Woah. Something's got here. What could it be it?

Woah. Something's got here. What could it be it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mah niggies

10kg of fidget spinners

That's a big box


Dildo dragons.

Xenoblade 2 CE

For you

For you

Here we go

inb4 weeb shit

It's probably a wii

I'm only here to see your hand's skin color


Some packing materials. Let's dig though.

Dig it on out

This better be a dragon dildo

I bet it's vodka

Woah. What's this?

A well ventilated DD?

is it a shitty fuckin console?

That's a weird dildo fampai

Let's take this smaller thingie
Here you go

>no purple tissue paper

A Russian bootleg PS4?

its a fucking madcatz controller

A Wrath of Khan toy?

>white male hands
s.m.h. f.a.m.

What the fuck

Is that a Saturn controller?

cut the shit op
show the entire thing

Hищeбpoды блять

i want to jam my dick into it

its a dreamcast


Boom. Looks good.

You have severe mental problems if you want to put your dick into a piece of jagged plastic.

>he bought the white one

lmao, I hope you have a white saturn

no i just haven't masturbated in two days

>fat underage kid
The face of nu-v. Sad!

when will sonic totem guy will visit us again?

Here's the big one.


>sega saturn
Mah nigga.

now that's some ugly shit
dragon dildos when?

oh wow. There's something I haven't seen in a while. Also never seen a white one before.


the most important question

how much did you pay?

Pretty cool desu.

Just the angle.

>it was a video games related thread all along
fuck you i'm out

9000 rubs including power converter and shipping. So, roughly $150. System is modchipped by the way.

if my fucking package comes in, your thread is going to shit OP


do you have any games ruski?

was the saturn good? I never had one

So, what's the list of games with full analog support?
I know about Nights, any others OP?

Sure. Just downloaded 20 gb of bin files.

money well wasted

spare me, totem



I think most of them do. There's a huge list of games I saw somewhere. Panzer Dragoon games all support it, though so far I like standard controller better. Thumbstick is a big too sensitive.

wow who gives a fuck

>Sup Forums disappointed that thread ends up being about videogames instead of dicks

>modded saturn to run burned CDs

Ho зoчeм, мoг бы и нa пeкe cыгpaть вo вce этo дepьмo.

It's alright. It has a small library of games that you won't play anywhere else. Sort of like Wii U. Except it's impossible to emulate properly.

spare me, totem

>Except it's impossible to emulate properly.
theres a good amount of games, especially the ones worth playing, that work completely fine.
when was the last time you checked saturn emulation? because yeah, few years ago, games were broken as fuck.

spare me totem

I got a box of PC parts yesterday, should have done an unboxing thread

Well, maybe they've managed to run some games properly. But I'd rather rely on real hardware.

One of my favorite controllers of all time. The Saturn 3D pad should have been just slightly modified for the Dreamcast. Instead Sega went full retard and took away their renowned dpad and removed two face buttons.

Make sure to get the port of Resident Evil. It's my favorite version of that game outside of Deadly Silence.


spare me, totem

Played Deadly Silence too. I'll check out something else instead.

eat shit nigger

The Saturn version has an exclusive battle mode though. I still recommend playing it if you're in the mood for some RE.

w-wait a minute
what have you done to the black dude

There's a mod chip for the Saturn, and there's also a swap trick. However, I wouldn't suggest playing burned CDs on the Saturn as it's possible it can wear out the laser. Someone's working on a USB loader, though.

This mod cost about $150 now. It's much cheaper to replace laser.


I marathoned these games last year. Doubt I'll be back. Might check pic related though.

spare me,totem

Deep Fear is pretty solid. Somewhat similar to Carrier on Dreamcast if you've ever played that.

Nice thread. I love Sega videogames. I have a mega Drive in near mint condition that is my pride. Love playing mortal Kombat in it with my kids.

>if you see this image while scrolling the first page

Prof. Abrasive's usb loader hasn't been released yet, and because it works via the video CD port on the back, it doesn't require you to completely remove the drive assembly to install the mod unlike Rhea.
Also, replacing the laser is just one thing; eventually, the motor will go bad and the entire drive unit would need to be replaced.

I love the part in Deep Fear when you find out Clancy is actually the villain of the game because he started a war for shooting at a civilian ship with a missile and then complains about it.

spare me, totem

My old Game Gear is still kicking. The screen looks like absolute shit though.

spare me, totem on this thread

There's an LCD replacement mod that makes the screen look better than it ever did, and since it's a modern LCD it uses less power (and therefore less battery life)

spare me, totem

Good news, but I can still install USB loader if the drive is dead.

spare me, totem

Nice. I love that 20+ year old systems can now be revived like this. The wonders of technology.

Spare me, totem

It did better in Japan than in the US, that's for sure

Spare me, totem.

That looks considerably worse in my personal opinion.