Give me your honest opinions on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 without spouting something about the character design or console...

Give me your honest opinions on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 without spouting something about the character design or console war bullshit. I like (J)RPGs and I'm on the fence with this game.

It's fun.

its shit

If you're on the fence play the first game on Dolphin. If you want more pick up XC2.

>Give me your honest opinions on Xenoblade

You're coming to Sup Forums for honest, not shitposting opinions?

Anyone who's actually playing the game is playing it right now. And I assure you that no one here has actually beaten the game yet

he said without shitposting

>I like (J)RPGs
Then you`ll like it, this and Sen no Kiseki 3 are the only proper JRPGs to come out this year and this is better than Sen by quite a wide margin.

Oh boy. Another XB2 thread.

where did he say that

If you like jrpgs you will absolutely like this game. Most of the complaints come from the normal crowd of people who just hate all jrpgs in general and only play fps or other action games.

It has a massive open world to explore, tons of sidequests and bonus content, and a pretty fun combat system.

It reminds me of skies of Arcadia. Rex is a cocky bastard, setting is great, combat is rewarding to learn and engaging once you learn it all

Gosh it’s almost like the game came out yesterday.

>I like JRPGS
Okay first questions answered
>Do you like anime?
>Do you like XC's combat?
Yes to both, get it NOW
if you answer No to either one, pause and wait

i just started chapter 3. i am loving it. runs well and has a lot of battle customisation options. most fun ive had with a jrpg since persona 5. it's great so far. if you're into jrpgs, there's no reason not to pick it up.

Do you like the combat in FFXII?

Do you like over the top anime?

then you will like this, since the combat is more or less the same but without the gambit system.

we don't need a ton of threads on this niche game

I see, I guess I'll just head over to r/gaming or Twitter

Found the shill.

Just started in on war frame. Thoughts on it.

I'm just not a fan of the combat style. If there's gonna be real time movement then everything should be real time, not this weird auto-attack stuff. Nothing feels like it has any weight to it and that honestly means a lot to me in an action rpg.

>tfw no undub option
I could tolerate britbongs in XC1, but having the cat loli sound like 40 year old british trailer trash is awful. I'm not crazy about Rex and Pyra's VA either.

if you want a long and fun game,buy it

if you want quick and cheap gameplay,keep playing BING BING YAHOO

I felt it was too pretentious to be enjoyed.

great contribution.

... It's not an action rpg? Who said anything about it being an action rpg? The combat is similar to how it's been in every xenoblade game.

You do know you can download the Japanese voices from the eShop right?

Ok sorry it's not an action rpg, but my feelings about the combat are still the same. It just doesn't feel satisfying to me

There was another thread who pointed out some missing elements from the first one. Copied:
>armor gone
>customizability(field speed, etc.) gone
>gem crafting gone
>pouches are a joke
>character development reduced to a redundant amount of basic stats
>citizens dont have a life and walk around/home or do things anymore, they just materialize out of thin air when its their time to be "active" and disappear when they "sleep"
>relationships gone. Now you simply buy shit and the city levels up
>heart to hearts reduced to 'Tales of' levels of redundancy
>collectibles now cramped into gathering spots
>collectible rewards gone
>exploration gone
And I'd like to add that also the indicators telling you if a monster will attack on sight or not are gone. Which makes for trial and error when traversing the wildnerness. Not much fun desu.
It also went a bit too anime for me.
Also the combat is kinda cluttered this time around.

All that being said, its still a great game in my opinion. Maybe not having played the first Xenoblade would make it more enojable, since you don't know what they removed.

Oh my fucking god. I'm restarting this file I dont care.

Didn't the first game tell you which levels quests were at? And wasn't there a map you could open and navigate/look at no problem? These along with not being able to use items/inventory in combat are my only issues.

And the fact they took away moving and attacking.

Well it's not for everyone I guess. Personally it feels pretty fun and more engaging than most turn based rpg where you just select commands. At least in this game it requires positioning and you can set up combos.

>Didn't the first game tell you which levels quests were at? And wasn't there a map you could open and navigate/look at no problem?
Yes! I wanted to add this to . There's no proper map anymore, and I have no idea why.
If the quest pointer is in another area, have fun finding out where you have to go.

Pouches are whatever, and I think the gems have been replaced with those aux cores and stuff, but I definitely agree.
Is what I noticed.

fair enough if you dont like it, but there's quite a bit going on in the combat. building your art gauge and then trying to time a bunch of other arts so you can build a level two art. or using an art that does extra side damage, then positioning yourself while the enemy is aggro'd to your tank, etc, etc.

it isn't mind blowingly complicated, sure, but it's not like "hurr auto attack means you dont do anything the whole fight."

No need to restart, you can just change language in the sound menu.

How fucked are the graphics? hearing some wailing about resolution especially in handheld, but that's hard to judge screenshots blown up on my pc.

