Why don't any other controllers use this stick layout?

Why don't any other controllers use this stick layout?

Because the other two layouts are already patented.

This is the absolute worst stick layout possible.

You can't patent something like the individual position of thumbsticks otherwise every third party controller in existence is a patent violation. Only overall design can be patented.

Have you used it?

>Can hit A and X with your thumb still on the camera stick
>Without clawing
It's literally the best stick position.

>right buttons under right analogue

Dumb designs

It's the best stick layout. Clawing with your index finger is way more comfortable than clawing with your thumb. Plus in 3D action games your thumbs are on both sticks most of the time, and having both sticks on the bottom of the controller sony-style gets uncomfortable, even more so with right stick on the bottom.

I owned a Wii U since 2014. That stick layout was terrible. It was only slightly okay because Splatoon was the only game worth playing on that console for an extended period of time.

For comparison it's like hitting down on the c stick to jump for any other controller.

It's just not useful for anything that isn't a shooter or 2D

At least with shooters on other controllers, you can claw to hit all 4 face buttons. You can't do this on the Wii U controller.

I disagree strongly. So far top sticks has one good reason ITT "Can hit A and X with your thumb still on the camera stick without clawing" and I'll add that having the DPAD and face buttons on the same plane close to each other is god tier for 2D games and feels like holding an ergonomic SNES controller.

Where as all you've been able to say in the defense of bottom sticks is "b-but top stick is wrong"

>Clawing with your index finger is way more comfortable than clawing with your thumb.
I agree with this. Index finger for rough camera motions and gyro for fine aiming were ideal in BotW on the WiiU game pad.

On Wii U game pad (same layout as Wii U pro controller) you can aim and press all four buttons at the same time without clawing.

Having the c stick at the bottom means you can hit y and b without doing the claw, there's real improvements, and if it's a Nintendo game we're talking about, being able to hit B is more useful than hitting X

I already said it's good for 2D games and shooters, I haven't said anything in this thread but that post, my right thumb resting on the facebuttons is more beneficial than having it on the c stick.

>small hands
>thumbs probably can't reach the sticks comfortably

>you can hit y and b without doing the claw
Jump+Camera control is significantly better than attack+camera control
That is if bottom stick could even do that, but it really can't. The top stick can only do it well because the joint of the thumb lands on the face buttons when the stick is on top.

You say that like Y and B aren't always attack and jump.

>Y or B
What kind of fucked up game does that? MAYBE on Playstation since no one can agree what fucking buttons should be accept and cancel over there.
X and A are the primary buttons and B and Y are the secondary buttons. The former are much more important to have easy access to than the latter.

>t. Uncle Jack

What fucking Nintendo games are you playing where Y and B aren't the primary control?

Nigga I have EVERY WiiU game.
The literal only ones that have Y and B as primary controls are platformers with only 2 buttons that just allow you choose between A and X or B and Y or whatever the fuck (Mario and Luigi U, 3D World, I'm pretty sure Tropical Freeze)

Not everyone uses their joints to hit buttons, so unless you're thumb takes up half the controller, besides how many people will be using the camera more than the face buttons in a game that isn't a shooter, you're fingers won't be resting on the face buttons to occasionally move the camera instead you'd have it on the camera button with constantly moving to the face buttons

>Not everyone uses their joints to hit buttons
It's not my fault people don't want to play optimally and it won't make your retarded point correct.
>you're fingers won't be resting on the face buttons
Literally only if you don't put them their
Either the dpad and face buttons or sticks are comfortable resting positions on the WiiU Pro

i thought the same but i noticed how easy it is to accidentally hit the face buttons while using the right stick. Maybe it's just cause i have big hands

that's my argument. It fucks me up constantly in smash

can i disable the bluetooth and use it wired?

>Smash on anything but a GC controller
>Surprised when it plays badly

Because their D-pads aren't broken as fuck.

Nope, Nintendo must cut corners on literally everything to maximize shekels.

No, the wire is only for charging