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MGS5 Confirmed. VGA 2017 Reveal
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how can you be this delusional? the mental gymnastics are 10/10
2 years have passed since Metal Gear Solid V, we've lived through the so called "phantom pain" within ourselves, with many hints, theories, kojima luling at us etc and now we have the so branded "Death Stranding" created by his 'new' studio, let's not act like it's the first time he could have played us here like he did with moby dick studios.. I mean think about it, all we've see so far of all this time were 2 trailers, no gameplay at all, he could have done it already, no denying there, so he could have made those 2 trailers just to fiddle us into believing there's a 'new' ip, Kojima is the kind of man who spends loads of money just for the ruses, he's that kind of man. on other topic let's talk about Geoff, Vga's are next week, this man has already confirmed that Kojima has a timeline of 3 parts for Phantom Pain, let's say, the first one is def Ground Zeroes, second one was def Metal Gear Solid V, let's observe the fact that it's V cause there's a Venom Snake, that's the reason it's not called mgs (5), which makes me believe with 50% probability that may well be the third part, Metal Gear Solid 5, the true downfall of our beloved Big Boss, I swear to god, if this is not a topic at Vga's I'll just give up once for all.
>"Im afraid its been... nine years."
>yfw its literally been 9 years since MGS4
also, if you watch the VGAs trailer, the last bit of the video shows Kojima saying "One more thing" just before the end.
Note that the VGA ceremony is hosted by Geoff who actually said Kojima showed him a paper with the MGSV story being in three parts.
>Ground Zeroes
>Phantom Pain
> ???
>they played us like a damn fiddle
inb4 the most mind control experiment used on a videogame industry by kojima (1984 is one of his favorite stories)
Caramel, how many times do I have to tell you that I am right and you are wrong and delusional?
>I am right.
Explain your point
I can sense the panic in the non-believers, their heats pounding, their puny brains frantically trying to perform mental gymnastics to try and justify the ruse being impossible. It's happening. It's coming. There's nothing you can do to stop it. All these years of denying what's right in front of your stupid fucking faces.
You're not Caramel.
that would make so much sense if it would have been during e3. I think it was even on the same day.
The madman
Metal Gear Survive will be cool, though.
Post a link cockheads
this is bait, they did this last year as well
My foot set upon the hallways of Final Fantasy XIII, Burning Crusade is over, I've witnessed Metal Gear Solid sequels following 3, and the whispers of people gazing upon a beast named Dead Space 3 fall upon my ears. Why should this traveller care anymore?
What kind of traveller would refuse to step on the ruse cruise?
Can't you just die already, Caramel? You're just obnoxious and damaging the future of MGS threads, having them devolve into shitposting about you. I don't want that.
I want to believe
soul calibur 6, you fucking mongs.
>promise myself I won't be part of another ruse cruise
>end up getting rused every time
rusebro for life
What is the point to all this? You get 5 and then what? Kojima is stuck forever doing MGS until his death instead of opening up to new things? The ruse happening is the wrong timeline.
Make you own thread then you fucking sperg.
Why are anti-rusefag constantly mad?
anything to avoid having to make a videogame, eh kojeemer?
Not to mention that you all probably have overinflated expectations and you would still be disappointed if 5 becomes a thing. There is no winning this. The closest is not taking part in the rise cruise.
I don't want MGS5.
I want a new IP from Kojima.
Even after 30 years MGS still feel fresh because it's subplot and theme change constantly, so I wont complain if kojimbo keep doing MGSs for the rest of his life. Or Silent Hills.
Because MGS is a joke because of you people. This is all it has devolved to, ruse memes about a man whose one and only significant "ruse" happened sixteen years ago.
I want to get off this ride
What if the rise was actually about Silent Hills and not Metal Gear? An IP switcheroo disguised as the ultimate trick.
I was overhyped for MGSV and while it felt a little disappointing at the end I still enjoyed it a lot for hundreds of hours. The ruse cruise was a nice experience I would relive for sure.
Yeah, I thought of a Silent Hill with a MGS character as the protagonist. Would be cool imho famalam tbqh
If it works for you I'm glad. Getting hyped with Sup Forums about a videogame is always a great experience, I only hope there's a payoff to all this.
That and it would still be the wrong timeline for Kojimbo, he has said multiple times how he doesn't want to make more.
You are a joke for getting mad at petty things
>getting mad
Do I actually sound mad?
where can I watch the trailer?
Maybe he wanted to announce his marriage to Joost.
Joining every thread about a thing you hate saying people to kill themselves, let you seem a bit mad and pathetic, yes.
It's real though.
Anyway check my 9.
>every thread
I only entered this one. Are more people shitting on the tripfag?
What became of him? Did the head transplant work? Did something else came out about his likeness being used in TPP?
huge fan here, nice to meet you caramel
>What became of him? Did the head transplant work? Did something else came out about his likeness being used in TPP?
