>Sonic Mania is the biggest selling sonic game since 15 years
What now, Sega?
Sonic Mania is the biggest selling sonic game since 15 years
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Realistically Sonic Mania 2.
What I want though? Streets of Rage Mania
>What I want though? Streets of Rage Mania
get Fight'n Rage
why Tails can't attack with his tail? It was an improvement in Adventure and Advance.
I want to pirate this before I buy it and kind find a decent torrent anywhere.
I've been burned too many times supporting fucking indie garbage. Though Fight'N Rage does look fantastic and I'll probably love it
I want a new burning rangers game
It sold so good because Sega is fucking up Sonic game after Sonic game, if they were good, nobody would give a shit about Mania.
It's all thanks to Sega.
What's that? Mania sold well? So... what you're saying is, you want more half assed 2D sections in the next 3D Sonic game, right? More nostalgia pandering?
You got it! Look out for Sonic Mania 2: Infinite Returns in 2020! Taxwho-now? Oh-- right, the gaijin. Yes, we put him and his team on the next big Bing Bing Wahoo and Sonic mini game collection where his talents will be better utilized. Mania Team did an okay job I guess, but frankly, I think it's time the real Sonic game developers give the fans what they really want with Sonic Mania 2. And remember, it was MY idea for Mania in the first place. All me. 110%. Why would we lie about that?
...What's that? I was "unsure" about Mania's reception before the reveal? That makes no sense. Stop asking questions.
Anyway, thanks for your support!
It's like, 20 bucks.
It's Sega. They'll somehow fuck up an unfuckupable formula.
skidrowreloaded have it. You didn't really tried.
Keep making side scrolling Sonic. Sonic Mania is this generations New Super Mario Bros. Milk it while the nostalgia and longing for new side scrolling sonic games is high, then when people start getting bored of them, release Sonic Maker, a level editor.
Finally, people will be craving for a 3D Sonic, that's where Sega will combine the best of Adventure, Unleashed, Generations, and Colours, while hopefully learning from their mistakes in 2006, Boom & Forces, to create Sonic Odyssey.
>if my game is sold for 3 bucks, I will magically have 235 millions units sold!
t. Iizuka
yeah and fuckface? cuphead was also 20 and you can bet your sweet fuckboy ass it sold more than any team sonic shitshow game
pro tip if sanic team games were 1 buck they still would sell like shit, if they were fucking FTP games they'd still have less people playing that shit than mania
I always used to blame members of Sonic Team for the games being bad, but as they've slowly left the company over the years to go work for other devs who aren't shit, I've come to realise it's not the staff, but something else at Sega, or perhaps even inherent in the Sonic IP that makes the games turn out bad.
As much as I'd love to believe that Iizuka is the cancer killing Sonic, and that when he leaves we'll get a great Sonic game again, I don't think it will play out that way. I think Sonic may just be cursed at this point.
It's the upper management of Sonic team and sega in general Iizuka is a part of it.
I got that exact one and tried running but it doesn't work
New retro Shinobi replicated the same way as mania rehashed the best elements of classic sonic
Mania cost me £8 less than Forces and I got both on launch.
Because Classics. The same reason Mania revisited a lot of old zones and keep it up to three playable characters. SEGA felt the need to go as safe as possible with the formula to see how much cash they could do with it (and they were pretty surprised with the result).
The question is, how far can you step away from the classics before the fans' autismo kicks in? I know a lot of people would be just happy with a good game, but a lot of others just wouldn't take it. The mere sight of (lets say) Vector in game, regardless of the fact that he's also a classic character can get reactions out of these people.
I for one think people have too high expectations of Sonic. I mean, except for Sonic 2006 what's so terrible about most of the games?
Add Amy for Mania 2 and proper super forms of tails and Knuckles and your golden.
Uuuuuuh more Sonic in 3D! Next time it will surely work!
>Uuuuuuh more Boost Sonic in 3D! Next time it will surely work!
Same thing Nintendo did with 3D World.
