Japs love Xenoblade Chronicles 2
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Can't read moonrunes.
So does 2chan and the rest of the Japanese internet. It's a really good JRPG.
>Sup Forums btfo
This hasn't been Sup Forums for a year now, it's neo-neo-Sup Forums and "we" are now supposed to hate anime and like PUBG to pretend to be "Chads".
/r9k/, frogs and wojack killed this website.
when has Sup Forums ever been right
>otakus love japshit full of tropes
what a surprise
>literal otakus love a game that is essentially otaku pandering
color me surprised
what the fuck are you even talking about
who likes PUBG on this site exactly?
because all I ever see about the game is a screencap of the amount of players with brendan fraser's hair and a depressing song lyric
normies getting wormy
>Japan loves Japanese games
I think Hell would freeze over if they didn't.
No the people who killed this site are the people who takes things seriously.
Japs hated XCX though.
This, there's a reason why isekai is so popular nowadays. Fuck, even the writers and mangakas themselves know this.
Japs love any shitty JRPG. Even Star Ocean 4 got 34/40 in Famitsu, and that game is fucking shit.
Someone missed all the GOTY threads I see.
Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
I don't know what you're talking about, all the main threads are praising the game, the only people who hate it haven't played it and assume the game is Neptunia shit based on one cherrypicked scene
Tales of Berseria has a similar score and is hot garbage. We're in the otaku/fujoshit core era now.
34/40 in Famitsu is not that high of a score and Famitsu is well known to give every JRPG higher scores than they deserve.
Famitsu gave Skyrim 40/40. It's almost as bad as Polygon or Kotaku.
you mean the obvious bait threads with the crying wojak with a Sup Forums cap?
yeah, obviously those are serious and totally not fishing for replies
Amazon jp hates literally every game, check their scores for the last 5 Final Fantasy games, Trails games, every Star Ocean since 3, and hell even NieR Automata had a score of 2 stars at release.
>waaah he doesn't like a JRPG full of cliches and unimaginative scenes
what the fuck are you even advocating for? I barely even play western games at this point but i'm not touching this steaming pile of garbage either. Previous Xenoblade was decent, this is a fucking uninspired chore
thank fucking god
XB2 only got 35, the original got 40/40 for comparison
Also MGS 4, 5 and PW
They are not to be taken seriously
damage control
>japs love this game
>nuh uh it's only otakus
>prove it?
>well they like this game so they must be otakus
Well the original was in fact superior,nothing wrong with that.Famitsu is the IGN/Gamespot of Japan anyway
>well they like this game so they must be otakus
Well it's a waifushit otaku game so...
it's the ironic weeb influx from MAL and reddit
Netflix made this shit too accessible
If this labor of love is an uninspired chore, let's see your list of favorite games fag.
lol EOPs
Fake news, it got 36/40.
>haven't played the game
This is known.
Well yeah. The western audience is way beyond what this game has to offer.
Amazon jp are the same level of fucktards as idiots who spam the metacritic scores with 0's because it doesn't fit their agenda. It's not that they hate everything, just the fact that their mind-hive is easily swindled and don't you fucking dare thinking otherwise.
MGSV was legit good though?
Oh wow Kojidrones typically hyped as the second coming of Christ and it wasn't a flwless masterpiece, it was still better than a vast majority of games released in the same year
How about you fuck right off retard?
>waah he doesn't like my fotm shit otaku game choke full of pandering and tropes
>he must be sjw from neogaf
XC1 got 36/40, you lying shit.
>what do you mean i'm taking a shit on your plate?
>it isn't out yet, you don't know what's coming!
>The western audience is way beyond
This desu, we want yas queen slay simulators, WE WUZ KANGZ and multiplayer pew pew games
>shit and food analogy
Americans, ladies and gentlemen.
get out, newfag
Gameplay wise it was okay, if a little rushed and barebones
It didn’t deserve a perfect score
Japs loved Other M. Who cares what they think?
Only soyboys dislike Other M
If the sales are not 300k in Japan its a blunder of the year
>when soynegros are so new they don't even know how to do a failed triforce properly
If you remove the Sony bonus and Nintendo tax XC2 has a better score than all other games in this picture desu.
It would make no sense
Pyra's thighs!
>none are Sony first party
>Sony Bonus
Kek damage control is real?
>he doesn't know how Sony bonus works
Get out, newfag.
>he got memed in by nintendogaf into thinking Sony bonus is real
How delusional do you have to be
Sony bonus only works on Sony IP because they actually spent money on the game. Sony don't give 2 fucks about vanillaware shit
>b-but sony!
>5 multiplats vs 1 exclusive
>The game made by japs, pandered to japs, is loved by japs
Did you really think otherwise
Mobile browsers killed this website
Most of the posters on Sup Forums don't sit behind a computer anymore
big if true
Westerners don't get the complexity of jap games
its nu-Sup Forums not neo-neo-Sup Forums
This place truly is sonygaf. Sad!
/vg/ taking anyone willing to discuss a game past it's shit/it's GOTY killed this site.
Console warriors just took over after that.
Nu-Sup Forums is neo-Sup Forums terminology.
>check their scores for five shit games
>they're all low scores
Mind blown
>it's neo-neo-Sup Forums
you are retarded
Isn't it sad that Sup Forumsin now in the same bag as a pedo tranny pandering website?
Remember when we hated Neogaf and their Queen Anita?
At least based nips still now what's up.
>not adult swim and the 24-7 crunchyroll commercials they roll
>Focuses on exclusivity rather than quality
I don't think you really understood that image
What if I like loli, traps and XC2?
All those games have shit scores, dude. Call me when Sony gets two 97 games.
>frogs and wojack killed this website
Sup Forums died from Project Chanology
You're a Sup Forums user from 10 years ago.
Resetera allows you to admit liking and fucking real little girls, but saying "trap" will get you banned, while saying you like loli will get you banned and also get reported to the police or your company's boss
Remember when Xeno was good?
This tbdesu
Well yeah I mean XBC2 came out 1 day ago, unless you have brain problems you remember
How did we let this happen
The ironic shitposting lol anime sucks XD went too far
Nice falseflag.
you mean soy-Sup Forums
Just to give you an idea of how poorly this sold
Argos had so much stock of this left they slashed the price in half to offload all the surplus.
>Not knowing how JP amazon reviews work
>Using them out of context
>Only 75 votes
>Making shit up just for (You)'s
How do they work?
Is it only popular games that get review bombed?
Every single DQ gets tons of 0 star reviews
>making shit up
The price went back to normal after they got rid of a chunk of the stock fuckboi
>UK sales
Really? That's where you decided to measure the success of a Japanese game?
UK fags only play fifa and cod
>pricing error that was promptly changed
>orders at the lower price not being honoured
Literal autism
Persona 5 launched at No.1 in the UK charts.
>pricing error
>orders at lower price not being honored
Nope on both accounts. Argos didn't fuck up. People still got it at that price point.
C'mon, let's not act like Xenogears didn't have issues of it's own. The whole second disc is dumpster fire.
Resetera is such a shit name
I played xbc2 last night until 4:30 am, I played nearly 10 hours straight with no breaks. The only reason I stopped playing was because my hands were starting to ache. I have not done something like that since playing Diablo 2 lan with friends. Holy shit this game is good.
>nearly 10 hours
>facebook frog