ITT: the last "modern" video game you had actual fun with

ITT: the last "modern" video game you had actual fun with

>inb4 le gaming is dead xdd

dying light

I'm not a faggot so a ton of games. Just this year I had fun with Odyssey, BOTW, Gravity Rush 2, Prey, etc

Unironically Alien Isolation and Witcher 3. I am also playing Warframe now and then. Been memed into Bloodborne but I can't enjoy it since the engine was poorly coded and despite having solid 30 fps the game still stutters because of bad frame pacing.

Going to check out Horizon and RE7 next, then maybe Hellblade.


cook serve delicious 2

Let me ask you. Do you have the first generation ps4? I do and bloodborne runs like SHIT and it's loud too. But my boy has the slim and it runs way nicer

This has been a great year, though.

nier automata
persona 5
tekken 7
injustice 2
marvel infinite
street fighter v
smt iv final

the actual actual was this year but indie
im not posting indie shit


goty 2017

>it runs way nicer
It definitely does not, what you are describing is the placebo effect.

I'm not, we play in the same room all the time. When I riposte something my framerate drops to a sideshow. His does not. Maybe it's burning out

I have neither of those, I have the pro. Game runs silently. It's the frame pacing issue. The game is smooth but still choppy because of bad frame pacing. It would still be choppy even on solid rock 60 or 144 fps, since it's not synced to video output of the console properly. You also experience framerate drops on top of out of sync framepacing, which I don't and it must indeed be terrible. Doesn't make sense that the game runs better on the slim compared to basic as they are the same thing in output.

Dark Souls III

The Evil Within 2. A solid action horror at the start, but unfortunately drops the ball midway through and devolves into a bunch of battle rooms. Honstly looking forward to the next one.

Persona 5 most recently
Bloodborne, Dong Freeze and nu-Doom as well


Should I pick up the first one? Does it have good and coherent story? I liked TLoU and the gameplay reminds me of that.

Doom 2016 is unironically the best game in years. I really hope they can continue the momentum with the next one, whatever it'll be called. Doom 2? Doom 5?

Came here to post this.
DOOM is fun too, though.
I just reinstalled my OS and the only three games I have currently remaining installed on my PC are DOOM, Hollow Knight and L4D2.


I genuinely think 2016 is better than OG Doom
it's one of those games that's only truly great when modded to shit, like New Vegas and any Elder Scrolls game
you can't even aim up without mods

Sonic Mania

I have no problem with mostly vanilla doom. I usually use gzdoom and it really doesn't alter much. I haven't tried brutal doom but I don't really like what I'm hearing about how much it changes.

Peach Beach Splash
Really should get back to playing that

le gaming is dead xdd

These are the last 2 modern games I had fun with, about 300h of fun between them and will very likely return to TWWH2 a few times in the future too. I'm currently emulating P4.

Evil Within 2 is the more accessible game. TEW1 is more trial and error in its approach and its story is told more like a traditional survival horror game in that you need to look at audio logs and journals, maybe even replay it a second time to understand everything.

Maybe its down to differences in director as TEW2 as a western guy in charge.

Almost every single game I played this year I had fun with.

>Battlefield Bad Company 2 was 7 years ago

I don't play modern games

I grew up on Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve and Resident Evil so the "more accessible" doesn't sound appealing in the survival horror context.

all the recently made games ive finished were indie games


I guess second game is original sin 2 but what is the first game

That shotgun feels so damn good

Too bad it have no enhancements

It's better than souls

Tekken 7

a shit ton of great games came out this year alone. But you will have a hard time getting an honest response from this contrarian filled cesspool of a board.

looks like dawn of war 3

Street Fighter V nigga, still playing today

after turning down the anti ailiasing and shadows the dynamic scaling dosent fuck me anymore so its decent for what it is. i just wish the controllers and headset would vibrate more

Im dissapointed it didnt do well, it was actually a pretty nice game, I adored the visuals, it actually made an attempt to take advantage of the "dreamscape" it was set in.

Singleplayer games are dying, I dont think they will make a third one with how mediocre this one performed to be honest. Joseph from the first game isnt dead apparently, according to what Kidman says if you get all the projector slides

Rainbow Six Siege.
>Inbefore pleb or normie.
Whatever. I barely got anything to do.

forgot picture


"Modern" in quotes is correct. I enjoyed Resident Evil 7 not for what it did like modern games, but by what it did that was more akin to the first installment in the series.

That one. Nothing from this year has interested me. I'm waiting for DUSK, Amid Evil and Ion Maiden.

I loved it too. I preferred the battle rooms because you couldn't use the OP cover melee

I am loving Prey so far, definitely scratches that immersive sim itch. Shame it didn't sell well, seems the genre is in its death throes.

