If you buy too much x in Riverwood, you will increase the price of x in whole region!

>If you buy too much x in Riverwood, you will increase the price of x in whole region!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fallout 3 will have 200 endings!

>New Vegas has lots of freedom at the start and it definitely isn't linear!

>the AI is intelligent

>I can greentext

>it just works

Don't take it personally, Todd.

>dynamic snow

Todd, where is TES Valenwood?

You will be soon able to visit Valenwood in EPIC game made by our friends at Zenimax, The Elder Scrolls ONLINE

Do you think he knows about Toddposting?

Yes, that's why he sends Pete Hines to E3 so he won't get us more image material.

Are there any games with good economic systems?

>your choices will matter
Honestly what he does doesnt fall on false advertisment?

your mothers vagina

Peteposting when?

So is the reason why we don't have a new TES because Bethesda has run out of ideas? Is that why they're constantly rehashing their mediocre skyrim?

Most games based around economy (e.g. Patrician) work well enough for their purposes. Also things like The Guild 2 - decent enough.

Define "matter"

It's gotta be harder for them considering Skyrim is the most vanilla, marketable region in the game. It's certainly the most Tolkien of all the games with the widest variety of biomes. I can't think of too many people wanting to play an Elder Scrolls game set in Black Marsh or some shit

Skyrim was literally just Bloodmoon 2.

What does this even mean

>Skyrim was literally just DLC that has a DLC where you go to island from a DLC

That Skyrim was literally Solstheim, first introduced in the Elder Scrolls mod Bloodmoon?


Thread theme

>can't think of too many people wanting to play an Elder Scrolls game set in Black Marsh or some shit
Normies aren't people

>start up skyrimjob this morning
>forgot that my level 109 werewolf roleplay character is standing in the middle of whiterun
>after a vampire attack
>after I've infected everybody with sanies lupinus
>dead werewolves EVERYFUCKINGWHERE
>werewolves fighting EVERYFUCKINGWHERE

it was pretty metal until Adrianne started attacking me for no reason

Just utilize the ESO assets and make TES VI: Tamriel.

>all recent Todd games are paid Morrowind mods

What do you think they will remove come TES 6?

TES VI will have a fully voiced protagonist


>We know you guys want more elder scrolls... We are very happy to announce that... WE ARE PORTING SKYRIM TO MOBILE, THE WII,THE GAMECUBE, THE MS DOS PC!


Hey everybody, Pete How- HINES here! Make sure to pick up Skyrim for the Switch and all the great new Fallout 4 DLC we've got coming up the pipeline! The Creator's Club is coming and you're gonna love it!

Tes6 will be cancelled for skyrim for the tree branch.

no, Todd even said the a voiced protag was horribly received in FO4

>If you suck too many dicks in Riverwood, you will become Riverslut

>We at Bethesda are proud to announce we are porting Skyrim to REAL LIFE
>Todd holds still beating heart aloft, completing the ritual
What do?

>What do?
get sex mods

Capitalism Lab. It's actually quite a new game and has a really REALLY elaborate (autistically so) economic system.

It's been worked on for 15+ years and is the dwarf fortress of economics simulators.


Don't get your hopes up. Toddster said that voiced protag didn't work as well as Bethesda hoped. Normalfags still loved it and even claimed that it increased immersion. At best we may expect a little bit more dialogue options.

>I'm too much of a shit-tier casual to sneak past a few deathclaws, therefore nobody can

I can see this meme working

Victoria II

>fast travel is now real

> sneak past
who’s the casual again? lmao

Eve online

They can just rape a region to make it marketable to normies or something, they dont know or care about the lore anyways.

start up fallout 3 right now and clear the old olney sewers at level 1. go on, do it. do it right now and film it.

>not just killing the deathclaws
lmao what a fucking shitter, keep sneaking in shadows you coward rat i bet you are bullied so you sneak past your bullies lmao

Black Marsh would be the shit, though, it would be so alien. I wouldn't mind being allowed to only play Argonians for it.

>not fucking up the deathclaws with your varmint rifle
Seriously, user, are you even trying?

>>If you buy too much x in Riverwood, you will increase the price of x in whole region!

Didn't know you could buy drugs in the elder scrolls games.

>what's skooma
guess you wanted to be witty and funny but you fucking failed!

>they dont know the lore anyways
How can they not know the lore they themselves created?

You do know that young babies were just called "lers", before Todd came around?

>highly illegal substance
>no one gives a flying fuck if you have it
>you also can't smoke it, only drink it

This game is a disappointment after another.

i did not know that there was another way until my second run of new vegas

you can snort rails of moon sugar though

>You can not sleep with enemies around

But how does your guy know? Dovkin is psychic? That's like not being able to sleep because you know a spider is in your room. You don't always know if there is.

>use moon sugar
>hear crunching and munching

I never sleep

>buying stuff
Didnt even bought the game, much less from stupid merchants.

>its a fucking slaughterfish

You can plant the acorn as a child and when you're an adult an oak tree will grow where you planted it