Whats the most retarded video game purchase you ever made?

>3DS eshop winter sale
>Castlevania III and the two GBC Zelda games are on sale
>get $10 eshop card to buy all of them
>download all three
>it turns out i accidentally bought the original Castlevania instead since i just blazed through the menus and did not know the first one was also on sale

I just wanted to play Castlevania III...

Other urls found in this thread:


How the fuck can you be so incredibly poor to cry about 10$?

Retail wagey that is usually underemployed and autistic.

Well. That was retarded of you.

I bought a n3DS last month and regret the shit out of it, I mean there's some good games but now I wish I'd bought a switch instead. On the plus side I guess I'll have both when I buy myself a switch after Christmas.

I keep buying PS4 games, playing one session of them straight after, then never playing them again.

>paying for badly emulated nes games for a 3ds

you deserve it

Dragon Age Inquisition, Deluxe Edition.

They are emulated well actually.

Probably this game. My super nerdy friend told me it was amazing and "better than skyrim" so I bought it without doing any research whatsoever. Waste of 40 bucks or whatever it cost.

Dammit I'm retarded. This game.

I bought some early access piece of shit off Steam. It turned out to be garbage when released. Steam wouldn't give me a refund. Never again.

>Paying for 3DS games


Mass Effect: Andromeda
Need I say more

Persona 5

over $1000 in league of legends skins

Shhh you'll start the weebs off

Anyone else that sees the rabbit in the last pic as a horse head with glasses?


I bought a switch. I hope I can salvage it by selling it, but I'm waiting for the price to recover for a bit after black friday.

3DS is kind of worth it if you hack it
Should've gotten a n2DS instead tho. Cheaper, better design, 3D is useless anyways. Who actually ever turns that shit on?

every game i never played in my steam or gog library

I bought a DSi XL a couple months after the 3DS came out because I didn't know that the 3DS was a completely new console with backwards compatibility

I bought RE4-6 on sale for 20 dollars all together and I've bought RE4 four fucking times and 5 twice. I also bought Mercs3d for 5 bucks on eshop.

[spoile]I don't regret it at all.

at full price btw

I bought battle born first day with the season pass because I liked the co-op + fps Moba thing it had going on

And then I beat the campaign by myself and never played it again

I didn't save the appropiate image from that thread but here have this. If someone has the Randy version post it so this user can at least laugh at his own suffering to mask the pain.

Sonic Generations collector's edition for the PS3, it was £100 and I haven't been able to sell it.

I bought the spanish version of pokemon blue on the eshop. I dont speak spanish.

>being over 18
>being too por to buy things
Almost as bad as being underage

That is simply not possible.

You could do yourself a favour and buy a dictionary.

>tried Battlefield 4 at a friend’s house and really liked it
>waited to get Battlefield “”””5”””” since it was coming out in a few months
This is Battlefield Hardline we’re talking about btw, I fell under the illusion that this was the fifth main title in the series
>GameStop preorder, cashier talks me into getting the premium edition with additional weapons and shit
>$100 on a game I played for about two hours before realizing it was NOTHING of what I liked about BF4
My own damn fault. Should have researched better

>heard people talking about persona
>decided to try P4
>check the PS3 store and see Persona 4 Golden
>"Oh well of course I want the expanded re-release"
>didn't realize it was a fucking vita game when I bought it
>never got to play it because fuck buying a vita

PSTVs are like $30 you fuck.

They weren't when I bought the game you doublefuck. And even still, it'd still be a retarded purchase when I could've just bought a physical copy of the standard P4

You can get the brain out of your ass and realize that people make typos.

Not posible for a piratefag, though.

>Join a community for ERP
>Mostly play MMOs and barely ever fap, just talk about fetish stuff
>They move to The War Z
>Buy it to join in
Literally the worst purchase I made in the past 9 years


I hate Golden's va for Chie honestly so you should just play plain p4. I thought her original voice was more fitting of a tomboy.

>bought mkx and sfv for pc without knowing how autistic I would have to be to get gud at fighting games

At least Raiden in mkx was fun as hell

Gay ass nigga reevaluate yourself if that game is what you regret more than being mentally ill.

