I'm serious.
How can someone like this abomination?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not even out yet.
I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes people like things that you don't.
Oh, is it time for this thread again?
But this game is really terrible
Pretend OP posted a picture of the KH2 logo.
How can ANYONE like that fucking abomination? Useless elemental Keyblades, auto-guard on every other enemy, absolutely retarded magic system, even more retarded story and character designs, that part on the final boss that doesn't even give you a timer, I mean how fucked up does one game get?
>that part on the final boss that doesn't even give you a timer
Kingdom Hearts is the first thing that has ever made me feel embarrassed and ashamed when there's literally nobody else in the room. It's almost as if this series was created on the concept of 'cringe'
KH2 gets praised nowadays because of the content the Final Mix version added (critical mode and a fair amount of end-game stuff). Most of the vanilla content ranges from mediocre to shit.
Why do you keep making these threads OP? Are you a bot?
>Useless elemental Keyblades
Bond of Flame completely shreds multiple data bosses and the Agrabah mushroom.
>auto-guard on every other enemy
Berserker, Fat Body, the fire variant of the Fat Body, Bandits, and Samurai. That's pretty much it outside of like three bosses, you are over-exaggerating.
>absolutely retarded magic system
In what way?
>Multiple casts of any regular spell.
>Heftier spells like Thunder and Magnet take off a bit more but they're still reasonable for how great they are.
>Cure takes off the whole bar because it's a full heal for everyone in the circle.
>Limits take off the whole bar because they all make you invincible for around 10 seconds on top of dealing lots of damage.
>even more retarded story and character designs
Character designs are fine, but yes, the story is pretty hilarious with how silly it keeps getting.
>that part on the final boss that doesn't even give you a timer
Why does it need one? Xemnas 1 is in some sort of fever dream, Kingdom Hearts doesn't even start breaking down until after you leave it, and the dragon, No Heart, and Xemnas 2 are all in The World That Never Was so a timer would make no sense.
I enjoy the various Disney worlds (I didn't grow up watching Disney movies so a lot of it is new to me) and it doesn't hurt that the humans in the game are Final Fantasy characters which are also appealing to the eye. ARPGS are my guilty pleasure so it works out in the end.
Thanks for the neat wallpaper user
>Why do you keep making these threads OP? Are you a bot?
he's a shitposter.
I see nothing that can classify KH3 as an "abomination" and it looks like it might be the best big name title from SE for a long time
Agreed, this game is so cringey
He's trying to build up enough hate for the series by asking the same question over and over again in the OP every week or so, so that way retards here will think KH has always been bad and when KH3 news and the game comes out the threads will be filled with nothing but rampant shitposting filled with buzzwords and made up shit about the series that other retards will believe.
I think the better question is how can people like these games past the age of 15. Or even how can people still like these games after what the story has become. The first one came out when I was 10 and I fell in love with it, beat it 100%. Same thing with 2. I played and loved chain of memories too. I even played and loved 358 days.
Then I realized I had to play two other games, both for separate consoles just to keep up with the story which was quickly spinning out of control and I layer off them for a bit. Then I tried to replay 1 and 2 when I was around 20 and realized they were not as great as I remembered them and the story is uninteresting when you aren't a teenager that is really into shounen. I grew out of Naruto and KH at the same time and thinking about it now that makes perfect sense.
Some fans are probably legit autistic, that's why
The combat is not that amazing either. It isn't bad, but if you're going to put tons of time into a game just for the combat you're better off playing an action game like DMC or even better Ninja Gaiden.
I'll admit I like the story for how fucking stupid it is, but the main highlight of the series is the gameplay. You shouldn't be playing games for the story, you play them for fun gameplay.
we need some more information and a new trailer It's been a few months since the toy story trailer but it feels like it's been forever.
No you arent
I replayed 1 and 2 recently and I enjoyed them. Sure the story is fucking stupid shonen and I'm not gonna play a bunch of games to fully understand it but I still enjoyed the worlds, combat and music. The Goofy dying scene in KH2 is hysterical, I almost pissed myself through it.
>it isn't bad
Dude you just said it was bad in your first post.
The one where Sora is in peril. You have 0 indicator as to when it ends or how you're doing.
But during the course of the main game, they're useless.
You forgot the cars. I'm almost sure there's more, too.
