Do you know what "suck the heads" means? 'Cause I came down here with Keith once, and he didn't know, and... I mean...

Do you know what "suck the heads" means? 'Cause I came down here with Keith once, and he didn't know, and... I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin-

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i dont get it, is this now a l4d2 thread?

Remember when Valve made games?


Those were nice times

Crawfish head suckin'

I have only myself to blame to fall into yet another bait for i never nuderstood what you people get out of it

haha do you think he and Keith ever fooled around for goofs?

> i never nuderstood what you people get out of it
4 player coop with people actually taking care of each other being a necessity?

>he doesnt play russian impossible7hardcore servers
I still dont get it, yous are just throwaway trash who cares why even bother in the frist place why holdinf such a high amount for it

Instantly thrown in the nuclear waste bin

>plays babys first l4d2 gamemod
>has the nerve to shitpost about it
herewith I revoke your l4d2 shitpost license for 3 minutes, let it be a lesson for the future.

shame they rushed the sequel so goddamn fast, it was strictly better than the original at everything but objectively announced way too fast

>there was a point in time where people complained about valve releasing a sequel too quickly

Sequel was rushed because of Turtle Rock creating drama over wanting to continue supporting L4D1 with more maps and Valve's pressure to create a sequel with the new tech they were developing for the free maps. Turtle Rock was removed and left valve, then Valve finished what was left of their work to create L4D2.

It was just annoying to hear about "L2D coming very soon guise! get fucking hype!" like what, 8 months after the original was released? it felt like there was no patches, DLC or anything really for the original because the devs are supposedly working hard to create a new release. It just triggered people that it was announced so soon, if they had just come up with a surprise release it'd been a lot better.


good riddance. what were they thinking with only 4 maps? felt like a paid beta, l4d2 with all the dlc is what the game should have come packaged as

Did neither of you fucks play in the l4d1 beta? They promised us so much shit that ultimately wasn't in the game. Then they said it's coming in patches. Then they announced a new game with a substantially shittier cast that had everything we were SUPPOSED to get in the original. Then they basically said fuck you to people who owned the original. Now they release the sequel for free every year at christmas thinking anybody cares.

but all the original content including the cast are included in l4d2
I get you're pissed about losing a few bucks but we did get an objectively great product in the end

L4D3 with Keith when

Who else /Nick Masterrace/ here?

>l4d3 has keith as a playable character
>last level of the campaign has you meeting up with the l4d2 cast
>special 2-survivor bonus levels where it's just ellis and keith

>both keep talking about the adventures they went on with the other survivors

>XBots shitting on based Valve for cucking M$ by making a sequel so they couldn't profit off DLC sales

The good old days of binding the vocalize commands and spamming Nick's swearing the whole game.


>uses M$
>calls king of loot boxes valve "based"


I love you

who wants to play l4d2 with me
i like playing co op on expert

>you’ll never kill zeds with your buddy Keith

too busy playing ubisoft games

>but all the original content including the cast are included in l4d2
Several months after it released. The ports are full of issues as well.


That's from when Valve bought studios that made games. You need to look earlier.

L4d2 has no equal, it's the best zombie game in the market.


I miss it