>Tim Schafer is a conm-
Tim Schafer is a conm-
Why is no one talking about this? Could it be that it's too good?
he is
investigate the dig funding
Well, yeah, and?
Welcome to Sup Forums I guess, user. That's been part of our menu for years.
>first playable
Mr Shitface's problem is actually finishing the damn game without going over time and budget.
Half of the game will be a tower defense game too?
you don't even know the name of the funding.
>Psychonauts 2: Part One
Tim Schafer IS a con man. The difference with Psychonauts is he knows a lot of people are watching him closely, both the people he works with and the game's backers.
i cant watch this shit this man is fucking nasty
Psychonauts 2 looking good is all due to the team's efforts. Tim Schafer is the brain damaged mascot they put on the front of the project.
Saw this a while ago, honestly more interested in the game now. Though obviously I'm going to wait and see how the final product turns out. In any case it does LOOK like a Psychonauts sequel.
I am not giving money to that piece of shit.
That looks like Unity "I just finished the tutorial" level game design though.
That's the first level of the game, yes. Either as the Tutorial or just after it.
I'm finding it really hard to be cynical when I'm looking at honest to god gameplay footage of Psychonauts 2.
yeah I do, it's called.... dig funding?
Take cynicism in knowing that it's only gonna be realized because Tim is on a short leash this time around. He's basically not allowed to fuck up.
How do you mean?
>numale soyboys making games
ideas guys need really, really short leashes or you get total disasters
It's the last of his good will with gamers.a lot of people think he's a knob and he's been coasting off that Psychonauts
The long and short of it is, Tim had several people who kept him under control, that is not wasting money on dumb shit mostly, but also being less of an annoying brat in general. Those people left in the years following Psychonauts. Tim had free reign and it led to shit like Broken Age. They're back for Psychonauts 2 and thus, he's back to posterboy status.
No, I mean, how do you figure that he is on a short leash? By what manner is he leashed?
Also, he's a writer, not an idea guy.
We'll see what happens. Schafer's problem isn't releasing something (he'll eventually release SOMETHING, no matter how shite it is), it's going overbudget. In any case I didn't back it so I won't get burnt.
why is that a problem for us, who just get to play his games
I doubt he'll do a good work with Psychonauts, it's might just end up like Yooka-Laylee
At least there's a hat in time who gives love to the old psychonauts
were you promised something different?
that, and the reason the game has the world, characters, and feeling it does. The team is creating something beautiful and fun to to deliver those characters, that world, and that story to us
whatever happened to that 3.3 million game
did backers get burnt the last time he went overbudget?
because as far as I can tell what they got on Broken Age was:
>a delay
>a bigger game than they initially even backed
>no extra cost to them
it was released and no one cared
Because as soon as it goes overtime we have to wait another year for the final release, and as soon as it goes over budget they start cutting corners and eventually demand more money.
It really shows on the 2nd half of his games how going over time and budget can really affect his projects.
Why do they spend so much of the video on things that aren't gameplay footage?
cuz there's only an hour of playable footage and there's bugs and spoilers too
Because everything they showed is part of the package. Level design, music, scenario, pacing. all that.
Fig not dig
Cause it's a backer update video. It's not a finished, polished thing they want to showcase to everyone, but they let anyone who wants to see it because it can't hurt them.
I'm going to pirate and enjoy the shit out of this game.
I absolutely love Psychonauts, but there's no way I'm giving Double Fine a single penny.
Wow, you're so cool announcing your piracy. Truly a warrior for fairness in the free market.
I will if it's actually respect the first game, no point giving them any money if they don't
Play the demo and tell me that wasn't blatant false advertisement. For those that aren't aware the demo is the the first bit of the game up until you fight the first boss in your car.
-Is actually going to produce a 10/10 game.
why does Tim sound like he's mocking everyone working on the game in all of these videos?
i can't blame him. the game looks like piss
Whats the deal with this guy and why the hate?
I just got Psychonauts too
yeah I know
>as soon as it goes over budget they start cutting corners
they start cutting corners off of shit that wouldn't have been there in the first place if they hadn't been pushing in a direction that took them overbudget. Like, staying under budget doesn't magically restore those corners. It means the things that those corners belonged to would not have existed. In the realm of completely personal opinions: consistently, with all games, and while I certainly have enjoyed or even loved both, I am far fonder of ambitious and flawed games (e.g. bully, psychonauts) than I am of games that remain narrow in scope for fear of over-extending themselves.
>and eventually demand more money.
not from us, which is why I asked how that matters to me as a player. When BA went overbudget and they re-opened funding by starting sales of the game with Chapter 1 delivered, anyone who had bought BA still got access to both chapters at no extra charge. They were looking for new capital, but it in no way affected me as a player beyond the delay.
Psychonauts is in my top 5 fav games of all time
I couldn't be hyper for this shit, 3d plat is also my favorite genre
He probably just doesn't know what to say.
it's genuinely because he sided with Anita when Sup Forums was in full fiveguys swing.
Who's this anita you're speaking and in what context did he side with her?
he's a cringey sjw and con artist. He's so bad Sup Forums saw the light with kotick and agreed with him.
>why the hate?
mostly this
Also, Double Fine Aventure was a disaster, with the early access shit, and 2 parts.
Also Spacebase df-9 being released incomplete, and telling people to mod it instead.
