Let us have a mature discussion about this game

Let us have a mature discussion about this game

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Not now. It's impossible. Wait for everything to die down first






Then provide something to talk about instead of making another pointless thread you massive retard, OP is always such a faggot.

I got Dahlia and now i've concentrated on maxing her out.
Great fucking game so far.


it's shit

It's a lot of fun.
English VA is horrible compared to Japanese, fucking Yorkshire accents really?

Looks a bit rough on the technical side, Monolith probably had to rush the game out before Christmas, but game is still very enjoyable.
Pyra has nice tits.


bad weeb shit shilled by anime addicted NEETs'

an insult to the xenoblade series

>this thread was made because a certain other thread asking for the same thing earlier

I'm ready.

Japanese games need to grow up in terms of gameplay, stories, and juvenile humor. Don't give me the bullshit of cultural differences because this seems to be a common thread between all non western developed companies. They simply haven't evolved in a industry that is constantly changing and maturing. Monolith Soft games are a joke that only cringeworthy weebs get. For the rest of us, the games are boring, childish and embarrassing.

My only complaints thus far with the game are the framerate and general visuals in handheld mode since it's my preferred style of play, the fact I can't pan across the overlay map that comes up when you click the left stick, and the fact I can't disable the "Current Objective" and "Switch Blade" prompts in the bottom corners of the screen.

>English VA is horrible compared to Japanese, fucking Yorkshire accents really?
As a kiwi, hearing an Australian accent in a video game is fucking abhorrent. I am so glad Nintendo has finally started to realize dual audio needs to be standard, the difference between the dub and the Japanese VA is insane - characters like Pyra and Nia practically come across like different people in English. I also wish the Nopon's dialogue wasn't so god damn badly written in English.

how well does it run? and at what resolution?
I was hoping for a DF video to spoon-feed me but they're been slow

900p docked I believe, 30fps but with some drops. Handheld looks around 540p I'd guess, definitely one of the worst looking handheld mode titles on the system, and it has more regular framerate dips too, particularly in towns.

I was afraid of that. I mostly use my switch as a portable

Is it wrong that I know exactly the kind of voice Nia would have in Japanese and that's why I want to stick with English?

I hate Nia’s english voice so much that I immediately dropped everything to download the Jap voice over, but now I can’t understand any of the in-field lines so there is no winning.

Are there any other English voices that sound as wrong as Nia?

I think that's pretty silly. Her voice suits her character. Even in English she's written as a total tsundere cutesy girl, the difference is now there's a large amount of dissonance between her own dialogue and her voice.
>Is it wrong
No, you're free to play the game how you like user.

i can tell you that from experience that handheld mode isn't 540p

>Are there any other English voices that sound as wrong as Nia?
Like every single character


This. I don't agree on the gameplay but do on the story and humor and developers needing to grow up. But the thing is, it's much easier to make money off the same thing that's worked for years than try to make something new and daring. This is why a lot of JRPGs recycle so much, especially in character archetypes. If something new and daring is really successful though, everyone will play follow the leader with that thing.

I also don't get why they add in so much childish humor into something that gets pretty dark.

>Even in English she's written as a total tsundere cutesy girl

That's kind of why I want to use the english dub, to offset that. Her appearance was a red flag for me.

sometimes you need a bit of humor to balance out the darkness a story has. Hell, last thing I want is another IHNMBIMS type game

I HATE the RNG nonsense in this game. I just spent like 30 minutes fast traveling to get confusion ivy for a sidequest. And WHY is there no way to bring up the map for the current area with one button? Why do I always have to scroll through every location??
It's like they learned nothing from their past games. All QoL improvements just thrown out the window

Mature games.
For mature gamers likes ourselves.

>i can tell you that from experience that handheld mode isn't 540p
I mean, it certainly isn't any higher than that.

Playing in handheld mode hurts my eyes, and the game still has bad performance even on this potato resolution.

>Are there any other English voices that sound as wrong as Nia?

Rex. His voice actor sounds okay enough when speaking normally but when it comes to emotion or yelling, it's really REALLY bad. You can tell they didn't decide to do retakes of some of the dialogue.

The map system is annoying as fuck

If you guys don't know, Japs are always afraid of breaking tradition which is why most of their games are repeated shit. If you guys ever saw the making of botw you'll see them commentating of repeating the same word to themselves of breaking the system to help them

>Man, people didn't like waiting real time for the resources to flow in from their probes in X, what should we do about the system?
>Make it so you have to manually dispatch your Blades out from your party for 30~40 mins to get the same effect.

Some people have been pointing out the high level monsters in low level areas being an issue and I have to agree. Unlike previous games, some of the high level monsters' movement paths are right in the areas you're grinding for things like affinity bonuses. The flying monsters are especially bad for this.

It becomes a real problem when you're not even walking past high level monsters and you're still getting stomped back to a landmark when it isn't your fault.

>t. xenoblade noob

Nothing wrong with some lighthearted moments but there's a good way and a bad way of doing this.

>Japs are always afraid of breaking tradition which is why most of their games are repeated shit

Oh I know which is why I said they like make money off doing the same thing.

I played both games and I don't remember this ever being an issue. It's usually running past or into the unique monster's territory.



>Battle chatter got kind of hectic in the previous games, but audio ques are really useful for knowing what's going on, what should we do about it?
>Up the number of talking party member to 6 and give human enemies really loud and repetitive lines that they say all the fucking time.

