JRPGs are getting wor-

JRPGs are getting wor-

Why has everyone suddenly started obsessing over Metacritic? Who fucking cares what journalists say

Gotta replay Alter Code F again.

Reviewer standards are just lower.

Games Journalism is getting worse

I'm the first one to agree that LoD is not an amazing game but I still love it for nostalgia reasons.

Vagrant Story on the other hand is one of the worst games ever made.

Ys 8 and Nocturne are the only good games on that picture

Also, scores are inflated.

Baten Kaitos is the best game in that image
also this

>BoF4 higher than Nocturne
I mean the game was nice but come on.

Nier Automata isn't a JRPG

>comparing metacritic scores from games released decades apart

Breath of Fire 4 and Nocturne are goddamn awesome though.

-Chrono Trigger
-Dragon Quest
-Phantasy Star
-Star Ocean

also, persona 3 is better than persona 5.

>Loves LoD
>Hates VS
t. Müllenfag

Yes worse OP

PS1 was the peak era for JRPG'S

Every single one in now is a sequel.


Every single game in this entire image is a sequel. 0 original content.

>PS1 was the peak era for JRPG'S

he's close, tho
SNES was the peak era

I really hope you're not an SNES boy.

Did original NES have good jrpgs?


No one even mentioned Vagrant Story before you though. But yeah those games are both pretty bad.

I would say no but retro/v/ might disagree

MT 1 and 2

>SNES was the peak era
Even worse
No, luckily I am someone who plays JRPGs and knows all your bullshit about golden ages or peak eras is pathetic.
The first Metal Max.

it's console war shitposting

people who care about metacritic scores should legitimately be killed

Not particularily, archaisms held them back.
Like the early Dragon Quest games are cool, but they're particularly less cool when you realize that you have to go into a menu and select "stairs" to go up or a down a fucking staircase.

>If I start laughing really hard I can win even when I'm wrong because my safe space prevent people to say mean things back to me
There's a flaw in your master plan, retard.

Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger and Final Fantasy III are pretty cool

Legend of Dragoon deserved better.

JRPG genre died after 2002
This is a fact

You cherrypicked the most literally who? jrpgs from ps1/2 era and compared it to the most popular jrpgs this gen. Who would've expected this result?

I laugh at you because you think your inane EOP opinion about "golden ages" matters.
You play a miniscule fraction of what the market had and has to offer and then you think you have any right to say which was the hypothetical best time for the production of games you have pathetic knowledge of.


>Legend of Dragoon deserved better.
There were no good ideas in LoD.
The game is even more linear than FF, there's NO sidequests outside of collecting Stardust, which leads you to a glorified shop menu anyway and a superboss battle.
The battle system is pants on head retarded, with any semblance of balance thrown out of the window and no depth or customization whatsoever, let alone any real control over your characters which are all just defined by who's faster since speed is the only stat that matters in the game.
Magic is a complete mess that might as well not exist, Additions are completely meaningless since the only distinction there is outside of damage is AP charge, which is also meaningless the more you keep on playing and there's even an item that removes any need for putting up with those shitty QTEs.
Dragon form is a joke that ends up being WORSE than playing with your normal form outside of a few characters like Lavitz or Rose having some actually useful Dragon spell that isn't outright shit.
The story is not only predictable but paced horribly, with the second disc being pretty much filler with the only notable happening being Lloyd getting some more exposition as a character.
Characters are the most cliched tropes ever and are completely uninteresting outside of maybe Haschel, Kongol is a non entity in more ways than one too, to the point that you even wonder why he exists.
The graphics are somehow WORSE than FFVII despite coming out years later.
The music is sampled at the lowest possible quality so everything sounds like it's coming out of a can at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

The only redeeming point is the horrible US VA for Harpoon memes, and maybe Meru.

70s are bad, 80s are disappointing, 90s are decent. That's just the way it is

>literally who
>Breath of Fire and SMT

They're equally finger-shitting good.

If you want to use my posts as a pasta at least use the image I used too.

sory, its like my third time on Sup Forums xD
didn't know people were this fond of their own writings that they need to get credit for this shit :D

Really OP... next time make better chart, this one sucks.

>Breath of Fire
literally who

You're right, if you haven't played through Breath of Fire 3/4 and a non Persona SMT then you don't know shit about JRPGs.

Even when you drop the laughing facade you still can't argue. Your stance is entirely based on assumption. I get it. All you have left is autistically nitpicking about what console had the best JRPGS.

you didn't find enough modern jrpgs, so you put automata in there?