The thing I hate about the D44M double barrel is that you get the double fire upgrade. It would make sense being able to fire one barrel at a time, but the upgrade lets you fire both barrels twice, which is physically impossible.

>inb4 weapons have infinite magazines
the SSG is the only weapon you do reload


It was really great, too bad the end leaves a sour taste in your mouth. That first half was 10/10 though.

Recently I've been enjoying rainbow six siege, got it on sale, I'm gonna be putting a couple hundred more hours in that I imagine.

Technically its Pocket Camp but I'll cheat and say Super Mario Odyssey instead since its not a phone game.

Bullshit baitlist

Is 2011 modern?

This. Probably my AAA GOTY. Almost wish I didn't pirate it.

Its just like my opinion dude.

How's that list bait?

2017 was a fantastic year for vidya.

I know opinions on it are divisive here, but I adored HR and thought this was almost as good. There's so much to find and explore and the devs clearly put a shit ton of effort into it. It's just a shame Squeenix is run by absolute cretins and immersive sims seem to be on their way out as a whole.

>wahhh opinions

I've never played a Zelda game but I can't imagine a standard open world adventure game made by Nintendo being "amazing" to anyone.

Dark Souls 3
nuDOOM was ass

Really? Though that the gameplay and level desing of MD was actually better than HR in a lot of ways. The only thing that really bothered me was how it ditched the noire aspect of Deus Ex ie. a lot of the levels take place during daytime.

I actually liked the second half a bit more. It felt more in line with the first game's design which I was a big fan of. The entire ending sequence was really great too and perhaps my favorite part of the game.

>want to play prey
>latest version that fixes a bunch of shit will never be cracked

Fucking denuvo

still finishing up post game AC: Origins

40hrs so far on PC and loving every minute

Its the first openworld game I've played where the act of exploration was in itself fun.

Well, besides maybe heavily modded Stalker and New Vegas.

All of my friends and I didn't buy the game solely because it had denuvo in it, even though we were interested.

Just buy it for 20 bucks when it goes on sale dude.

move cuphead to amazing, slap divinity down a peg and youre A ok

And the name of those friends? Why, every last one was called Albert Einstein.

Why was this game disliked so much at launch? I bought it a year after launch for about £10 and had a blast, did every quest and was never that bored or anything.

Sup Forums faggots were mad about some of the marketing.

i'm running through cuphead right now with a smile on my face

re7 was also quite good despite the haters

Halo 3 and Halo Reach

This the most recent one, and potential GOTYAY.
Been enjoying P5 as well.

Doom 2016 is just absolute shit though.

What game?

>standard open world
Well, it isn't a standard open world game, because the standard is that it's shit.
Also, why does it surprise you that Nintendo makes good games? Those guys really do know a lot about game design.

You should play Gothic 2.

Nintendo knows how to milk what they own of all it's worth. And how to make casual for kiddies and party games for soccer moms. The last time I got something decent out of what Nintendo had made was when I got the Gamecube + Resident Evil 4 bundle.

My biggest problem with enjoying Nintendo is probably the fact that I have the purest definition of zero interest in Mario.

Atelier Totori I think

Doom4, Cuphead, Sonic Mania and hollow Knight for western
P5, Automata and both Evil Within games for eastern

Dark Souls 2

I don't really count REmake HD since it was just an HD re-release. I haven't actually played a single new game released after Dark Souls 2.

I got a ps4 last week and it came with Uncharted: Lost Legacy, I went in expecting the worst since Sup Forums kept shitting on it, but it turned out to be pretty alright, I'm actually thinking about picking up the collection and 4 now.

I liked D44M enough to buy it again for Switch. It's kinda crazy how well the game runs on such a little device.

This one was nice

MGS 5 before Africa

I care jackshit about Mario aswell. But if you honestly think Nintendo don't know how to design good games then I don't know what to tell you.

I have a lot of fun with modern games, but the ones that really impressed me in the last years and that I will remembers for the years to come as masterpieces are

Shin Megami Tensei IV
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Resident Evil Revelations
Fantasy Life

2017 Rome2, Doom, Overwatch(until the community turned to shit), Borderlands2,

>whatever it'll be called. Doom 2? Doom 5?
Left 4 DOOM

atelier meruru


le gaming is dead xdd

Super serious backdrop to a game about Illuminati conspirices doesn't really mesh well and the game wasn't a big jump in quality considering it was released 5 years after HR.


Literally the most fun game available for VR right now


3nd one will be DOOOM

I wanna play this but it says you need 360° tracking, and I only have 2 sensors for 180°

c o m e t o s t e a m p l e a s e