It's one of the best JRPGS I've ever played in terms of gameplay alone.

>exploration gone

Elaborate. If I can't even fucking explore then I don't see the point.

Wife got it for me today as an earlier X-Mas gift. The last JRPG I played was Pokemon Yellow when it first came out so holy shit there was an adjustment period of a couple hours. After that I'm really like it, if you can tolerate some weaboo autism you will find a fun game here.

It's good, but with annoyances we've known about for ages, that maybe could have been prevented through raising said concerns.

All you fags saying "b-but the enemy HP is boosted for the gameplay demoes!" got absolutely BTFO, though. Fuck you cunts for shooting down any concerns expressed with this bullshit lie.

I figured, but I just want to redo some of those scenes with proper VA and lip-syncing.

Oh that was from the original post I copied. There's still exploration, but I think the original OP meant that the map is unlocked from the start, so you already know whats behind the next corner.
Yeah but the aux cores have what, 2 slots? Compared to gems thats an unreasonable step back imo

Yeah, you're absolutely right. Those things aren't as satisfying as gems. And the pouch thing is kind of silly. Maybe we'll find items for your pouch that increase movement speed and the like later on in the game? I'm only chapter 3

Armor ended up not being all that great in XC1 though. If it had gem slots, good. If it didn't, it was shit. I liked seeing progression on each character by changing their armor, but without different appearances and gems having to upgrade armor would have been a chore. Gems were an okay system but they ended up being stupidly imbalanced and required you to go back to town to make one by one. Most gems were worthless. The vastly expanded attributes trees on the Blades more than make up for equipment and gems being gone since both those systems were pretty half baked in XC1. Heart to hearts kind of seemed like they should have been Tales of skits but I found that unless it was between permanent fixtures in my party I would always have to pass by heart to hearts.

XC1 wasn't perfect, and removing or simplifying mechanics isn't always a bad thing. To me it's like Mass Effect 1-2. In ME1 I hated having to manage equipment. It was a chore and it never felt rewarding. ME2 removing that unrewarding chore in favor of individual guns having more fleshed out gunplay was a refinement that ended up making the game better.

ive played about 4 hours docked and 4 hours handheld. i think the handheld version actually looks nicer. the resolution does drop when youre in towns/bigger areas but not by THAT much. this is far preferable to the frame rate skipping and stuttering everywhere, which this game doesn't do much at all. the mains drops in resolution and frames are in towns, and not when you're fighting in dungeons. i wouldn't say the graphics are fucked. game looks pretty nice.

What do you mean about character development though? I haven't played the first one in years, but I don't remember anything special about their stats.

is the combat challenging without being bullshit that just requires grinding it out?

thats what i liked most about persona 5 on hard. decent challenge, no grind required

Not all of these removals are bad. A lot of grinding and boring collection stuff are gone

>and required you to go back to town to make one by one.
No, because you got a travel "oven" when you finished the gem tutorial. You could do that anywhere.
>The vastly expanded attributes trees on the Blades more than make up for equipment and gems being gone
I don't agree, since you had a lot of room to change your characters in XC1 with that. In this, the trees are simple step-by-step increases of stats like DEX.


Didn'y you need a certain rank for Colony 9 to get the portable oven?

I just started this game and have never played a Xenosaga game, I am not sure that I like the combat if that first crab enemy is what I should expect.

chunked in 3 hours so far, 1st things 1st the VA is beyond god awful, the main character's thick accent and mascot character are the worst offenders, and the lip sync is non existent it's all very very jarring.

the graphics are meh standard JRPG, the animation is terrible outside of cutscenes, Nia and Rex have the same walking animation and the game can't decide who's cellshaded and whose not, Pyra has this black cartoon outline around her while other characters and all the non humans do not. The zones are big and gorgeous.

The battle system is serviceable, but not as good as the last two games, the tether concept is wack, it kills mobility, the NPCs should just be faster with moving with you instead of you coming back to them.

The Music is real shining star of the game. it is FANTASTIC.

Is better than previous ones.

>without spouting something about the character design or console war bullshit.
Come on now! Don't ask for the impossible.

As Parappa always says, you gotta believe.

>The Music is real shining star of the game. it is FANTASTIC.
What do you expect? Its the guy who made the music for Chrono Cross. Of course its fantastic

>Do you like the combat in FFXII?
Except XC2's combat is immensely better than FF12's one.

I don't have a problem with my blade following me. I'm never too far to not have the tether.

Pretty sure there are items that increase this, too.

I enjoy it more than XCX on the WiiU.
Combat is better, story is better, visually it can be a bit rough at times (at a technical level, designs are cool), but overall I think it's a better game than X and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Can only recommend, unless you're the type to get triggered by anime cliche moments or big tits.

Its not. Mechanics will be introduced throughout the first chapters and the combat will become quite hectic. Remember that it scared a few of the reviewers.