Doesn't Sonic Forces literally retcon Mania as a dream or a simulation or something? I guess if they bring back Owtheedge the Infinite they can run another simulation or drug hallucination and make Mania 2.
It's vague how much of Mania was an illusion.
Fuck sonic lore that shit needs to die
I think it's time for another crossover with not-Final Fantasy. Bring back Princess Elise.
Sonic died the moment they went to 3D and tried to hash out a complex narrative.
There's a reason why the older games, hell even the more modern 2D games even, never had a complex storyline to them, and it's because Sonic has never been a series that relies heavily on a narrative and its gameplay was its main selling point, to the point where the choice between Mario and Sonic was an actual choice, rather than a foregone conclusion.
If Sonic '06 can retcon itself and still appear in Sonic Generations, if the moon can be fully restored by the beginning of Sonic Heroes/Shadow the Hedgehog, etc. then Sonic Mania 2 can happen without some weird bullshit "it was all a dream...again!" bullshit going on in the background.
>I mean, except for Sonic 2006 what's so terrible about most of the games?
The physics and the core gameplay
What's the matter user?
Could it be you are craving my mac nuggets?
Shouldn't policeman Sonic have a gun?
You mean in relation to 3D Land, i.e. make a much bigger and better sequel? I wish.
I for one think Sonic needs to embrace more realistic storylines. The next game should definitely go in the same direction as Forces, but just ramp up the war angle more. A hard M rating should not be too impossible. All the ingredients were already there, what with Sonic being imprisoned for half a year, being tortured (off-screen) and Dr Robotnik and his gang taking over the planet and enslaving or killing most of population and just overall committing literal war crimes.
Mania sequels can happen, but let's just be clear that it's not the real Sonic and it's just some kind of simulation that's either used by the bad guys to keep Sonic sedated in nostalgia filth until he's freed, or some sort of holodeck the freedom fighters use to remember the good old days before everything went to hell.
Oh, and definitely improve the avatar and make him more of a presence in the game and also more of an authority. I got pretty sick of hearing Knuckles constantly make fun of my guy.
While I'm on the subject of Knuckles, there should be a scene where Knuckles gets raped by Robotnik's two helper robots. I think that would help the franchise a lot. And Tails should turn evil and walk around with bombs more.
>I for one think Sonic needs to embrace more realistic storylines.
t. Lizuka
Ian Flynn writing a game about the freedom fighters when
>Cubot's voice chip gets stuck to pirate again while his metallic cock is balls-deep into Knuckles' ass
Every 3D Sonic game has either been a mish mash of gameplay styles that don't mesh well together or Press Boost to win bullshit that turns most levels into linear hallways while gimping Sonic's mobility to compensate.
Sonic '06 was just the point when people finally realized that Sonic has gone to shit and entries like Boom and Forces have only gone on to prove how little Sonic Team understands the series they're named after.
I mean, there's no fucking excuse for Forces to play so badly after having three decent games to borrow the boost formula from.
well memed
No, that's nigger sonic you're thinking about.
>not wanting all new zones
Also ice cap never ever.
So Maniafags literally just want Sonic to be a 2d platformer? Press "right" to win. Jump occasionally. I think you fags need to go back and play those games again. They're just as bad as the rest of the Sonic franchise. They don't hold up.
Na'h it's not the fact that it tried to do stories, cheesy as they are I feel Adventure 1 and 2 managed to pull of something entertaining enough to be considered a good story for many, it's just that after that point SEGA started a series of retarded decisions that turned it into the unsalvageable mess it's today.
>Shadow is still alive
>But he doesn't remember anything
>He's an alien now, or a robot, none of that matters because his game retcons its own endings.
>There is a parallel dimension where a purple cat is both Sonic & Knuckles (and she doesn't chuckle).
>Except is now it's the future where she fights alongside Trunks the Weedhog.
>Except now it's not the future anymore and it's a parallel universe.
>But Trunks is still from the future
>And so is Nega who is also fighting Blaze
>A 14 year old girl is sealing the monster that destroyed Blaze's parallel future (that it's not) and the only thing needed to unlock it is making her cry.
>Humans are now designed by Pixar.
