Radeon are still shitty cards, literally NO COMPETITION!

Radeon are still shitty cards, literally NO COMPETITION!

Go green, my friends

Other urls found in this thread:


I got mine for $450 and couldn't be happier

Flops is right.

Sep $499USD*
*post-launch MSRP $599USD**

**good luck getting it at that price because of miners, though

*tries his best*

*loses to basic 1080*

but hey, at least the drivers are good*

*on Linux

Amd cards are terrible

>le performance measured in flops

I fucking hate this meme

Brand loyalty won't get you anywhere.

Why are Nvidiots always shilling?
Enjoy your botnet Goyforce experience and shitty closed source technologies.
I'll be here enjoying open source drivers and tech like Freesync.

>le bad drivers maymay
Radeon drivers stopped sucking in 2006.

What is jewvidia going to do when Ayymd releases their magic drivers and BTFOs their GoyTX cards?

AMD is always surpassing nvidia, but when reality hits nvidia ends up providing the superior experience and AMD was just a publicity stunt for a subpar product.

>tfw 1080 ti
feels good man

Their post-June drivers still crash Overwatch and the only solution is not updating drivers.
>B-but OW is a bad game!

Never fall for the AMD meme. I did once, never fucking again.

Enjoy your gimped build. PC is about pushing limits.
Muh nigga

The truth is that the goyim just go green because of marketing and lies spread by jewvidia about ayymd.

How many people with shitty 1050s brag about the performance of the 1080Ti when confronted with Vega 56 and 64 benchmarks?
Surely they know the 1080Ti is 699MSRP and Vega 64 is 499MSRP? Somehow though the 1080Ti only getting 15fps more for 200$ (or even more, you're lucky to find any GTX 1080Ti for 720$) is an Nvidia win?

>PC is about pushing limits.
>Realtek High Definition Audio

Yes, what about it

>good luck getting it at that price because of miners, though
literally just flood the market. Miners win, consumers win, company wins.

I buy whichever card gives the best value at the time. When I bought my last card it was a 560ti. Right now it's none and I see no reason to upgrade yet.

>Vega 64 is 499MSRP?
That was a "promotional price" for the first batch.

>muh pushing limits
More money then brains?

I got my Vega 64 for only 15€ higher than MSRP.

Sorry, your post crashed because it's using amd drivers and we cannot read it, can you type it again?

We should measure performance in the number of physics enabled DD boobs they can render at one time.

10 shekels have been deposited into your GeForce experience account

how many dead pixels that bad boy have bro

AMD drivers crashing is an actual legit problem and the reason why I don't buy AMD.

>i-i-it'll be better later

-Amdfags, every day of every year since about 2009

They'll release their own magic drivers, to cripple their cards and force you to buy their next ones.

Works just fine on my machine, friend.

>almost 2018
>not buying whichever looks better in the case since performance differences range from insignificant to irrelevant for most purposes

>PC is about pushing limits
With outdated operating systems? I doubt it.

nothing stopping them from having their cake and eating it too

2002 wants their meme back.

>AMDfags STILL repeat that meme

No, it doesn't

Also my machine works fine also, that's what you get with intel and nvidia, as opposed to AMJew


Wew lad, obvious shill is obvious.

Yes it does.
It just werks.

My Ryzen 1700 and Vega 64 work like a charm with my ultrawide freesync monitor.
I'm really happy with Ayymd.

>windows 10
You can't be serious.

It's all about pushing limits user

The absolute state of AMD drivers: us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20758607000

>You need to install a five month old driver to play one of the most popular MP games
>You need to download a third party program to uninstall the newer driver


What? That's what the user said, I just mentioned that you cannot push limits with an outdated OS because the newer features aren't available on it.

>afraid of windoze 10
Win7 is just as much botnet, with shittier performance and aero shit.

Why do people still cling to Windows 7? I upgraded to Win10 and never looked back.
Virtual desktops, the new UI, it all just works.
It's great.

>t. microshill
Be sure to upgrade guys!

How many years until games actually come close to stressing it, though?

Can you articulate why Windows 10 is bad and why Windows 7 is any better?

Convince me to downgrade from Win10 to Win7.

I did and am glad I upgraded.
>muh fbi watching my wiener
Sure thing family, you have like an aldready existing million backdoors from windows 7 alone inside your system not to mention the ones in your hardware, and you care about an OS that does it publicly so you know what you're purchasing? Get lost.


>It has more teraflops, it must be faster!
>It has more gigahertz, it must be faster!

AMD banks on its retarded customers not knowing what IPC is

You mean like they don't cause to overwatch to crash for last 5 months? Or like even amd sponsored games run like trash before week 1 driver update? Perhaps you mean cursor glitch? You can't be talking about radeon driver unistall bricking stuff. Perhaps the by stop sucking you meant ads that get installed together with radeon driver. I also caught some undertones of primitive shaders missing in vega drives and vega crashing here and there.

Only reference cards look good, but they're noisy and hot because of blower designs. There's that one liquid-cooled Vega, though...

Post Ryzen benchmarks faggot.

this is Sup Forums so I'll assume you partake in video games to some extent. driver support for newer video cards is worse on win 7, and win 7 doesn't have dix12. the overall performance increase is slightly better on win 10 but it's pretty negligible at best

>liquid-cooled Vega, though...
The one that gives you 1080 performance for 1080ti price, while having insane faulty rates?

don't look, just a $500 8-core flagchip Ryzen chip losing to a $50 2-core pentium

The re-branding kill it. What the fuck is a Radeon? It was always ATi vs Nvidia, when they switched to just Radeon is when it started to go downhill.

Even Sup Forums's favorite company is going full windows 10. Either you go linux and live in a cave or eventually have to go windows 10.


wow its almost like every other gen where AMD cards are superior on the low end and inferior on the high end

>the product became bad cause they changed name

Pictured: Ryzen release day, benchmark embargo lifted

You always post this here but haven't you realize yet we don't speak nazi?

You gotta admit the aesthetics are solid, though.

don't forget that the $500 chip is extremely overclocked on water cooling in that benchmark. they had to OC it to 4100 (from 3600) or the pentium beat it

>AMD cards are superior on the low end
you mean up to 5% fps difference going both sides depending on a game, while consuming 2x power superior?
