What's the secret behind a popular stream?

What's the secret behind a popular stream?

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why is a korean pubg player streaming a good game?

being female

You're entertaining an audience, so you need good pacing.
The first guy is taking his time, the second guy is Russian.

Anyone ever had a fantasy of seeing a big titty streamer long drop hanged and having their breats bounce real good and pop out of their tiny tops when they hit the end of the rope and start squirming / trashing against the noose and their bounds? I think it would be exciting to see haha. Doesn't need to be fatal even, they could be cut down as they start to run out of air.


Having a vagina, even a fake one can work.


I'm a heterosexual man though. Otherwise I wouldn't be interested in women and honestly I'd have much better luck with dates if I was gay

Made me kek. Too bad almost no one will get it.

no, but that sounds nice

>handles on the weights
I think thats the one thing I miss most from the gym. Fuck buying a new set, though.

faggot twitch viewer


>this guy
hey there pardner

Damn, look at all this vidya gaems

either be fuckable/funny&entertaining/somewhat entertaining but consistent/top 1% skilled in a game

They could even make a stream out of it
When she's on the trapdoor the crowd can donate for "death" or "release" and if "death" wins, the lever is pulled and they get a little neck stretching and when they hang, the people can send in donations to get her cut down a little faster or send donations in favor of keeping the set time in the default(usually non-fatal length)

>milk truck just arrive

Not being video games.

Mi hermano!

post more shit like this

Gotcha, boss.


If you're not a female :
>stream at a consistent schedule
>stream games that you yourself like, don't push yourself to play "trending" games if you don't like them
>don't a phony but be nice
>visit other small streams, make friends
>just keep playing
>have a microphone
>don't beg for donations or follows / subs

I know several people who went from nothing to having a steady affiliate and a fair number of subs I directly helped one of them

People watch streamers who do something else. Let's plays, reviews, Game Theories... Then they ANNOUNCE the stream, so it has someone watching from the start and popularity attracts popularity.
Also, a THUMBNAIL is important. Notice that the one on the left looks more pro with green screen.
Language is also important, different countries like different games.

Derp, meant "don't be a phony"
But here are some other protips :

You should visit small streams for games you yourself play. Don't shill your stream, just be an non-aggravating regular and you can send people small donations and subs. Then if they ask whether you stream or not you can say "yeah" and then if you get a few regulars it will snowball from there.

Establish relationships with slightly larger streamers, then give them hosts with the few regulars you've got to make them see you're a nice guy. Essentially being a small streamer is a big "you blow me, I blow you" fest but it helps you establish an audience and through that, popularity.

So essentially if you want to get money from Twitch you also should SPEND money by supporting some streamers you get familiar with and then kinda establish a mutual relationship of favours. DON'T DIRECTLY AS FOR FAVORS OR TO TRADE FOLLOWS THOUGH

That Souls like pretty legit advice honestly.

Also do not start calling out viewers who are lurking. They're not talking for a reason and forcing them will just make them leave the stream if they're uncomfortable. Keep the commentary running if no viewers are around, this also trains you for when you actually have someone watching.

Understanding vidya stteaming isn't about vidya, but a form of talk show.

This is true to an extent. Some people want to watch specific games though.

And if you're female and at least moderately attractive... do whatever. Wear some low cut tops occasionally, show your feet, leverage the fact that you were given a vagina and boobs and rake in that lonely NEET cash.