I'm sick of people calling demon/dark souls a difficult game, it's not...

I'm sick of people calling demon/dark souls a difficult game, it's not. Sure you die a few times but you usually level up way past what is recommended and the bosses usually have basic tactics. I cleared this game in no time but still have much harder (older) games from years ago that I still haven't cleared.

>you usually level up way past the reccomended level
way to ruin your own argument retard
not everyone plays like you do, mister DSP

Just because you don't play that way doesn't mean it's still a hard game idiot, you're just making it more difficult than it has to be.

>No "game over" / "defeat" condition
>No real penalty for dying
>In the case of the Dark games, a healing item with an infinite amount of free recharges
>Can summon other player from across the internet to beat the game for you

Those four reasons (especially the first two) are why the Soulsborne games aren't hard in the slightest.
In my personal experience, the only people who find the series hard are people who only started playing videogames during the 360 / PS3 era.

they're only difficult when compared to most other games from modern era. you can make them hard if you put restrictions on yourself, but with the leveling system the games practically let you choose your own difficulty.

compared to games from ps1 era and before, the difficulty is truly nothing special, you might even call them easy. today's video gamers had difficulty even with the remasters of the PS1 crash bandicoot games.

Who gives a shit if they're hard, they're good games. It doesn't matter.

>In the case of the Dark games, a healing item with an infinite amount of free recharges
i dont remember such an item in ds3

Estus replenishes by itself as you progress through levels killing monsters.

People just call them hard becaue they were used to action games being as easy as God of War
So they die to a boss 5 times and say "omg so hard"

man God of War is such trash

Estus flask

I forgot to add: Just look at how easy anyone who has beaten DS1 can beat 2 or 3, it just takes some getting used to doing things differently

*tips fedora*

Compared to the majority of modern games they are pretty hard

I dont know whats worse, the people who go on about how difficult dark souls is, or the people who go on about how easy dark souls is

It's not hard, it's just hard cmpared to other games that came out in the same era.
Just look at the shit that was coming out when Demon's hit.

>humblebrag post about being a video game
back to rebbit kiddo

The hard ones. The easy ones either present actual arguments (even if you disagree with them) or at the very worst act a bit smug; meanwhile the hard ones are always shitposting with extremely emotional posts

Based on your post I can deduce:
1. You only played Dark Souls 3
2. You aren't even paying attention to the games you're playing

Like any goddamn thing? Yeah thank fuck once you get the hang of it become easier, it doesn't mean it's an easy game

Not really. A genuinely hard game doesn't stop being hard even when you get used to it.
Bullet hell shooter players may memorize the game but they always stumble at parts or simply being unable to beat them past a certain part because that's how hard those games are.
Being able to breeze through a Souls games because you already played one shows how easy they are.

I unironically reckon that the "lol it's so hard guise!" meme is what lead to the worst features in ds2.
Demon's and dark souls never felt too hard to me, they just felt oldschool.
Like the spiritual successor to die by the sword, Ecstatica, Deathtrap dungeon and severence, and if you go far back enough, diablo.
I felt like those games inspired a feeling of dread and that I was in over my head, but could pull through with enough balls and smarts.
I accidentally found myself in the great hollow in das and got cursed to shit.
Made it out and luckily had read the item descriptions so cured myself and went back in, it felt like this massive mission, and was super rewarding to pull off.
Not many games give you such a sense of achievement through adversity these days, and that's what I reckon the games were all about.
Unfortunately focusing on the adversity aspect made shit like that misty forest, or the zillions of dudes in one little area of ds2.
The latest game that is as good is exanima.

What's this? Let's check i-
>early access
Why do you waste my time like that, user?

What is the measure of hard? DMC3 dante must die?

Ninja Gaiden NES trilogy
Now those are genuinely hard games.

Yeah but you can't compare the old ninja gaiden to Dark Souls. Why wouldn't you consider the Ninja Gaiden games for the xbox hard?

Are you sure you played DS3?

It's pretty fucking rad my friend.
Right now consists of a dungeon crawling mode and an arena.
Just pirate it until it's released or it's on sale, you can pick it up pretty cheap and honestly there's a fair bit of content for an early access game.
I wish it had bro op though, then it'd be the fucking best dungeon crawler ever.

Oh, another recommendation is necropolis, but only bro op or if not, then only if you have a lot of patience, since without a bro, death means restarting the whole thing.
It's a dungeon crawler with randomly generated (with templates) levels and random drops for loot etc.
Like I said though, it shines in co op, and is well worth a purchase on sale, but full price is way too steep for what it is.

Never played the Xbox Ninja Gaiden so I can't give my opinion about them. But I did play the Ninja Gaiden NES trilogy (I still have the NG2 cart somewhere) and the Soulsborne games besides Demon's so I can say with a shred of doubt that Soulsborne doesn't even compare to Ninja Gaiden NES.

Yeah I've played all the ninja gaiden games, and I can say that while the Souls games aren't as difficult, that doesn't mean that they aren't hard in their own right. But man you sure do sound cool comparing a classic game like Ninja Gaiden 2 to the Souls games. We all know how much of a hardcore badass gamer you are, that's for sure.