They completely changed how the range of the spells work, Cure is now a time-sensitive bar instead of a multi-cast like every other RPG ever, and Reflect doesn't actually reflect like it does in every other FF. For no fucking reason. Ultimately.
No, SE's shit does not mesh at all with Disney, not in this game. It was tolerable in one since it was largely just the kids interacting, but 2 takes the nonsense human designs to a whole other level and tears the overarching story's logic a new one just so the fangirls can be baited by the same designs of Roxas and Axel.
See above. Without any indicator, you'll THINK you're going to get there in ample time or maybe there's not actually a timer and suddenly BLAM GAME OVER START ALL OVER AGAIN.
KH2 is absolute garbage, and while I don't usually do this, there is no amount of debate and discussion that will change my mind about that. These design choices are objectively fucked up, and the KH fanbase lacks standards and taste (or are too busy sucking Disney or Sora's cock), so the travesties against game design just fucking slide.
No, there exists nothing else like KH, the genre space of being a legitimate action game in its own right with 10/10 bosses while having good RPG elements and platforming, plus the whole Disney world structure. You can't just dismiss that with "just play dmc instead bro", especially when many people would argue KH2 does things better than DMC.
you mean the grab move which makes you play as Riku? Sora's hp drops slowly... that's you dindicator
I literally didn't say a single thing about the combat in my first post. It isn't awful but it isn't some amazing shit like the majority of fans say it is. I remember fighting Sephiroth in 1 and 2 and having a lot of fun, but navigating the menus has always been a bit clunky and 9/10 times your party is pointless and not even worth worrying about.
I'm not saying "lol shit series only for autistic kids lmao" but I do think it is overrated by nostalgia/people that have not grown up and branched out their tastes. I will probably play 3, I played all the way through FFXV which is an actual bad game, I'd be very surprised if 3 is not better than that piece of shit.
fuck KHfags for ruining toy story
What does KH do better than DMC? Also the "platforming" in KH hardly constitutes being mentioned. Are there any areas in the game where you die or lose health for falling off a platform?
>KH isn't saving toy story
only toy story 2 (ps1) is good in the whole franchise
>I'd be very surprised if 3 is not better than that piece of shit.
to be fair, you have to fuck up really bad to have KH3 somehow be worse than XV
>hardcore toy story fans
Like for example in KH, your items are restricted and used in real time, while in DMC you pause for items and you're invincible while yo uuse them. Also the Org/human bosses are more complex than those in DMC3. I also prefer having all of your moves available than splitting them up like with Styles.
Daily reminder
>The one where Sora is in peril. You have 0 indicator as to when it ends or how you're doing.
You have Sora's HP since it's ticking down. You also have Riku's HP as if his drops you also die.
>But during the course of the main game, they're useless.
Bond of Flame is earned literally steps from The World That Never Wars
Mysterious Abyss requires you to complete all of Atlantica which requires at least Thundaga, Magnera, and 5 Drive Gauges which is pretty much endgame.
Photon Debugger is earned right before you get Bond of Flame since it's at the end of Space Paranoids.
You don't even earn these "during the course of the main game", they're all pretty much endgame.
>You forgot the cars. I'm almost sure there's more, too.
You're right, the only other thing that could possibly count is Dragoons I guess but knocking them back lets you learn Jump.
>No, SE's shit does not mesh at all with Disney, not in this game
They're literally sequestered to their own worlds (TWTNW, Twilight Town which has no Disney at all, and Radiant Garden which only has the ducks and Merlin). Otherwise everyone just wears black coats, you don't even get the reveal of what they look like until moments from their fight. If you were fine with Sora in the previous game then what in the hell is your deal with this one when the only thing that's changed is his outfit? The only time Roxas ever appears is in TWTNW and Twilight Town, Riku only appears coated in Mulan and then TWTNW, Mickey is only in Twilight Town, TWTNW, and Radiant Garden, and Auron is the only one who is in a Disney world permanently. The only complaint you would even have is with Port Royal and everyone agrees it looks like shit there.
You've already convinced yourself the game is shit and aren't even making any sense in your arguments.
Having an epic, iconic series like Toy Story being in a Fanfiction game like KH3, its just really sad
KH has no impact on any of the lore of any of the series it crosses over with.
