>dude this game is perfect but let’s ruin it with memes XDd
>hahag yes dude what a great idea xxD! FUCK THE ART AND FUCK THE ARTIST VISION
And this, ladies and gentlemen, why PC gaming will never be taken seriously.
>dude this game is perfect but let’s ruin it with memes XDd
>hahag yes dude what a great idea xxD! FUCK THE ART AND FUCK THE ARTIST VISION
And this, ladies and gentlemen, why PC gaming will never be taken seriously.
Other urls found in this thread:
>He never played NWN where mods are bigger than the game itself with better written content
Doom is the one game with most maps and mods that try to be good or at least decent, while meme shit is just a minority that is just too popular.
It isn't Skyrim or GTA5.
>playing games first time with mods
Only do this with Bethesda games.
>Artist vision
You are the cancer
And this is because it's a good game associated with good design, that spawned clones and a genre, while being easy enough to mod.
>artistic vision
Hey, if the artist's vision is so important to you, then maybe, you know, DON'T FUCKING MOD THE GAME BEFORE EXPERIENCING IT?
It's not colonoscopy. It isn't hard.
But Borderlands 2 was a multiplat title
>if you mod a game its because you hate it and not because youre just using it as a base for modding
Why is borderlands 2 that “meme game”?
>mcdonalds releases the big Mac and everyone loves it
>fag goes "hey this is great, im inspired to make my own burgers"
>makes own burgers and becomes a chef
>mcdonalds releases the big Mac and everyone loves it
>fag goes "hey this is great, but you know what would be cooler? If I made my OWN big mac!!!"
>buys big Macs from McDonald's, puts copious amounts of mustard in each of them, and gives them out for free on the street
>McDonald's lawyer immediately goes to his stand
>"I'm sorry sir but this is copyright infringement, you are not allowed to give away our product for free."
>"No sir that's not how copyright works, now get down on the ground"
>gets grabbed by police
>"Yes and there's a reason we are successful and Burger King is not"
>tries to grab cops gun
>Fails horribly and gets shot
Which one seems like the most logical choice?
>food analogy
it's peak "fuck writing a game, let's cram in all the geek references to name fucking everything" writing
even World of Warcraft isn't that bad
To kys
But you don't have to play with mods though? Plus it increases sales for the game if a mod gets really popular (see Gmod or Arma 2)
wew lad
Garbage thread.
>any games
>taken seriously
>food analogy
I can hear your heavy breathing from here
Look at any workshop and the top mods will be basically game breaking “””””quality of life””””” improvements or overpowered warhammer characters.
Fuck mods.
>Which one seems like the most logical choice?
Not eating at McDonald's if you don't like their food?
Stopped reading there. Why are all americans like this?
My favourite
No, retard, the equivalent would be to give out mustard packets and instructions on how to use it on your burger. If you don't like it, you don't use it. The man uses the knowledge gained from this to make his own burgers, which he sells himself. In his opinion, they're better than a Big Mac, but of course McDonalds is still more popular.
Not that I would expect a Sup Forumstard to know jack shit about what mods are or do, being a consolefag who probably plays VNs (where you can't really make any meaningful changes). Moreso, being underage, he does not remember the glory of early PC gaming.
But, then again,
> food analogy
I also just ate a big mac
Wow, so don't install them OP. You're just as stupid as the fags complaining about loot boxes
Didn't consoles recently get games with mods? Guess mobile gaming is the last hope for us gamers.
Difference is, loot boxes existinf makea publishers want to fuck with the game so you'll want to buy loot boxes.
If the same happens with mods the worst that can happen is Fallout 4.
And Temple of Elemental Evil.
Golden age of pc was also golden age of modding. Just saying.
UT/2004, Jedi Outcast/Academy and Warcraft 3 were some of my favorite games mainly because they had shit-tons of custom maps and mods made for them by the communities.
So in other words they aren't your favourite games at all?
>food analogy
>You think you like it, but you don't.jpg
If you ask Blizzard, they own all the custom maps. :^)
> I like X because I can customize it!
> so you don't really like X?
They are the games I played the most back when I was in school. We also held small lan parties with local friends to play them when good internet wasn't so common here.
Maybe 1% of mods are worthwhile. They are only praised by pervs who use them to pound off.
