Want to play certain class

>want to play certain class
>can't, because shitty meta forces you to play specific counters to the other team

>play a meta character
>get banned for not switching

Why does every girl have to play either dva or mercy?

Moira bae counters just fine. Its who I want to play, I'm OK with this.

because they are easy to play.

t. Someone who is either awful at overwatch or has never played overwatch

Every character counters every other character if you are good enough

More like if the other person is shit enough.
Anyone who is even slightly competent as, lets say, Reaper, is never going to be killed by a Winston in 1v1 ever.

I never played mercy until recently, but switching from DPS to her is a real pain in the ass. Every fucking game I die like 10-20 times because of the enemy Winston or tracer. The team wants a healer but they don't seem to understand that we get flanked.

The payload only seems to move forward when I use ult and kill the enemy team.

I think I'm starting to see how different support heros work better on different maps. I just thought mercy was always useful.

That is blatantly false.
1v1 combat is decided by counters in 95% of cases.

>want to play rock
>forced to use scissors when my opponent plays paper

>playing overwatch


you're a dumb diamond player

mercy is the most forgiving retard-proof support
she's the only one with a 2 second cooldown ability to correct her every bad decision and poor positioning

I can only imagine your suffering if you tried ana once

I meant retard-friendly*

retard-proof is everything she is not lol

daw, poor pussy ass bitch can't fuck competitive games over by being a torb/widow main. boohoo. play quickplay

Ana was pretty busted when she first came out, there's a reason she was nerfed like 5 times.
Her grenade was pretty retard-friendly as well, cause short of throwing it at a wall there was no way to misuse it. You just tossed it in whenever you see teammates in a fight.

Haven't played her in a fair while though, she may well be shit now.

Why are sniper mains so fucking garbage in every game? They've been ruining games since the 90s.

*presses shift on you*

I'd like to see you sleep an ulting genji before he kills you regularly.

I barely played for 3 months of this shitty game and I'm not good at FPSs in general, and yet that exactly what I was doing all the time

The best players in the world struggle to do it reliably. So either you're in bronze and the genjis are so awful they make no effort to avoid it. Or you're secretly a god and need to become pro.

Stop criticizing Overwatch
isn't perfect but is the only good class based shooter and no P2W

>ulting genji
*presses e*
*team shoots genji to death*

>Game revolves around switching characters to fit the current situation
>picks one character and only that character
>gets mad when he loses

>it's not a bug, it's a feature!
Unfortunately, some classes are more fun to play than others.

Nah, you press e and your team ignores him because hitting a flipping genji is harder than shooting a roadhog.

>Losing is fun
Ah, a fan of Natural Selection 2 I see?

That's literally perfect.

>playing soyboy games

>Want to switch characters to fit the current situation
>Ult meter (aka objective-winning meter) resets, making me only half useful for another few minutes
>Before I fill my ult meter, enemy I was countering has used their ult then switched to un-counter themselves
Yeah great hero swapping formula there

The hero is a blonde haired blue eyed captain america.

Just have someone else on your team play scissors.

>I just play to have fun bro :)

A good game would reward good, skillful players no matter what class they play and no matter what the other team composition is. Some classes would have a bit of a situational advantage over others, but nothing that couldn't be overcome with some gamesense or sheer technical skill.

maybe your retard team sweetie :)

I just play it for my waifu.


Meta doesn't take into account map control, lane phasing, nor player skill when creating tiers.

IE, shitty Mei player with muh border wall can destroy an enitre tri-tank meta comp squad better than a 1337 Wynnstann-Dyke combo gank ever could dream to.

>game mechanics, boo hoo