40 bucks is too much. But it's still a lot of fun. If you play a wizard. This game has one of the better magic systems I've seen in any video game, even if it is super janky.

If, for some reason, you were a retard and played a melee or ranged character, I can understand your frustration. But you owe it to yourself to watch your enemies succumb to a deluge of wolfmen while you just sit back and sling the occasional damage spell.

I mean, with that title and cover art you should never have expected something truly great. The bad guy looks like he has Down's, for fuck's sake.

There is literally no reason to play the original when Gold exists.

Metal Gear Solid v.

Watch_Dogs Deluxe Edition


>me smart
>me waste money on 15 year old GBA games that i could download faster than the time it takes to give nintendo my credit card number

t. zero savings

Bought a 3DS for the X/Y release
Didn't end up buying X/Y because it looked so shit and I didn't have the money

Have literally not touched that thing since maybe the week I bought it, its such shit.

>being able to buy things is mindless consumerism.

Fucking neets, man

>Buy WWE 2k18
>Game loves corrupting data for no reason
>Keep several data backups just to fix this
>Newest patch comes out, corrupts data for no reason
>New patch is incompatible with old data

I paid 60 dollars to a game that I cannot save. It's not even that much of a good game and the only fun I derived was simming custom characters matches, but I can't do that due to how fucked up and shitty 2k is as a company. They can't ship a functional piece of media.

Fuck 2k, never buying anything from them.

>buy psp + 2 full priced games + accessoires
>paid like 500€ total or something like that (might be wrong, so feel free to correct me)
>games were meh
>console was meh
>games too expensive, so never bought more
>after a short while, my sister breaks it
fun times

>be 21
>work retail making barely $10/hour
>pay for car, insurance, and student loans
>still have $5k in savings and buy new vidya all the time
What in fuck are you people doing?

Really it's not that bad if you didn't over hype it.

>I keep buying PS4 games, playing one session of them straight after, then never playing them again.
How do we stop this.
I mean, I'm trying, but I keep buying games because I'm afraid there won't be any physical copies left by the time I get through my backlog, and I really want physical copies

>Buy NCAA football 12
>had the best create a team feature 2here you can import rl logos and teams
>bought dlc that increased the custom team slots to 120
>planned to replace the whole roster of schools with teams from the AFL,NFL,USFL,UFL,NFL EUROPA in dynasty mode
>turns out you can only import 12 teams in dynasty mode.

>spending money on something you could easily get for free with little risk involved

Piracy has made the practice of selling video games obsolete. Deal with it, consumer cuck. Don't forget to pay your car payment, no savings faggot.


>me smart.
>mart no have job to buy things mart enjoy, and have savings.

You have a car payment and you make 10 dollars an hour. You aren't helping your case you dumb fuck. You clearly have a spending problem lmfao.

>Dragon Age: Origins
>Mass Effect 2

Both at full price, at release. I've made other dumb purchases, but these two made me completely re-evaluate my attitude towards games, their cost, and the sham that is AAA developers and the gaming media that unceasingly props up their shit.

Neither are poorly made games, of course. But neither are they as good as they were made out to be at the time. Dragon Age was the epitome of generic boredom, and Mass Effect 2 enlarged most of the flaws of the original while scrubbing away many things I enjoyed. And I bought both on the promise that they would be continuations of previous products by the same company.

The fact that both franchises went down the shitter even more is completely unsurprising to me. Let's be real here: Dragon Age had a DLC salesman in your fucking camp, and ME2 closed off part of the ship, enticingly promising you'd be able to open the door with DLC. Both are total shit practices, and I find it baffling that despite the flack both franchises and shitty DLC practices get, no-one ever skewered this shit with the vehemence they did, for instance, Oblivion's horse armour (which has since then long been overtaken by worse practices).

But most of all, I bought Mass Effect 2 after Dragon Age. I was stupid... no, TRUSTING enough to fall for the same trick twice. I was fleeced like a peasant in the city.