>you still can't argue.
Then how is it that you still can't provide any actual proof to what you said?
Oh wait, all you have are opinions.
>All you have left is autistically nitpicking about what console had the best JRPGS.
You still don't understand, do you?
Let me repeat it once more so maybe your two neurons can get it this time, I DO NOT believe in bullshit such as peak eras, so I don't pick consoles to begin with, because unlike you I have actually digged and played a lot of games and I have a fairly decent knowledge of what consoles had to offer, you are still stuck in the usual bullshit about golden ages, I moved on a long time ago.
All you want is to prove you have better taste and opinion than others, you don't even care about videogames.

Dude, give up, I'm pretty sure I've encountered this guy before.
His best argument against the SNES/Playstation eras producing more quality JRPGs than the modern eras was that there were EVEN MORE good SNES/Playstation games than I listed off hand which meant I didn't know what I was talking about.
This is in spite of him not providing any evidence of a similar number of quality titles from other eras.

LoD is the greatest game ever made.

>His best argument against the SNES/Playstation eras producing more quality JRPGs than the modern eras
What are these quality JRPGs you speak of?
Final Fantasy trash?
The unfinished visual novel that is Xenogears?
DQ games, AKA babby's first JRPG ever? Which are basically all copypasted from each other?
King's Field if you want to be a hipster?

Where are all these supposed high quality JRPGs you speak of?
And more importantly, where are the mountains of subpar shovelware of both SNES and PS1? Both of which absolutely dwarf the actually good games on both systems?
And how about the N64 with its almost complete lack of JRPGs?
Or the Saturn, which is hipster central and full of mediocre games that get hyped up like no tomorrow or complete and nigh unplayable trash like Druid?

Where are all those quality games you speak of?

You're ALREADY doing it again faggot

One or two journalists, maybe not, but if 95% of them agree that it's good, it's probably good. It's why people use Rotten Tomatoes.

except for xenoblade, trying to hard + bad combat

Explain to me how Nier isn't a JRPG but Berseria is.

Idk I didn't play that gay shit

Third post best post

It's probably okay, maybe good. "Good" for most game journalists is a game not being complete shit. Almost everything with a rating between 70-100 is a complete mixed bag

And the vast majority of the stuff you mentioned is not only mediocre, but just from two consoles of the time and not even representative of the entire library of those systems at all, especially given that there's only Romancing SaGa 3 and Metal Max Returns, meaning you're the dirtiest EOP possible.

Where's all the shovelware like Inindo, Mermanoid, Dual Orb, Bardysh, The Mystic Dragoon, Last Queen games, Emerald Dragon or Dragon Knight?
Where are all the other less popular games like Brandish, Vampyr or Zill O'll?
Where are the non PS/Nintendo games like Soul Hackers, Shining Force III, Vantage Master, Lunatic Dawn games, Power Dolls and whatever else?
Where is the mountain of PC98 Eroge?
Shit, there's not even any Falcom stuff, you really think I can take you seriously with that shitty list?

Is legend of dragoon worth playing on my phone emulator?

Oh hey look, you're do that exact fucking thing that I predicted that you would do.
It's almost like you're a moron

Final fantasy 3, much better than the remakes.
Metal max like the other guy said but personally i preffer the remake on the snes.

no john, you are the demons

>Implying all the games I listed are good
>Implying I can't make a dozen laundry lists of absolute trash for both the SNES and PS
You're a special kind of imbecile, I'll give you that.

The existence of bad games for the SNES/Playstation does not prove the existence of good games for other systems you dingus.

I'm pretty sure Bloodborne is jRPG.
Western untermensch should be nuked.

And surprise suprise, that applies to every system ever made, you inbred retard, that is where this ridiculous argument of golden eras falls flat
>B...but the SNES and PSX had MORE good games than other consoles
Yeah, no, only casual EOPs would say that, and only casual EOPs would ignore the incredible amount of shovelware on both of those, which makes many of the modern consoles of today shiver.

>>B...but the SNES and PSX had MORE good games than other consoles
>Yeah, no, only casual EOPs would say that

burden of proof falls on you fuckface

most game journalists think MGSV is a 10/10 game

>burden of proof falls on you fuckface
That list you posted is already proof enough.
Or do you want me to repeat myself once again?
Why are there only games that were localized or received a fantranslation(often machine translated), to the point many games in the same franchise made before or after are ignored?
Why are Ultima and Shadowrun in a JRPG list when they're western games?
Again, where are all the other niche games or even most of Falcom's stuff on the SNES?
Where are the lists for other systems of the time to make a fair comparison?
Where are the lists of other modern consoles to make a comparison?
Why is the Phantasia remake mentioned but not the SNES original?
Do you want me to expose you more for being a EOP parroting faggot posting a meme list that gets spammed on both Sup Forums and /vr/?

