
So, what do you think about this game?

Its amazing like everything supergiantgames touches. The combat is even better than bastion. Th art is great and the music is orgasmic.

I love this game. The story and the setting are top notch and the music is by far one of my favorite soundtracks in gaming.


I liked it and was able to finish it, unlike Pyre.

I bought the game but have never played it. The ost is amaxing tho and thats the reason why I bought it

Amazing. Top 3 video-game soundtrack for me too

I never finished it. I must be the only person who enjoyed Bastion more. Still a really well made game in terms of art and music. The ability combining system is really neat, too.

SJW trash. But looks like Sup Forums gives it a pass because
>muh anime

Nah I preferred bastion too.

>Protagonists are heterosexual pair
>Villains are two gays, lesbian and asexual autist
>SJW trash

Fantastic. Never would have played it if some kind user didn't gift it to me in a thread a few years ago.

i gotta get this game

I like it a lot, in fact, I like it more than Bastion. Story is good, I love the Transistor and the art and music is fantastic. Combat is also pretty fun with all the customizable options they give you. The only issue I can remember was the combat was very exploitable, certain combinations of abilities would break the game really fast.

> I must be the only person who enjoyed Bastion more

I enjoyed Bastion well enough but couldn't even stand Transistor. Plays like a chore and has the gayest writing I've seen in a game

I actually just completed it for the first time last night after installing it on a whim. It only took four hours to beat, but the level of customization with skills and attaching skills to skills probably could add a lot more time.

Honestly, the voice of the game (AKA the main speaker) was a bit grating at first compared to Bastion's narrator, but I ended up enjoying what he had to say just as much in the end. The feelings he had for Red were probably the reason, you could really feel how desperately he wanted to keep her safe.

The final boss fight was a blast and was a very close victory. I liked how it required you to know what you were doing if you wanted a chance to win. (Though I could just be a complete scrub)

Massive letdown. Art and music are great but the story feels incomplete and it sets up boss fights/encounters that never come. Feels like it promises a lot and doesn't deliver. Basically a lot of set up and no rewarding payoff.

When it starts to feel like you're getting somewhere it pulls the rug and you realise you're at the end. Very disappointing.

yeah you fuckin do, dont listen to the ost until you beat it

I had fun but I've never been compelled to go back and 100% it, I got the 10 wins with 10 active limiter achievement and stopped. I loved the Charm+Dash combo, just spam dashing to make enemies fight each other/heal me.

I found doing the challenges in sandbox and trying to get all the trophies forced me to really get in deep with the customisation of abilities

>two gays
its a father and son you dingus

The gameplay was unique, and I really love the music, style, and setting, but the story and characters are probably a third to Pyre and Bastion for me.

Not bad, but ambiguous enough that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or sad at what happened in the end.

You'll be disappointed if you care about story, narrative, or pacing.

The first and final bosses are great, it's just too bad there isn't more of it. It felt like the player was robbed of two potentially great bosses too.

The story and setting were dope, but the gameplay was mediocre at best. Cutest couple in videogames.
Better than Pyre but worse than Bastion.

Could have been better than Bastion if it wasn't so short.

Can't wait to play Pyre.

this. i still often think about it years later

>those profile entries for the lesbo
literally cucked

It's great; the graphic, visual premise, music, gameplay, depth and replayability

Unfortunately you can cheese the combat by using aoe attacks and debuffs then spam them

I give it a pass because it's a good game

Pyre is unfortunately boring as shit. They went right in the storytelling but massively wrong in the gameplay. The sportsball shit is lame.

Red looks fucking beautiful in every shot I've seen of her.

>SJW trash.
Why? How?

that sword makes me think of a reaverbot eye from legends

My main problem with Pyre is that literally half your crew doesn't want you to send them back which sort of defeats the whole point of the ritual

I'm generally not interested in sports games at all, but giving them actual stakes and characters unique evolving skillsets, and the real ability to lose actually had me pretty invested in how Pyre's B-Ball tournament turned out.

I thought the only character who genuinely didn't care about seeing the Commonwealth again was Beatrice and maybe Moontouched Girl. Characters like Volfred and Pamitha still wanted to get home, but had other people they prioritized sending home first.

The Imp, Bertrude, B/G/F/Xae, Pamita, and Sandalwood all seemed to me that they had no interest returning to the surface.
Sir Gilman also didn't seem to really care about going back, which I thought was strange considering he literally did nothing wrong.

Its plot is literaly "the gays fucked everything up", the combat is dull as shit and a big step back frpom transistor but the music is 10/10 and the setting/art is absolutely amazing, so a solid 8/10 in non retarded scale

But Asher was approached by Grant to work on their scheme, he didn't know him beforehand.

The Imp did want to see the Commonwealth, but he had never known anything else besides the wastes, so he was accustomed to staying. Kind of the same with Shae/Fae/Tae, except her life had been utter shit before she met the rest of our group. I think Pamitha wanted to return, but not if her crazy sister didn't get home first. And Volfred basically just wants to help people wherever he ends up.

Gilman's exile was self-imposed, trying to find his own worth and honor. So I guess it makes sense that he just sort of lives up to that, rather than desiring to take someone else's chance at freedom.

>The sportsball shit is lame.
Nah, it was great fun if you increased the challenge by using constellations.

I preferred Bastion's combat, but the music and art were top notch. It felt like a drag towards the end but it was an enjoyable game nonetheless. I do want to get Pyre sometime soon to see how different it is to Bastion and Transistor.

I honestly see that more as a strength in the narrative rather than an issue. There's an added element of figuring out who 'deserves' to be free the most when you take into account wether they want to or not.

>pop all of the constellations
>just fucking fly the ball in with Pamitha over and over again anyway


Are you implying that a father and son cannot be gay for each other?

Yeah, it's not fun no matter what. Shitty game. I feel sorry for them because it sold badly, but what the fuck were they expecting with that boring gameplay? Sportsball shit sucks.

Didn't enjoy the gameplay. Got to maybe the second boss. Everything else was pretty good, though

>the music is by far one of my favorite soundtracks in gaming
the woman has one of the most pleasing vocal cords in a while
i dont regret buying it, i regret not finishing it, but i dont want to go back

It goes on sale often. Defiantly worth.

I thought the combat was boring but maybe I'm just tired of videogames at the moment

Too short, world doesn't feel worth saving, the pace of the game means the "party members" you "save" (so to speak) have no emotional impact one way or the other except for what you get from reading the optional things
The final revelation further robs me of caring about the world because it's a digital world that can be created or destroyed at will

I don't exactly need a "happy" ending in my games / movies / etc but this game just sort of filled me with languor

I failed to figure out the optimized attacks builds and had to look up the "do a shitload of damage in one sequence" challenge on YouTube. I also didn't understand the story like everyone said it was, with the lesbian jealousy and the city that changes and everything.