Best girl.

How about you give examples to supplement your comment.

Damn what am I looking at? Blurry as shit.



>You know what would be really cool? If the items that came out of treasure boxes were affected by gravity and level geometry and could fall off the fucking map.

>fighting quadrapedal enemy
>HP potion falls under it

Or when the coin gets suck in the chest and you can't grab it

A lot of Japanese franchises have actually regressed in maturity. At one time, Japan was a hub of Vidya kino. Now all they make is shovelware and weebshit. Gameplay in Japan hasn't evolved in over a decade and the reason is as easy to notice as the low hanging boobs. They copy paste the most casual rpg combat system so their audience can go through the motions to get to the next fanservice cutscene or exploitative armor upgrade. Otakus ruined Japanese gaming industry

>We should make the player watch an unskipable cutscene whenever they open one of their 99 standard core crystals in hope of a rare Blade.
>Oh, we'll let them skip the Blade's intro cutscene though, just not the opening one.

I like "thing"
I don't like "other thing"

The first cutscene is saving your game retard.

That's cool. It doesn't make it not a giant waste of time.

She has the best voice.

The combat is a clusterfuck
What do Sup Forums

Spam whatever then omnislash/limitbreak once the bar is full.

how can a set another blade to the 3rd slot/down arrow? is it main story progression related?

Auto attacks do no damage, but you have to set through them to use art (for now, later you can get arts to start battle off cooldown, don't know why this is unlocked when it's a huge QoL improvement, but it is)
Then you use arts to build up your special
Then you chain specials.
Then you break elemental orbs

basically you build a bunch of layers and then you finally get to do real damage.

How do people become this deluded?

The game was outsourced to hell and lacked key MonoSoft staff.
Game was made by a b team while the rest were either on the fantasy action game or on Zelda.

End of Chapter 3

I hate that you have to time the auto attacks with your arts.
The fact that doing this for every third auto attack gives bonuses and that you have to take into account positioning along with this just seems like too much.

Why do weapons need breasts?

I agree with them

I would not be surprised at all if this were true.

Get a hearing test

thanks, time to get out of this thread

Does anyone know if the JP version has English text options?

Biggest complaint so far is the fucking huge downgrade in handheld mode, and it's a shame because that's what I primarily play on. Seems like they rushed it because docked it looks fine. Still gonna play on handheld for the most part because graphics aren't a huge thing for me, but when even I see that they fucked up with the visuals, its bad. Been a solid 8/10 otherwise but jeez.


In towns its a pixelated mess on handheld
What the fuck were they thinking

>the outsourcing was massive, to every company possible, including Tri-Ace


>People played the first Xenoblade at the screen resolution of the 3DS somehow, they'll probably be ok with this.

Honestly I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the "kill xy critters" quests.

Because in 1(havent played X), having to kill some weird species of monsters made you go into a remote corner of the map.
But this time? Nothing. There are chunks of the map completely unexplored by me, and I dont see any reason to go there. I dont need the materials in this game, since they are only good for selling and aux cores. The latter which you can activate with stuff you find on the way.

Also, why can't they make a proper map?!

How is the fan service in this game?

From the webm and gifs I've seen it looks pretty bad.

How else are people going to make hentai out of them?

Eh I can live with it

I tried liking it but I'm not really getting it.

My game is running at like 15fps for some reason and it's giving me a headache.

Blade have personal unlocks that are tied to "kill X whatevers"

>TLDR - B team
Yea my ass. Most of the people missing were from X(which was shit, so good riddance) or unrelated staff members.

>get to the fight that is supposed to teach me about Topple status
>Anchor Shot is the specific skill I left out of Rex's arts palette, and that's what you're supposed to use for Toppling now
>also fuck playing Rex, I've been rocking cat ears since she became available
>beat the enemy by just spamming blade art combos like most fights before that point
>cutscene afterwards goes out of its way to congratulate me for doing exactly as I was told
I kinda like how chummy the tutorial text tries to be though, none of that cold machine shit, the game refers to itself as "I" and also comments on plot events and shit, as if you're in it together or whatever.

I'm still thinking that you're gonna meet that tutorial person. Like that mogry in FFIX

>all these complex tutorials

i just wanted a comfy game

>>all these complex tutorials
Which is an indicate of bad design.

It's very likely this was a localisation thing. Also I'm the complete opposite and mainly because there's no one there that's talking to you. They didn't even have something like "Hi! I'm the textbox!"

>Poppi has her own unique progression system that is as complex on it's own as the augment system from X, but that was shared by EVERYTHING and not just used for one character.

Complex and too many of them. What is it with JRPGs having tutorials going many hours into a game?

What exactly makes them complex? They tell you that x happens when you press y.
There's nothing complex about them.

How the fuck is it possible that the lipsyncing is so off in BOTH Japanese and English?

Also dub or sub? I can't decide. I like everyone in the dub except for Rex who doesn't sound like he's trying nearly as much as anyone else. Sub's naturally much better about that but then all I can hear is the guy from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.

and you can cruise through the game without following any of them

They assume you aren't a brainlet

Are you all on an autism cruise? There's nothing complex about that shit. Especially poppy's shit. Literally just buy unlocks for her., and find some new stuff in a minigame Thats it.
Whats up with all those low attention span faggots lately?

Guys. If I download the digital version of the game, can I use my save data with the physical version also?

fucking soy boys

Did you not see the chip crafting part?