> anime is all full of weeb shit and underage girls dude what are you a pedo
> yeah man I watched animes before, like the Pokemon one
>american analogy
It's stupid to claim you like a game when you refuse to even experience it in its natural state. It's like saying your favourite game is Fallout 3 because you love New Vegas. You don't like Fallout 3. You just love New Vegas. Same with other mods. You don't like the game. You like the mod.
what sites do you fucking browse, to think you learned enogh about modding?
>Maybe 1% of mods are worthwhile.
Just like games then.
>Every mod for any game is always memes and jokes, there is no such thing as a mod or fanmade work for a game, that tries to be well designed or have standards close enough to the main game it's based off
It's like you guys unironically, get your knowledge on the subject, from retards at Kotaku who just wrote about the shitty Crash Bandicoot meme mod.
>screenshot of a game from 20 years ago.
>attempts to say its even close to relevant for pc gaming.
The great thing abouy modding is that it is what you make of it.
You could install brutal doom, that makes the game ten times gorier.
Or you could do that to it.
You could play enderal. An entire new game made in skyrims engine.
Or you could make tommy wiseau your dragon. Either way having the ability to mod autonatically puts pc at advantage.
Yes, I liked the base games as well.
The mods usually came way later, back then at least.
>food analogy
Still, I'll humor you. A mod is not a game, it's a mod. You probably know this.
Wheel manufacturers don't sell cars with their wheels, they sell wheels.
I know you just want (You)s, but probably there are people that agree with this nonsense.
Post mods, that are good.
OP is autistic and someone needs to put him down.
Finished it a couple days ago.
>the fucking spiders
How do you not understand the diffrence between piracy and modding? Nobody is giving out the a game for free, just giving out a modification for free.
The closer analogy is someone standing outside a MacDonald with a ketchup bottle and giving people ketchup for free, and that's perfectly legal.
It's actually more like this.
>man sets up a kiosk outside Mcdonalds that adds copious amounts of mustard to big macs for free
>people start doing it
>"hey you! stop that!"
>"what? these people have already purchased their big macs. they are free to do whatever they please with them."
>Mcdonalds employee shits himself in fury and retreats into his cornucopia of bland, overpriced burgers
did someone say mods?
>shit in need to fap
>better load up skyrim
These people are retarded.
> corporate shills are now trying to swing public opinion to hate mod support
So brutal doom was made by people who hated doom and doom 2, resulting in Bethesda's DOOM game being the worst in the series because they saw the potencial of the mod and making a full game with that?
Call me when japs do 3D orcs. Or amazons. Or anything medieval, really.
you seem stressed, have a modded chain to cheer ya up
Enjoy your apples, consoletard
BD was based off a meme from the Doom comic
If Mark neved made Brutal Doom, anyone could have done, simply because of how big the meme was, around Doom fans
Funny enough, NuDoom's glory kills might at best, be based off Serious Sam, when you consider how SS's studio was at one point working on a Doom 4, until it was canned
>near-sightedness simulator
That chain is pretty sexy though
>people only make things look good to fap to them
Keep this man away from a museum or a clothing store
>doom 3 spiders can jump to the ceiling and crawl in it
[cool architecture tier]
breach, vangard, valiant, vrack2, epic2, deusvult2
[good use of space & nonlinear tier]
theeye, congestion1024, miasma, hellbound
[classic slaughter tier]
plutonia2, sunder, speedofdoom, combatshock1/2, sunlust
[autistic slaughter tier]
okuplok, chillax1/2, nochance, stardate20x6/7, swimwiththewhales, toiletofthegods
[technical achievement or cool gimmick tier]
goingdown, absolutelykilled, 1monster
[notable gameplay mod tier]
>Doom 4
>Worse than Doom 3
>will never be taken seriously.
Thank god, i dont want pretentious liberal arts-degree graduates shitting my media.
t. review brah
>Playing bethesda games
Terry wads......
Terry wads are clever jokes. If you want to bait, try with Sup Forums.wad
can't believe this isn't pasta
Younger people might not know this, but back then mods were about adding stuff to the base game, not just "fixing unplayable ones".
If you liked a game with mods, it used to imply you liked the base game already.
Not saying older games were always perfect at launch, but things were nowhere near as bad as today.
A mutator I really liked was decalstay/giblife which made decals/explosions stay on the map longer(or until the end).
It killed the framerate if played for too long, but it painted amusing battlefields.
And that argument is why you will always be seen as a cocksucking faggot.
>terry wads
you're funny
This. Mods were little expansions. Now mods are often needed to make ugly games pretty, boring games fun etc