Let me know when you've beat Rtype on one life, kid.

Yes, yes we get it. You're a super hardcore gamer sick of all these casuals.

Thank you for the blog post.

I'm not calling myself a hardcore game; in fact I completely and absolutely suck at videogames (Note how I said "I played" not "I finished" the Ninja Gaiden NES trilogy.). And even then an absolute retard like me was able to go through four Soulsborne games without any trouble; not even summoning. That's proof enough for me that Soulsborne is anything but hard.

And yeah, someone like me would never be able to clear a R-Type game on one credit.

I used to be like you. Then I got cursed 6 times in a row and rage quit. That was 3 years ago.

Well, you clearly belong here, you moron.

dumb casual retard

kill yourself tumblr faggot

Being able to over level and mediocre boss design makes this game not as difficult as people make it comparing to older games with much harder difficulty for better reasons, it's a fact not an opinion idiot.
Very constructive comment you gobshite.
I don't know what tumblr is, why would you just randomly assume that I use something? Moron.

I just got my ass rekt by those little foggy faggots in the great hollow.
Knew I shoulda prepared, but noooo.
"don't worry user, you've beaten this game a few times now. Just quickly dash in here and... Fuck."

hard old games don't give you the tools to succeed, most of the time. see super ghouls and ghosts or contra. you can't really win by memorizing attacks or sequences, because they're unreasonable. Dark souls has a literal invincibility button, you just need to aim it properly and time it correctly. same as cuphead's smoke bomb, the game becomes a cakewalk if you use it well.

I'm playing through for the first time since the servers are going down. Anyone else playing? I need to summon some peeps.


Demon's or dark?

Demon's is the one that's getting its servers down.

Was it autism?

It's an RPG series, what did you expect? RPGs aren't known for being difficult.

Demon's Souls has the most brokenly fun builds in the series.
>strongest hyper mage
>strongest regen builds
>strongest vit gougers
>2kat pushlocking
>buffed claw headbutt pushlocking
>the sheer viability of spiked shield in mainhand
>great axe/great sword movesets
>light weapon buffed blueblood luck builds
>upgrade paths dedicated to hp regen, mp regen, quality, critical damage, bleed and poison

what a fun game

Oh shit!
Well that's gay.

I thought the game was hard because when it first came out and i got it i was 16 and i sucked at games compared to how i am now, a lot of us were really younger when it came out

Its not hard in my opinion, its challenging because its more of a trial and error game. Like in the context of a 3rd person action hack and slash its really hard, but thats the wrong mindset.

Its like saying Stuntman Ignition is really hard because its usually impossible to beat a level first try.

it's relatively easy to kill every boss in the game first try without dying, except for maybe dragon god which is a pure puzzle boss

It's really not if you are new to the series. The tower knight is really hard for beginner, and Flamelurker crushed my spirits.

>No real penalty for dying
Losing your souls to a boss is a big penalty for a casual player.

Anyone who says their first souls game wasn't hard is a fucking liar. End.

it really is

Demon's Souls was my first and I still consider it the most easy game in the series. Everything is straightforward and easy. You might have a little trouble with maneaters or flamelurker, but that's really the only remotely challenging fights in the game.

Tower knight is really obvious and easy. The first thing you see is a cutscene introducing all of the archers. So you kill them and then what are you left with? Well, the only part of tower knight's body you can attack is his feet. Oh look, he fell over, maybe I should try attacking his torso or head now. Easy for anyone.

I still remember the stupid faggot clerk who sold me Dark Souls 1.
I was looking for a dark fantasy game and didn't know what to buy, either DS1, Dragon's Dogma or Castlevania LoS. So I bought Dark Souls because it had a discount.
He said something like:
>Be careful dis game really hard, will make you break your controller XDXDXD

>The game wasn't nearly as difficult as people claimed it to be


Not at all because you can grind those souls again. They're never "lost forever".
Also, you can always use them before going to the boss; you aren't forced to risk any amount of souls against a boss.

>grinding souls or grass
immediate sign that someone isn't good

>Still no From Software Presents: Lays of Beleriand - The Scorn of Bauglir: The Game

>mfw 12yearolds will never play real videogames

It's not difficult, but it has an excellent art style. Good design and production values costs money, which means the developers need to incorporate ways for lesser players to get through it. This is simply how it goes if you want to play games with excellent art styles and high production values.

You would be very foolish to not do everything you could to make the game as enjoyable as possible. If you can't handle that, go back and play games that are either uglier or in 2D and thus less visually impressive.

I don't remember how but I beat Flamelurker first try. And Demon's was my first Soulsborne.

I didn't get much further than that, still haven't completed Demon's.

>Sure you die a few times
You forget that you flat out don't die in most games nowadays.
Sure you can often be put in a tense scenario where you're near death but if you think about it there aren't really too many games in which you die often.

Souls games and by obvious extension, BB, are only difficult because of shitty controls, bad framerates, inconsistent enemy AI, bad hitboxes, and a terrible camera.

It's pretty difficult but not to the point of being unplayable. Just means you need to learn how to play it a bit more than other games..

>you can over level
So you're saying there's no such thing as a difficult RPG?