Hell, I am only aware of two crossover games that are canon with one of the series tied into the crossover
Honestly, some of the cutscenes in KH2 are really well done, like the intro movie and everything in Traverse Town. They just lose their impact when the majority of the story consists of lighthearted, bland filler with self-contained plots that are impossible to care about. Sure, the Organization stuff is campy and kinda lame, but I'd much rather have that in the end.
KH has no impact on any of the lore of any of the series it crosses over with.
Heaven, I am only aware of two crossover games that are canon with one of the series tied into the crossover
why did you copy
ok, I believe you
Care to elaborate?
What does KH2FM do better than KH2?
Forces you to git gud so it annihilated the "mash X and triangle" memers
FM adds more (optional) bosses + 1 new story boss
a new drive form
Crowns for platforming challenges
enhanced gummi ship missions
How did it do that?
i wish the series ended in DDD, desu
So the toxic fanbase will die horribly
>Waited 2 years to get two trailers back to back, a buttload of information, and a literal demo
>Still being this impatient
Sit your ass down boy you waited 12 years for this game you can wait another.
>More Keyblades.
>Mushroom XIII challenges.
>More synthesis items.
>Lingering Will boss battle which is pretty much the best in the series.
>Data battles with the entire Organization including characters you could never fight outside of Chain of Memories.
>Roxas boss battle in The World That Never Was since it wasn't part of the story of 2 along with a data battle.
>New movesets for the Organization members in the data battles.
>New Drive Form that lets you get Dodge Roll since the original game only had Quick Run.
>One of the best areas in the series, the Cavern of Remembrance since it's vast and progress relies on you having leveled up your forms and you get to utilize them in massive areas.
>More pickups in the form of crown puzzle pieces that hand you new items that help you along the way and give you even more incentive to upgrade your forms.
>New cutscenes including things like Xemnas talking to Aqua's armor.
>Critical mode and all the restrictions that come with it.
>Crowns which are basically physical trophies Sora wears.
I know there's more.
They made a new difficulty and tweaked the balancing in such a way that it punishes you from mashing X to win which 99% of the playerbase does, forcing you to use the interesting underlying mechanics of the game the game itself doesn't bother to teach you.
Toy Story movie sequels are terrible. KH will breathe new life to it. Get used to it, pleb.
Why is people so hyped for KH3 i don't get it.
KH2FM was perfect already, there's no need for more shit
>forcing you to use the interesting underlying mechanics of the game the game itself doesn't bother to teach you.
shame other SE games don't do this
8th generation needs a good game
Sounds like a huge improvement. Does KH1FM improve on anyting other than a new boss?
With Critical mode. You can still mash through half the fights (including some bosses), but others force you to stand back and analyze the situation since jumping right in basically results in insta-death. The end result is a more authentic experience of the game, where you've got to adapt to its rules to survive. In KH1, even Proud mode can be overcome by spamming Aero, Cure, and the attack button. Not so in KH2 Critical.
no, KH1FM is basically the same game, in fact they made it easier by adding leaf bracer
>im a pleb and managed to get bronze crown only
>Xemnas boss fight in Hollow Bastion.
>Right stick controls the camera properly now.
>Instead of having to go to the bottom of your command menu to open up chests or examine something you can just press triangle.
>Very slight rebalance of difficulties, the normal Final Mix mode is the western Proud mode which was harder compared to the original JP Proud, and Final Mix Proud is even harder.
>New abilities, most notably No Experience, Ripple Drive (Which makes early game +Staff tolerable), and Leaf Bracer.
>New Heartless reskins that drop unique synthesis items.
>New synthesis items.
>A couple new Keyblades.
Both games also reskinned everything barring Screwdrivers and the Nobodies.
I'm absolute shit at the game and I got gold twice. Once last week in fact. You can do it too.
>>Right stick controls the camera properly now.
>>Instead of having to go to the bottom of your command menu to open up chests or examine something you can just press triangle.
>> No Experience
Those were added for the HD re-release, not the original KH1FM.
Well shit, I thought only BBSFM got reworked.
How could you not get to gold?
What if FFXV got a difficulty mode that did that?
huh? The PS4 is amazing.
The only good thing was the combat everything else was shit and a complete downgrade from 1.
