/petition drive/


Let's revoke EA's Star Wars License!

Heads up: change.org changes fuck all. Nobody gives a flying fuck. It has no authority.

t. EA

It's about sending a message, you negative nancy.

And petitions have worked before.

Get out of your preposterous fantasy worlds, you ineffectual children.

you think Disney would handly thing much differently? ahahah

>Disney is greedy and all about stealing IPs
>EA is greedy and all about stealing IPs
If you want EA to lose their license, just keep informing people about how consumer unfriendly the new Star Wars game is, before the movie is released.

I'm sure Disney will pay exorbitant amounts of money just to back out of their ongoing contractual obligations and put a smile on a dozen random neckbeards' faces. Good luck, smart people.

>implying EA would drop a license to one of the most popular franchises of all time because some faggots signed some shit on change .org

Shit that's a lot of votes for just for even indirectly fucking EA, really proves just how fucking beefed everyone is. Keep it up I guess, any form of controversy should put good pressure on Disney, they booted JonTron after all.

>And petitions have worked before.

name 1

They literally post them on their site assnugget

Dark Souls PC.

>change.org changes fuck al-
>In summer 2017, a petition on change.org called for /r/incels, to be banned for inciting violence against women.[68] Following the October implementation of a new Reddit policy that prohibited the incitement of violence, the subreddit was banned on November 7, 2017.[69] At the time of its banning, /r/incels had around 41,000 subscribers.

this right here, might as well start a petition for Microsoft to drop Windows license

in what fucking backwards fairy world do you people live in ?

Xenoblade in the west

Literally nothing wrong with that.

/r9k/ and their supreme gentlemen retardation has no place in the internet.

Just think you could have SW moba, isometric loot games etc.

But no, Disney signed a shitty deal with them, hopefully they can revoke it, and honestly it would go in their favour if you think about it.

>pay millions to revoke a license because a bunch of people on the internet are upset

Nobody could possibly think that change.org has "authority". That's literally outside the scope of human stupidity.

A petition on change.org is the same as any other petition. The point is to send a message, and that message is literally "look at all the people who have this opinion." That's it. Lucasfilm isn't obligated to give a shit about a petition, or a social media campaign, or bad PR in general; however, as a company which likes money, Lucasfilm might at least try to improve things if they are made aware that things are bad enough to make people stop liking the products branded with their name.

To be fair starwars fanbase barely even qualifies as humans

There is no good reason to defend EA in this case, unless you want to play BF5 in 2021.

I barely see EA, Ubisoft, ActiBlizz as game companies anymore.

you cant expect underage corporate cocksleeves to understand things like these

>EA's Star Wars license gets revoked
>Disney gives it to Activision instead
Be careful what you wish for

Petitions are for bored housewives that want to feel proud of "fighting for something good". They're literally useless.

THIS or ubishit

I don't think we need a petition. Unless EA can really turn things around (and they can't let's be honest) once that contract goes up they're going to atleast lose their exclusivity deal.

Are you guys literally fucking retarded? The petition isn't directed at EA.

George Zimmerman put on trial

At best, EA won't get the license renewed and Disney will just give it to some other big company.
At worst, nothing will happen at all.
And this petition will change nothing

Dude... that is 6 more years with EA.

Star Wars wont have any good games this generation if that ends up the case.


I'd rather let them crash on their own instead of handing them yet another scapegoat to blame their bullshit on.

I'm sure that Disney can pull Star Wars away from EA a any time. There is definitely a clause in the contract that EA cannot damage the image of Star Wars. If not, there is definitely something that Disney can wrap their fingers around. The only reason they probably haven't done it yet is because the new movie is right around the corner and they want as little negativity as possible surrounding the franchise.