>Now there are no humans anymore.
>Sonic lives in two worlds that we never see interact with each other.
>Wisps are captured by Eggman, rescued by Sonic and then freed to their own home-galaxy.
>Except not because the fuckers keep showing up, and actually, there are more of them now.
>Sonic now exists in like five parallel timelines (Classic, Boom, Modern, Riders and maybe Storybook because SEGA really wanted to keep those apart).
>Infinite is not weak.
A reboot would be the logical solution but SEGA has rebooted so many times now (causing the mess above) that the word itself is a bad omen for people.
I thought Sonic Boom was supposed to be the reboot?
You gotta work harder for your bait kiddo
I did go back and they're fucking great. Only the garbage 3d games are run forward to win. The 2D sections in the 3D games are brainless cancer. Homing attack is for retards and boost is boring.
They're different continuities, so they really have nothing in common. The Phantom Ruby acts one way in Mania, altering time and space, and it acts a different way in Forces, creating illusions. When Mania 2 comes out it should be easy enough to just have an intro of Sonic popping out of a portal somewhere with the implication that all he did was teleport at the end of Mania 1, not go to Forces.
I'm not baiting. I think the question everybody needs to ask themselves is, was Sonic ever good? Because the answer is pretty clearly no, Sonic was never good.
Never said the 3D games were better, only that I like that they actually try to do other things once in a while.
They would have made way more if they had balls (like Cuphead) when it come to graphics.
Cuphead is such as a faggot game. Faggot game for faggots that pretend to like the old timey grandpa cartoons. It's like Hipster: The Video Game. Pure cancer.
>Cuphead is such as a faggot game. Faggot game for faggots that pretend to like the old timey grandpa cartoons. It's like Hipster: The Video Game. Pure cancer.
>I have no comeback against this brutal awakening.webm
The truth hurts, don't it?
Nice hot opinions you have there, with actual reasoning and arguments.
Are you over 18 at least?
Who I am kidding, of course you are not.
You sound like you need a break from the computer
>Nice hot opinions you have there, with actual reasoning and arguments.
I wish I could say the same about you.
Sonic Mania was fine but it didn't do anything new. It was ultimately just boring.
>Are you over 18 at least?
>Who I am kidding, of course you are not.
How embarrassing. At least try to make an attempt.
Imagine being this much of a contrarian. Let me guess, you're also shitting up Xenoblade threads when you're not posting this trash.
I'm not, but it sounds like great minds think alike and I should probably find this person in one of those threads and unite with him against all plebs. Xenoblade has never been good. There's a reason why this series has always been at the bottom of the JRPG bin.
And Cuphead is just disgustingly overrated in every possible way.
Is this a hentai game? It looks like a hentai game.
>series has always been at the bottom of the JRPG bin.
no, that's just the whole genre.
Not at all.
Yeah, maybe now. But it wasn't always like that.
It was like that since Ultima 1.
There hasn't been a pure 3D title in the past 10 years for one, any a pure 3D title anywhere as good as the Classics. At worst they got "as good" as Sonic 1, which is the weakest of the Classics.
I'm sure glad that this word exists because its the best sign that somebody has nothing to say
> not playing THE definitive gay sex sonic game
come on guys. are you even trying?
The same reason Knuckles can't punch, single-button gameplay.
You're a huge faggot, but you're right on both accounts.
Also, it's much easier to maintain flow when you aren't stopping every few moments to hit enemies with a melee attack, as opposed to jumping on them or rolling into them.
Who said you have to stop?
Play Streets of Rage Remake.
>Sonic was never good
>Mania was fine
At least try to be consistent.
A game doesn't have to be new to be good.
People can go back and play and old game and still have fun, so why not a new game that strives to be like an old game? Your argument in judging quality is fundamentally flawed. Mania is fun, despite bringing only a few new things to the table.
>I bought Farces haehaehahae
>and proper super forms of tails and Knuckles
Mania already has that.
Kill yourself Nakamura
It was, and so was 06, and so was Unleashed, and so were many others.
