What are your top 10 favorite video games of all time and why is RE4 one of them?
What are your top 10 favorite video games of all time and why is RE4 one of them?
RE4 is still the all-time best third-person shooter game ever made. Nothing even comes close. I'd say the other great ones in the top 5 are Dead Space 2, Vanquish, Max Payne 1 and Max Payne 2. But RE4 is definitely number one.
The level design is spectacular and varied for like 95 percent of the time. It only starts to get repetitive in some sections in the island (press two switches to progress). The guns feel great to shoot. Very satisfying sounds and hit feedback, with enemies flinching very well to attacks. Soundtrack is iconic. Dialogue and story are memorable. Every enemy line is quotable. Challenge is just right. Professional difficulty is the perfect difficulty. Tons of replayability. It's Shinji Mikami's masterpiece, I'd say.
1.Resident Evil 2
2.Tekken 2
3. Resident Evil (2002)
4. Bloodborne
5. Silent Hill 3
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Persona 4
8. MGS2
9.Yakuza 2
10. GTA IV
Im sure that looks weird. But it’s mine. I would need top 30 to properly express the games that i like.
Resident Evil 4 is in my list for being an exciting retake on my favorite video game franchise with stunning visuals, A.I, sound desin, action and just what felt like a real shif in how games should be “framed” it disn’t “feel” like just a video game.
Resident Evil 4 has absolutely immaculate game design. Even the people who havent stopped to think about it realize it on a more subconscious level, being able to easily remember and distinguish every single room and the corresponding challenge/encounter they present. Not once do you have two similarly structured sequences which is fairly impressive seeing as how youre facing somewhat similar ganados for the majority of the game. The other great TPS like Dead Space 2 and Max Payne 1 have better combat and overall mechanics, but their actual structure, pacing and encounter design isnt as perfect as in RE4. The only huge blight the game has is very bad bulletsponge bossfights, especially the el gigantes
Waiting for that Switch port
>RE4 is still the all-time best third-person shooter game ever made.
I'd say the one flaw the game has is that it's too good. Hear me out, before RE4 there was several TPS like Ghost in the Shell on PSX and Metal Arms. It wasn't a big genre, but there was a couple of entries.
As soon as RE4 was released and perfected the over-the-shoulder perspective with QTE sprinkled in every fucking game released after started ripping it off. Dead Space, Gears of War, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, etc. Now everything is a generic TPS with action QTE setpieces. That's like the default genre of games.
Which is a shame because I agree, RE4 is a masterpiece.
I agree with the bulletsponge feeling of some bosses, but for me it makes it even more satisfying to shoot their crunchy weak points when they open up.
I loved RE4 on Wii, I bought it a few days ago on PC and the controls were fucking horrendous.
I tried with mouse + keyboard and controler and it was just unplayable
Technically, you can kill the first El Gigante with 3 hand grenades. You throw 2 at his feet to get his Las Plagas on his back to come out. Then you throw a grenade upwards against a wall and have it bounce so that it hits the Las Plagas. Then it's dead.
But that's a speedrun strat. It's highly likely that it's unintentional. They probably intentionally designed the bosses to drain your bullets.
Thankfully, the merchant provides rocket launchers for 30,000, so you can buy one to kill each boss. The great thing about the bosses is that they typically give you like 15-30K for killing them, so you never actually waste money by always buying rocket launchers for each boss fight.
this game and devil may cry 3 were the games that made me go omg games are fucking amazing
Mary is still in the old nut bank. Such a top tier design.
>buying rocket launchers for each boss fight
But if you kill them the manly way you get that much closer to maxing out your guns. The only boss I feel really warrants a rocket is U-3 because you can take a lot of damage during it at least I do, I'm a scrub and there's still Krauser and the two very difficult sections of the island before the final boss.
If I need to use the rocket launcher, I use the free one from the castle, but often I'll sell that and just man up on the last stretch of game.
Resident Evil 4
Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country 2
Shovel Knight
Quake 3 Arena
Super Smash Bros Melee
Metal Gear Solid
Dead Space
Could only think of nine, off the top of my head. In no particular order. Obviously biased.
anyone that started playing games around 2007-08 won't like the mechanics of the shooting as that "over the shoulder style" changed after Gears Of War, still a very important game though
Because for some reason I still get the urge to play it every so often and when I do I end up playing the whole thing through every time. And Leon is the greatest
RE 4 still had some of the atmosphere of the original games, Leon a great MC, you get to protect your waifu for half the game. The games keeps thwoing new enemies at you , its like 18 hours long no matter want you do, and gameplay and gore are pretty good.
5 could have been just as good if they didnt butcher the game to make it into a coop game
>RE4 is still the all-time best third-person shooter game ever made
Lmao. What is Max Payne? You casual console child
My brother has been playing the Steam version the whole week.
Looks like I'm buying it too. I remember shit about the game since I finishede it on release but damn, it's smooth as fuck.
>RE4 is still the all-time best third-person shooter game ever made
Lmao. What is Max Payne? You casual console child
A game that is good, but nowhere near RE4 greatness. It's just the only TPS you can think of comparing RE4 to since it came out first.
You mean RE2 OP? RE4 is not even in my top 500 games list.
Replayed the PC version recently. I had the game on PS2 but never finished it.
Its so good! Finished on both normal and pro.
What a game.
Nig you are dumb as fuck, RE4 as a whole is fucking great but its over the shoulder gameplay was polished and perfected by A LOT of games like Dead Space 3 and Gears of War 3. There area ton of games better than RE4 if you consider just the gameplay.
Meanwhile Max Payne is still the best FPS ever, and everyone that tried to at least emulate it failed pathetically, because you just cant mess with whats already perfect.
>Dead Space 3
>perfecting anything
If I didn't have to be somewhere I would roast the fuck out of you.
>Dead Space 3
>Not at least Dead Space 1 even though it's not that good too
1) Mega Man X
2) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3) Silent Hill 2
4) Shadow of the Colossus
5) Chrono Trigger
6) Tales of Vesperia
7) Astro Boy: The Omega Factor
8) Resident Evil 4
9) Metal Gear Solid 2
10) The Legend of Dragoon
Dead Space 1 is great though
>Astro Boy: The Omega Factor
That is one of the best GBA games, and probably the only good Astro Boy game. A shame that it gets repetitive later on though, because if it had more variety, it would truly be a 10/10