I don't know what the fuck gamergate is, watched 3m and i got to go now, seemed chill enough, i'll watch the rest later
anita was a college student who started a kickstarter to create a series about patterns of female representation in videogames from a feminist perspective, which produced the exact expected sort of uproar and backlash, to which big industry names including Tim responded to by supporting her through online posts or even extending invitations to her to talk about writing and representation in videogames. It birthed many memes, and ensured that many games could never be spoken about on Sup Forums without being shitposted to death because of the proximity of their development to these events (e.g. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
>I don't know what the fuck gamergate is
>Double Fine Aventure was a disaster
The fuck did you get this from?
>with the early access shit, and 2 parts.
also the second part was awful and literally repeated the areas of par1
following DF devs on twitter
they intermittently post rando shit they're working on, amusing fuckups, etc
Oh nice!
>Who's this anita
The greatest troll who ever lived. She bamboozled EVERYONE and ran off with 200k too.
Call me naive, but I really like what we've seen so far. The visuals got a nice update for HD, and the combat doesn't look nearly as stiff anymore.
Only thing I'm worried about is that the maps are too big or spread out to feel as dense and interactive as the first game. I explored the old campsite over and over again because there were always new character interactions to find and scavenger hunt items to collect as things progressed, so I hope the sequel has something similar.
i bet there will be liberal propaganda.
I know what you mean by density. That's important. The first game is tightly wound. Almost no fat, no filler. I would prefer that over a larger scale.
What are we supposed to be impressed by? A functional 3D platformer? Show me something interesting or fuck off with your brand name recognition
i was promissed a Metal zelda clone
I agree that the latter half of the game was fairly disappointing compared to the intro, but I kind of blame EA marketing for not revealing more of the RTS elements.
Because the devs themselves never actively lied our tried to hide things about it, but the mainline trailers didn't really go into any detail on it if I recall.
It's just some online dispute that escalated into a screaming match that didn't accomplish anything.
>Why are you showing me the jumping mechanics in a platformer?
Huh, I have no clue. Maybe I should have waited until there was more story to show. Just wait until the romance options are done.
>actually finally make a proper full finished good game
>it will sell like absolute shit
you know it to be true.
Define propaganda.
Am I supposed to be impressed by jumping mechanics? What are you saying? Psychonauts are not popular because of how insanely compelling it is to jump in that game
I'll wait for when we see the inside of HQ before making any judgments. I imagine that's where the main section of the hub will be, and where we'll meet most of the new characters.
I think they just didn't want to completely abandon the outdoorsy feeling of the first game despite the change in setting.
>Psychonauts are not popular because of how insanely compelling it is to jump in that game
You never played the game. You can claim you have, but then your taste will be called into question.
Only someone who hasn't played the game would fail to grasp the feeling of the game. The mechanics look almost exactly like the old game, but with some improvements here and there.
Rhombus of ruin had a lot of optional dialogue.
Psychonauts 2 is going to be the first time I force myself to separate a game entirely from the person creating it, I hate how Schafer acts on Twitter and he fully believes in the GG boogeyman (he went absolutely mental over the Dean Takahashi thing ranting about how it was a GG operation to discredit game journalists and blah blah blah)
but the footage shown of psychonauts 2 looks okay and free from any agenda bullshit. i was similarly impressed by psychonauts VR which had the same visual style and tone as the original game. I'm fine with supporting that
If this does well we are pretty much guaranteed Brutal Legend 2.
Rhombus of Ruin was charming. Seeing all the old voice actors jump back into the group dynamic after all these years made me more hopeful for the sequel.
I'm so glad I'm not a fag who follows developers in twitter. And I'm so glad I don't know who the fuck Dean Takahashi is.
I wouldn't go that far. I'd like to see a Brutal Legend sequel, but the soundtrack and all-star voice cast are pretty expensive factors to have to account for.
>wubba lubba dub dub raz
We gonna hear their voices in psychonauts 2?
>i'm glad i am ignorant about things that occur within an industry i tell people i am involved in
The game looks great, don't forget to donate to help production
I got some watching to do.
I'd play Rhombus of Ruin in a minute if it was on steam, but I can't bring myself to buy PSVR for one game.
It's going to have 2016 election/Trump references in it.
I'm not involved with the industry. And likely, neither are you. Playing video games does not make you "involved" in the industry. And I don't need to know what Tim Schafer thinks about feminist issues. Or even what he might be writing on any given morning. Or whatever he tweets about. It's too personal, and no concern of mine.
Holy shit, this is actually true
What? Too soon? The first game references Hitler.
a fucking fair point.
Eh, not that guy but the Dean Takahashi thing was a fun meme that devolved into twitter drama for the fags who bother with that shit.
Same level as that Patrick Klepek playing Yakuza 0 and covering his eyes because of boobies scaring him, or the Polygon staff who played Doom and was horribly shit.
>I'd play Rhombus of Ruin in a minute if it was on steam
This X100
>Raz and Sasha get new duds
I hope the other characters update their looks as well.
>default Unity shaders
more interested in finding the next tortanic tbqh familia
>What are we supposed to be impressed by?
that tim schafer can possibly make a good game.
Oh, Dean Takahashi was the guy who embarrassed himself playing cuphead. I remember that now.
Not that I wanted to know. I really didn't care.
I hope it's actually good because people aren't starved for 3D platformers anymore.