Uh why were neogaf mods triggered about the localization again?

>me smart
>everyone who doesn't spend money needlessly must be unemployed

Just draw a caricature if it helps your argument. Uh oh? You hear that? The repo man is knocking on your door. Better pay up for that cell phone you financed before he takes your fridge and all of the food in it! LOL

>Poor neet trying to justify being a pirate


t. EA

I think I’ve spent a total of 160 dollars on total war warhammer alone. I have so many playable races though it makes me happy

Jesus fuck are you me?
I'm going into debt doing this shit

A target exclusive white super mario bros n3ds (it's really pretty I'll admit that) but my eyes are getting worse and I cannot stand small handheld screens anymore. Even if I wanted to hack it I'm on 11.5 right now with no money to buy an R4

>me spend money frivolously. me good with money, me rich. you poor.

>Draws caricature of what you think I am
>Aha but you are drawing one

My bills are paid, I have savings, yet I can still buy stupid shit I want. You aren't helping your case

Strategy guide for Diablo 3

Albion Online. It's not that bad but still super generic, and the way gear works is retarded. It's,way to much of a grind.

There's one game purchase I will always regret, that essentially killed my ability to play video games for years, and that's Golden Sun Dark Dawn. It's only in the past couple of years that I've been able to force myself back into video games, now that I'm a wagecuck family man.

You could've stopped here and wouldn't have made you any less of a subhuman.

Same here. I can't stand small screens, especially small resolution ones to play video games. Bought a 3DS and didn't enjoy it, bought a Vita and didn't enjoy it. I thought it was because the video games were shit but then I realized that was just one part of the reason why I don't enjoy handhelds anymore.

If you have loans and financing you literally have no savings. All of that money in "savings" is owned by someone else until those payments cease

Not a purchase but I sold my Game Boy SP Zelda edition

Any game with "socialism dindu nuffin"

>digimon world next order
>dark Rose valkyrie
>persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
All unopened. That's not counting games I bought, opened them and never played
>Gravity Rush 1 remastered
>Nier Automata
>SK Peach Beach
>Valkyrie Drive
All coming in the mail tomorrow

There is if you already own a PS2 but you don't own a Vita. The added stuff in Gold is nice but not enough to justify buying an entirely new system for a game you can already play.

I know I am an abject loser. Can someone spot me $10 eshop shit?

I know. Still, all i have owing
>one student loan payment of $350 (doubled down on payments to pauy it off quicker).
>roughly $100 on my credit card (because i bought a game online).

Number one will be taken care of at the end of this month. Number two, when i get to the bank. I'll still have a couple thousand dollars in the bank. Even more, as I'll get paid twice between then.

I'm dumb with my money, but I make sure to pay my loans and save a bit before spending.

Oh, fuck me. Of course, the tile falls as a whole instead of recovering their individual physics, that's why they're seemingly floating over some of the holes.

It's not "being too poor to buy things" it's "spending less money so I can afford to buy other things and generally end up with more in the end"

90% of my Steam library

Fuck, meant pay. Im running on 3 hours sleep

What do you buy? Gold, stocks, and bitcoin?

Vandal Hearts 2
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Evil Zone
Dragon Ball GT Final Bout
Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi

>he buy video game sometime?
>he must buy video game til he no more money!

All money I would have spent on 3DS games gets rerouted to other shit I might want or need because I don't have to buy 3DS games anymore. Not sure why your immediate jump in logic was to investment when I just said "buy" though.

>still have the second psp I bought in 2009 after first one I bought in like 2007 died
>just installed cfw a couple weeks ago when an user made a thread about it
>all games are now free, even get to play fantranslated nip games

I am still feeling dumb over buying Castlevania accidentally.

you dun goofed user

I know what you mean. I hate retail workers so fucking much, I always mess up displays and give them attitude when they want me to sign up for their fucking cards. One pimply faggot asked me if I wanted some promo item and I told his manager he was harassing me. Fuck retail workers, just get a real job. I've been working management in an office since I was 17 and I'm on track to inherit the company.

t. nepotism beneficiary