There will never be a new souls game

>there will never be a new souls game

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Good, the series has become exhausted, the direct sequels were a mistake anyway, bring on something new.


And that's bad because?
You have 3, no 5 good games to replay when you really want to experience it again.

Yes, indeed.

Those fucking fools on the outside, trying to reignite the flame

>And that's bad because?

I'd rather they put their talent to something other than another Souls game, it's clear at this point the formula is becoming a little stale, you said yourself they have already made five games in a similar vain, its time to seek new pastures.

Sorry I misread your post with my response A thousand apologies.

It was tired by DS2 anyway. I can't even finish Bloodborne because I've gotten bored of the formula.

But the Souls sequels were a mistake. Or are you one of those retards who like DaS2?

I'd rather a new King's Field with faster combat.

fucking assholes

all of u

>gimme more derivative sequels!

Feelings mutual kid.


A new From Software game will be announced at E3 2018.

Hope they used all thsi time to make a new title with a decent interconnected world like DS1 had. As much as i liked BB and DS3 this instant-teleport / go to hub to level thing is some real bullshit and takes away a lot of the weight that made 1 great


fucking hipster garbage

get out of MY thread

Other than multiplayer split-screen games and now Cities, DaS was the only game I could play by myself and enjoy mostly due to the lived-in realism of the world.

>X meets Y
Please stop posting.


This is amazing

samefag exposed

ETFO (exposed the fuck out)

>Dark Souls Meets Journey
When will this meme end already?

Are you OK? If i wanted to samefag, i would have answered it a minute later.

It's a darksoul like

Is it hard to get it?

This is seriously pathetic.

more like runescape meets tomb raider

received of the award of the best unreal engine 4 game during the e3 2017.

Do they lack even a tiny fucking speck of imagination?

"Ashen is a 3rd person, action RPG about forging relationships.
Players can choose to guide those they trust to their camp, encouraging them to rest at the fire and perhaps remain.
Together, you might just stand a chance."
Clearly more like a COOp darksoul than runescape.

Dark Souls 2 was garbage. I had really high expectations for 3 because Bloodborne was god-tier but man was I let down. I will be perfectly content if there's never a new Souls game.

Stop shilling your shitty amateur game here, faggot

Good. It's time for something fresh. Bring back Otogi.

I'm not related to this game. OP wanted something darksoul i proposed this. You could also propose the weeb version: CODE VEIN

OP here

I wanted a new souls game not a shitty game which might be similar to a souls game

>DS3 was 3 years ago
>Fromsoft is dead

>tfw you will never a play a Star Wars themed Souls game.
I just want to be hardcore...

>series has become exhausted
>just like the first flame
>in ds3 flame is basically non-existent