>What if FFXV got a difficulty mode that did that?
you can still facetank everything and Hold O because you have like 10 seconds to use a healing item when you get to 0 HP.
so what did the FM add to BBS?
>Hold O
>you have like 10 seconds to use a healing item when you get to 0 HP
Seriously, why would anyone think it's a good idea?
Couldn't have they add that to Easy Mode and have anything outside of that be a normal action game?
You need good mechanics in the first place. It wouldnt work for FFXV, it would just show further how bad the underlying gameplay is.
Minigames within the worlds, extra superbosses and an extended Final Episode.
>Monstro, No Heart, and Armor of Eraqus boss battles.
>The entire Secret Episode for Aqua.
>Nerfed Mysterious Figure's rope attack because it could instantly kill you even through Once More and Second Chance due to the period of time it took to throw you to the ground, for you to land, and then for him to throw it again and bypass your invincibility frames from landing.
Outside of that I can't think of anything else they added. I think one of the Keyblades was new? Keep in mind the Final Mixes add stuff that the original didn't have for Japan so while it might be sparse for us it's usually pretty big for the Japanese side. If I recall correctly 1 JP didn't even have Sephiroth originally, the west got him.
DDD HD only added three or four new Dream Eaters and added proper hit stun like in KH2, but other than reworking 3DS mechanics like toy minigames, Reality Shifts or whatever the world specific attacks were called, and portals there wasn't much added to that.
>Seriously, why would anyone think it's a good idea?
>Couldn't have they add that to Easy Mode and have anything outside of that be a normal action game?
the director is a hack.
>You need good mechanics in the first place.
also this
Okay. It's not out yet but sure.
I'm surprised FMs keep poping up. Is it really profitable to spend time improving a rerelease to that extent?
They couldn't do patches before. BBS was pretty much pushing it but at this point we'll probably just see paid DLC or actual patches than them releasing special editions. Well, barring something like a 3.0 collection or something where they further tweak things.
>KH is terrible
>because it's terrible
I miss drive forms
>oh man I'm so progressive and tolerant by putting all opinions in the same basket and saying that they should all be equally respected
KH3 is pretty much confirmed to have 13 worlds.
"Sigly less than KH2, KH2 had 15"
Less disney worlds! KH2 had 12
9 Disney worlds `+ 4 original ones is my bet
That's been the last 6 KH threads in the last 3 days.
>Retarded magic system
You clearly didn't mix it with your combos I see
>opinions should be respected
I agree, this Jewish hogwash should be stomped into the ground.
Shibuya is most likely confirmed since Neku said you'd meet in Shibuya so there's a good chance that's one of them. Twilight Town also has had gameplay featured there several times so that's two. It would be surprising if we didn't get a fully explorable Destiny Islands as well since they need to give us more backstory on Xehanort due to him having lived there, and then Traverse Town is a no brainer.
>playing KH 1.5
>grind for all items to synthesize Ultima Keyblade
>realize I've been following the KH 1 version
Waste of my fucking time.
Not to mention drive forms which change your combos, add new combo modifiers, and variants to your magic in all situations (ground, aerial, finishers for both)
Valor gets a lot of shit for not having good defensive options and no magic but even that has its uses and is fun to play with
Lad, synthesizing any Ultima is a waste of time unless you NEED total completion. And if you do, Ultima shouldn't even be your biggest concern.
>all opinions are equally deserving of respect
If you think diarrhea is delicious I won't say anything to you but don't force me to respect your opinion because I'll still laugh at you along with the rest
I really want to beat Sepiroth/Xemnas and guides recommended me to get the Ultima weapon.
You don't need it, but you need to make it anyway for the platinum so there's that.
Sorry mate, but i think i'd be something more like this:
3.Big Hero 6
5.Treasure Planet
6.Jungle Book
8.Toy Story
9.Twilight Town
10.Radiant Garden
11. Castle Oblition
12. Keyblade thingy
I'm not in it for the platinum. I just feel the need to beat those two but I get one shotted quite easily.
No. They can't bring this terrible world back.
>They can't bring this terrible world back.
You are going to have your Finny Fun and you are going to love it
>treasure planet
It will literally never happen.
Kingdom Hearts fans come in three varieties with no exceptions
1) Complete autismos that take it seriously
2) High-Functioning weeaboos that are generally closeted about it
3) Children under the age of 14