game for your own mistakes.
>Yeah but the difference in Tarkov is you don't respawn, and you lose all your shit, which quickly weeds out all the cry babies that can't keep themselves alive, like have the people in the thread whining about losing their shit because they have no self preservation skills. With Squad, if you do something stupid, you're just brought back in 30 seconds or less if you get revive, and are basically permitted to continue being a fucking moron for the rest of the match persistently repeating the same mistakes and carelessness with no real consequence.
If it weeds them out, why is every stream I see full of these people? Why are the streamers themselves all inept?
Nah mang, making multiplayer games is safer because they're harder to crack it. That's the problem with EFT, it's a russian game after all.
>game is fine
Yeah sure let me reconnect a 5th time becuase of server lost and desynch
>literal garbage like stalker
Mind explaining why it is garbage?
never had that problem. Desync hasn't happened to me since game hit beta.
Used to be really bad. Overall servers are now really stable. Around pubg tier.