Is it better than FFXV though? A lot of normies like that game and XBC2 is getting shat on by them.

FFXV is an atrocity that should be purged from this planet.
XC2 is an actually fun JRPG.

Yes it is. And xc2 is actually a complete game unlike xv

You can use the Event Theatre on the title screen and there is no lip syncing on either faggot

Bless Japan for another smash hit

8 hours in, and so far it's been watch your characters auto attack for hours then watch a 30 minute anime with the cutscenes.

You suck at the game

>Watch characters auto attack
This is how I know you suck.

You need to in order to do anything faget. And I've seen the skills later on. You're just gonna be arguing "but it gets good 40 hours in! "

Wow i didnt know standing in the same spot and waiting for a cooldown to reset made it "immensely better"

FFXV is better, XC2 is a deeper game, you are given more options and earlier than FFXV, but it's not enough to surpass all the technical stuff FFXV does that's lightyears ahead of XC2.

M8 I’m still on chapter 2 and battles with 3 soldiers on the ship take 1 minute.

If you’re not a complete retard you can do 2000 dmg an attack easily.

I like anime but I think XBC2 is way too anime. It broke my tolerance for anime trope obnoxiousness. Do not recommend.

About 6 hours in and I really wish I was playing FFXV instead.


it's shit

Well, now you know that position actually mattering something, and waiting for 1 single skill rather than 1 entire character, makes a combat better.
You're welcome.

It's ok, from what I've played I would consider it a pretty generic JRPG. It's strongest points are the music and blade system. The combat is incredibly slow, the writing is corny and hamfisted at times, the world is interestingly designed art wise but it's used for big empty fields and trash mobs. I would only recommend it if you've run out of good JRPGs to play

The music is really fucking good. I'm only a couple hours in but every new song that plays is better than the last.

The combat is the worst combat system ever put into a game. An absolute moron could play it’s so easy.

All you do is stand in one place while it auto attacks and occasionally use powers that charge up.

It’s like an unholy combination of dragon age inquisition and ff12 combat.

Yeah, just spam artes until you get a level IV limit break, then you auto-win

Levels are pretty much the only reason you can't steamroll mobs

I'm only 4 hours in, never played a Xenoblade game.
It's fun
Great world design, vibrant artstyle, love all the dense mechanics the game is throwing at me because I'm an autist for that kind of shit.

Combat is serviceable, not terrible, I guess it helps that I played several hours of FFXII The Zodiac Age recently since it's a similar kind of deal.
Story and characters are fine as long as you stick on JP voices, I care more about the journey than the actual plot in JRPGs anyway.

How do I get rare blades?

I keep popping common gems and getting those iron man looking cunts. Also I can’t seem to se a 3rd blade in the bottom slot for some reason?

I swear Japanese moot is fucking with the captcha system to force us to buy Sup Forums passes. It keeps fuckig up so bad

Exactly and all the fight to level up are super easy. So it’s pointless busy work.

Weeb shit tier.

Story is as generic as anime stories go. Characters are hit and miss. Voice acting mostly a miss with a stand out here and there.

World is good. Exploration if it boring.

Music is the only truly good thing, but not great.

Ok as honest as I can be (at least someone with 46 hours in).

-Gameplay, similar to Xeno1 but with some welcome changes and refined mechanics
-Visuals are extremely good, rain, heavy winds, dusk, etc. All looks visually appealing
-Music as usual, is good and comfy
-Characters grow on you really quick
-Story has been good so far

-I can see how people can cringe at it at times, it can be too anime in some scenes.
-I personally find some of the designs a bit too much(pyra), but they can be really good too (morag) but since you have to see pyra do serious stuff in that outfit most of the time, it gets a bit jarring at times.

Maybe 9/10 for time

>X: untrackable gathering sidequests unless you have a map close to you to know where shit is
>2: rng loot
This fixed nothing

>progression is tied to a pseudo-gacha system
Whoever thought this was okay needs a paddling

>it can be too anime in some scenes.

What's the worst of it?

So I'm curious are the heart to hearts better in this one?

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 as much as I love that game did not have the best Heart-to-Hearts (Though you did not need them to enjoy the characters), Xenoblade X as flawed as it is had much better ones I just did not care for the cast at all in that game. So are they better here? Are the characters good? Any notable improvements or detachments from the first game?

What's the censorship like in the us version compared to the jp one?

if you do get it pick up the japanese voice pack
the english VAs werent even trying

>runs well

Bruh. Let's be honest, here.

This is my first Xenoblade game and I am having fun. Only about 3 hours in tho.

Is there a way to make other characters in your party do abilities manually when you're not controlling them during combat?

nice meme

It's fine.

Does armor change your appearance when you equip it like the others?

It's runs well docked


Sadly, they are not. The only ones who get real development are the 3 girls hungry for Rex's dick and Rex himself. Everyone else is just kinda there.

Bumping for