Overrated has really lost its meaning lately, regardless of if he is right or not it stopped being something that's over-appreciated for its merits and turned into "the contrarian word".
I might be remembering wrong but Tails' B attack didn't interrupt the flow at all since it kept your momentum the moment as long as you kept pressing the direction you were going. Knuckles' punches didn't tho (since it was a "combo" and it was pretty much useless), it could work as an option to rolling like the Peel Out works as an option to spindashing.
Also, sorry for my stupid ass English, I'm at work, been writing this in fragments and didn't bother to proof-read.
Please stop shitposting, they already got Sanic memes in a Sonic game, Sega employees are clearly lurking these threads.
Road Rash Mania!
Fine does not mean great. I can enjoy a Sonic game but after that I never want to play it again.
>stopping to attack in sonic
What's the point? Just roll into a ball, nigga.
I want more good Sonic games. The classics played and handled better as games compared to the modern 2D games did. Mainly in response to SEGA fucking over the very point of Sonic's name. Sonic the Hedgehog. The "Speedy thing that Rolls". That's his name, he's not just fast because he's Sonic, he's fast because he's a bloody hedgehog that exploits the terrain to go fast with rolling. Ever since they fucked up that very concept is when Sonic went to shit.
I want Mania 2/ Sonic (insert number) because the classic formula plays the best. I want an ACTUAL full 3D game that works like the classics because it handled the best. Like Utopia for one, but balanced and professional level design. I just want good, no, GREAT Sonic games again with love and passion and understandance what makes Sonic, Sonic the bloody Hedgehog.
Will we get Mania 2, or Sonic Fever, a completely new word for a sequel? Sonic Stars, or even the original name for Mania
Sonic Discovery
>sonic was never good
>mania is fine
>fine is not great
And great is different from good.
Learn to properly use words.
Also if you don't want to replay it, that's your problem.
The 2d games are meant to be replayed.
Wow these sales aren't exactly great for a $20 game with this brand recognition
Red pill alert
Japanese Sonic Team doesn't read western reviews or know anything about the western reception of Sonic as a whole
No one really gives a shit about Sonic in Japan, Sonic Team just see the games sell pretty well out in the West, they're not good but they're still selling, right? So that must mean the western piggus like it, despite what their reviews say.
It's just another Everquest situation, but instead of expansion packs it's just new Sonic games. They don't want to do it anymore, but they do because a good number of people the western world would be a little upset if Sonic just up and vanished--it's done out of obligation, so there's absolutely no way they take it seriously. They'll push out games that make their hardcore fans happy, even if they get critically shit on, just like the still-being-released Everquest expansions.
I'd hate to say this, but I doubt there ever will be a good 3D Sonic game, at least one that comes from Japan. It's sad, too, because in the right hands, it COULD work. Personally, I'm done holding my breath, I give up on this series. At least until it gets a new development team, if and whenever that might be.
Sega will have in-depth conversations on Persona, Warhammer, Yakuza, but when they deal with Sonic, I can assure you it is just a slight "yeah yeah just give them a boost game or something"
It isn't even thought about, as a reminder, whenever a Sonic game is made, it is ALWAYS catered to the west, and that explains every games odd existence, a nip making a game on what he intrepets the west wants. Sonic 3d will never be good in the hands of Sonic Team.
When you pressed enter for this post, did you reassure yourself in your soul that this game bombed in sales in console aswell? If you believe it hard enough user, it'll be true.
>Red pill alert
post discarded
Bombed hard enough for them to bring out Puyo to salvage it.
Have you only just graduated from kindergarten or something? What is so mysterious about what I'm saying?
Sonic as a franchise was never really that good, compared to for example Mario.
His games are okay at best, nothing more. They're not great. They're not good. They're fine. Acceptable diversions.
>the end all be all of sales
Steam kiddies have to go back.
Poor Puyo being associated with that trash Sonic game.
A reboot is only a reboot if it attempts, or succeeds, at dropping the old canon. 06, Unleashed, and others, were not reboots. Boom was, and so was Mania... sort of. Mania was intentionally made to be non-canon out of the gate, so what have you.