He's going to do his experiment this month.
reminder that caramel is in the nintendo payroll
his job is to make sony look bad with lies and false promises
he just took pieces of tidbits and made up a plausible explanation for the ruse to be real. he's not promising shit on behalf of no-one.
mgs4 was a good game
One day we'll get relief from this phantom pain.
Honestly, he's either an insider of some sort, someone trying to slander the brand or a seriously deranged person. It's not normal to show this devotion on something that isn't a thing.
It's either madness or a personal stake.
You make it sound so mild when he couldn't be further from being mild.
>t. normie
I have seen people far worse in here.
No kidding, that still doesn't mean he's good. Something seriously rubs me the wrong way about him, and I can't put my finger on it.
>I only entered this one. Are more people shitting on the tripfag?
Even if you're not the one in every thread, there's a person like you in every one regardless. We're here to cruise in the ruse and people like you coming into the thread willingly to derail it are ruining them every time. If you want to discuss MGS >>/vg/.
Remember that compilation of retro videos Kojipro tweeted? Remember when they said their favorite part? It was a screenshot of the words
>Clark Andersen
Caramel is the hero we need but don't deserve
You are right, I stand corrected.
Who's Clark Andersen?
what was the point of fire volgin again
Fair enough. I'll play nice, then.
What do you have on the ruse, though, to make you think this is the one other than being a notable event? Out of curiosity.
Caramel suicide livestream when?
I can't wait to see the fucker twitch with the noose around his neck.
>Dr. Clark
>Donald Anderson
I don't see the relation with those characters. And is it Para Medic Dr.Clark or Donal Andersen?
Psycho Mantis was possessed by the will of whoever had stronger rage inside him. Volgin was so mad he came back to life to hunt down Naked Snake, only to find out he wasn't him. I don't know why he just went kuwabara kuwabara and died again tho.
Oh ok. Thanks.
>And is it Para Medic Dr.Clark or Donal Andersen?
If my memory serves me right, Dr. Clark is indeed Paramedic and Donald Anderson is Sigint.
just die
kill yourself
how much time left until caramel gets blown the fuck out again?
I'm tempting to reinstall TPP. Is there any new shit in the game like online guns or new FOB?
Fun fact: Para Medic is the only patriot we didn't see die on screen.
mgs5 was released years ago you fucks
Also the date of her death is listed incorrectly during the end scroll of TPP. When Peeler was questioned about this on Twitter and asked if they'd be correcting it he responded with "we're not currently looking to share any more information about that character during this time". They still have not corrected her death.
They mostly added items related to FOBs (wormhole mines, upgrades of those flying cameras etc.) and a fulton rocket luncher.
If you are on pc you can try infinite heaven, never tried it myself but people seem to love it.
i wish IH actually tried to be more comprehensible instead of being just a fuckton of variables slapped on to the game
>tfw the meta becomes so strong the next game is actually titled "A Hideo Kojima game"
How many times do I have to repeat this?
When have Konami lied to their stockholders?
Konami already did that shit with Ultra Games, why can't they do it again?
That kind of sounds like a Rising song for some reason.
The moon is a hologram
Ultra Games only existed because of Nintendo's third-party restrictions.
How would you feel about a Kojima-less MGS6?
I know, I'm just saying that they can do it.
I can't wait for all of you to be disappointed at the VGA.
I will be too.
it produces a hologram
>it's a "Caramel STILL hasn't killed himself for being wrong" episode
You said it was 100% confirmed they'd reveal the "real" MGS5 at E3.
They didn't, you were wrong, kill yourself.
the hell is that?
also MGR>MGS4 and PW and TPP, Ground Zeroes was my favorite MGS besides 1 and 2
I remember neckbeards excited over this piece of shit, pathetic nerds
Yeah, but it's not like they didn't hide the fact that they were related to Konami, considering they often promote their games together.
>the hell is that?
Ad for a Konami job fair they had last month looking for developers for the next mainline Metal Gear, which has a projected date for March 2019.
Would you fuck off already?
I'm sure you fucktards will find a way to annoying even after they don't have anything of the sort
Why are you making shit up?
>Konami thinks anyone will ever buy this
If it was BEFORE Konami went mega-retard, I'd be willing to give it a chance
Acid 1, 2, Portable, and Rising were good games
But now, with Konami being the way they are, even if they give it to people with a spark of creativity, competence, or love, they'll bury it will all sorts of fucking bullshit
I will
newfags don't remember times when he was posting his pictures. He's a tranny, or during the hormone therapy, also knows someone from Kojima crowd.
MGS5 has already been confirmed for ages. Its called Survive
Sorry you're an EOP, but that's pretty much what it is.
Go away Sup Forums her being trans has nothing to do with this
I just want chapter 3 and everyone to be happy