Is this ゼノブレイド2 (Xenoblade 2) reviewer right?
Is this ゼノブレイド2 (Xenoblade 2) reviewer right?
And a ching chong nip nong day to you fine sir
Ching chong nip nong hiroshima nagasaki? Yeah, I think that's about right.
i think you posted this on the wrong site buddy, 2chan is at the basement level.
am I behind in the meme's? is this the latest? you guys meme too fast for me
kys, faggot.
It's a pretty simple one desu
pubg sucess -> pubg mostly played by chinese -> chinese important in gaming -> pretending to care about chinese opinions
Jesus, is the situation on Sup Forums really this bad?
>Review title
Incomparably bad compared to 1
>Quoted parts
The prologue only has you walking in the direction you're pointed at, walking to the set place and watching a cutscene. That's all.
The battles consist of autoattacking and pressing a button to use Arts when the gauge fills. That's all.
Once you get more party members, equipment and Blades you'll probably be able to tacticize a bit, but it's still gonna be just watching attacks going on.
You mean like a turn based game ?
Like a JRPG ???????
This guy is an idiot.
To sum up the review
>Too many cutscenes at the start
>All you do is auto attack and mash skills
>It might open up later I don't know I stopped playing.
sounds like xenoblade 1
>Incomparably bad compared to 1
>mentions things that were in 1
Also, why is this randomly picked review of importance? Not to mention that its wrong. Combat often takes you by surprise with attacks, actively encouraging you to switch between TNK,HLR and ATK blades.
Unless of course you're a retard.
So he's not right?
>Jesus, is the situation on Sup Forums really this bad?
I honestly don't know what you were expecting.
All the things were also in xenoblade 1 and that didn't stop it from being great. This game has a more complex combat system than the first game, and a better story that doesnt devolve into NOOO THE EVIL GOD JUST WANTED FRIENDS :((( WITH THE POWER OF OUR FRIENDSHIP WE WILL MAKE A WORLD WITHOUT GODS
People knowing Japanese. It's an essential skill for someone interested in Japanese games.
>Some no name user review in jp Amazon
Bottom of the barrel
In case you haven't noticed it, this is an English speaking imageboard. Expecting people to know Japanese is nothing short of ridiculous.
>It's an essential skill for someone interested in Japanese games
Doesn't look like it since people can play Japanese games just fine without said skill.
Why are you mean to Kindleユーザーさん?
>just fine
Fine with cuckalizations?
Yes. Fine with localizations.
Okay what the fuck all these were present in Xeno 1
I don't see the problem with it. If you want to interact with a community where everyone knows Japanese then I suggest you visit 2ch.
Ever went to 2ch? It's a shitposting den compared to which Sup Forums looks like the most orderly site on the internet.
I guess there's also 2chan with its 10 posts per week.
>Ever went to 2ch?
Of course not. Why would I? I hardly speak Japanese.