I can do that you know, because that's what you are, a know nothing imbecile who parrots somebody's else ignorant opinion on a market that is basically unknown by the vast majority of the people in this shitty website.

LoD was garbage when it was new. Only people with absolute shitbabby taste in jrpgs like it.

If you take all positive reviews seriously, you're an idiot.
Reviewers have the incentive to overrate any game that's any good, because what are you going
to click on?
The post about an 8.3/10 game in a genre that you don't even play, or a 10/10 or 9.6/10 game?

That said, games in general have a lot more polish these days, and most people making games have
their shit together making really stable releases.

Reviews are completely untrustworthy these days. The trick is to follow people you know the opinions of
so you can base what you might enjoy off of what they think .

I realize now that i just recanted Dunkey's video about it, so just watch that.
Again though, you're dumb lollllllll

>Wants to prove a point with a image that says that some of the best JRPG ever are worse than modern AAA ironic weeb garbage
Thanks for proving the point that vidya reporters have always been and will always be wrong and faggots

>play zesteria and berseria
>think these would make better animes than games
>hear they got made into an anime
>it's shit

Legend of Dragoon was never good
There I said it

To be fair, Breath Of Fire hasn't had a new installment since 2002, the user was most likely not even in the 2rd grade yet when it released.

>review scores only matter when game journalists agree with me
I swear to christ it's like I've walked into an elementary school playground argument around here sometimes.

>Breath Of Fire hasn't had a new installment since 2002
Why do you lie to yourself like that user?

Still not close to old Squaresoft and 90's

That game has no name.

Another user passing by.

I hate you. Have a nice day.

Almost every single one is standalone, though.


f i r s t p o s t b e s t p o s t

>moeblade chronicles
>watered down smt filled with anime tropes the game
>tales of moelandia
>not an rpg
>dunno, never heard

I've read through this entire silly back and forth and honestly you appear to have gone from speaking authoritatively then switching to somehow using your own apparent ignorance as an argument. You shifted the burden of proof in this process and the other user hasn't bothered to address your red herring.

Why do so many autists on Sup Forums do this? All you've done is shown yourself to be egotistical, arrogant and ignorant. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself but fuck me, learn to concede a point and pull your head in.

>the other user hasn't bothered to address your red herring.
You truly expect me to make a list of all the good games on PS2/Gamecube/XB/GBA and whatever else came after those?
Sorry, I have better stuff to do than take obvious imbeciles on Sup Forums seriously, mostly because there's too many of them so the arguments would never end.
If you want to have a civil conversation without nostalgiafaggotry or petty tribal bullshit I'm in, but don't expect me to actually humour anyone stupid enough to still push that crap.

You might not like what they have to say, but they are right...as long as it wasn't made by Nintendo.


>You truly expect me to make a list of all the good games on PS2/Gamecube/XB/GBA and whatever else came after those?

You'd only have to do it once.
Then it's done and you can copy/paste it whenever an ignoramus rears their head.


Do you have the slightest idea of how many games I'd have to put in it?
>Then it's done and you can copy/paste it whenever an ignoramus rears their head.
Wishful thinking, you really don't understand how things work in here, even if I did make such a list, which would require at least two images for the records, people would still shit on it telling it's full of literal who games, weeaboo shit and whatever else.
You still do not understand that most people on this shitty board trash things for the sake of it or for brand loyalty, most people don't even play the videogames they trash nor do they really know much about a console's library, see all the hate the Vita's gets for instance.

One thing is using your time and energy in a useful conversation that might lead to some good stuff, another thing is wasting it for something that is just gratuitous shitflinging, I've been on this site for more than a decade, I know how things work, this is why bait list like both the OP and that other moron's are posted nearly daily and still taken seriously, people are happy as long as they have something to wail on.

Post the better image.

>The "modern" examples are all a console generation back

how time flies

Ys 8 and Xenoblade 2 are the only good JRPGs on the bottom part

Meanwhile the top part has Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire, Baten Kaitos and SMT Nocturne.

Thousand ARms and Summon Night look out of place on there
What are they about?

jrpgs with dating/waifu routes and waifu pandering and throw the heroine in your face all the time